
Revision as of 12:11, 20 April 2014 by Sky Blake (talk | contribs) (Character is presumed deceased)
USS Vigilant • USS Avandar
USS Mercury • USS Pioneer
Armory officer
235709.13 239105.01
Aged 33
Species Vulcan
Gender Male
In Memoriam

Lieutenant Sabor, a Vulcan, was an Armory Officer stationed aboard the USS Vigilant-A before taking a long-term leave of absence to spend time with his family. He is presumed to be deceased after the medical facility of which he and his fiance, of whom had given birth to his son two days prior, had been staying. He was bond-mate to Sky Blake, and father to Faith and Ayeden Blake.

Sabor had previously served as an Armory officer aboard the USS Vigilant, USS Avandar, USS Mercury and the USS Pioneer.



  • Had a telepathy rating of E3/T3, and was capable of a mind-meld, but was telepathically bonded to Sky Blake, which enabled him to 'borrow' her telepathic abilities. Sky was also able to borrow the majority of his own, with the exception of his empathic abilities.
  • Sabor was a calm and collected person. However, he was somewhat shy and usually only spoke when spoken to unless he was in a personal environment.
  • Had difficultly understanding certain emotions, and sometimes required some clarification - especially when it came to love or emotional pain. Unfortunately, since he bonded with Sky, he had to deal with many more.
  • Openly admitted to having OCD - liked to make sure that everything was spotless and tidy - specifically hated rats and germs, having been caught attempting to exterminate them.
  • Did not willingly give out his full name, preferring those around him just simply call him "Sabor". Sky believed that the Vulcan spelling of his name may be "Seibhor". He was planning on taking Sky's last name before his death.


Sabor in 2390.

Due to being a Vulcan, Sabor's ears were pointed. When he was standing, he stood up straight, hands clasped behind his back. His brown eyes were soft, but it is unclear on what side of the family he shared the eye colour with, as both his parents have grey and blue.

  • Height: 5'11
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Length of Hair: Short, but only on certain occasions would he grow it out.
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Birthmarks, Scars, Tattoos: N/A
  • Build: Lean.
  • Taste in clothing (Off Duty): On rare occasion, he would wear jeans with a plain shirt. Sabor was used to being dressy, but not formal, and wore dark colours - black, dark blues and greys were his favourite.
  • Taste in clothing (On Duty): Wore a duty uniform, with a gold undershirt showing his affiliation to Tactical. Always had a phaser in its holster and a tricorder with him, even during a ship-wide green status, out of habit. His boots were always polished no matter what, and he would always wear a clean uniform.
  • Linguistics: Native language was Golic Vulcan, but is fluent in Earth English after living there for so long. Due to bonding with Sky, he also spoke Seritonian Brekkian, although, he had a serious accent.


  • Habits: Had to make sure everything was tidy and in order.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: None currently.

Hobbies and Pastimes

  • Cleaning/Tidying Up
    • Constantly had to make sure that everything is tidy. Usually continued to sterilize all the weapons in the Armory.
  • The Armory
    • Anything that needed to be done in the Armory was something that Sabor enjoyed doing. He loved his work - he was an expert in hand held weapons and blades, was able to take the apart and put them back together without blueprints or plans, and was obsessed with making sure each weapon is accounted for, had had a safety check in the last month, and was sparkling clean.


All of the above should be counted.

  • Being with his family
    • Loved spending time with his bond mate, daughter, and for the short time he knew him, his son, even if it was just the four of them in their quarters relaxing.
  • Apples
    • Was constantly having an apple as a snack. Apple pie, apple juice, apples in general - to top it off, there was always a bowl of five apples in the Armory. He playfully claimed that they relieved his stress.


Part of the living room of Blake's quarters on the Vigilant. They were always clean due to Sabor's presence.

The small family of three lived in the Vigilant-A's LtCmdr quarters as a temporary measure - as soon as Sky and Faith moved to Deep Space 6, which was the original plan, he was to move into Lieutenant quarters. There was the occasional ornament on the shelves, a large bookshelf completely filled with books, set up in sections - children's books, non-fiction, novels/fiction, religious texts, and books Sabor saved from Starfleet Academy. Faith's toys could also be found in a colored box next to the couch. There are a few paintings from both Sky and Sabor's backgrounds. Images of family friends can also be seen (of Sabor's family (his parents and his sister Veusa) and of Sky's friends Hannah Martinez, Deven Zell, Hannibal Parker, and Chase Valaine).

In Faith's room, a Jaspern (a Brekkian rock capable of glowing and changing colors) served as a nightlight.

Sky and Sabor's room was very simple, with nothing unusual in it. While the wardrobe bore the clothing of both Sky and Sabor, Sky's clothing was more dominant, and took up the most room. About three small boxes with a set of five weapons in each, were in a locked draw of the tallboy (and why wouldn't they be with Faith around) along with two of her phasers. There was always a phaser on Sky's bedside table (with its battery in the top draw) alongside both a communicator and telepathic inhibitor. On Sabor's bedside table, there was usually a bottle of hand de-bug next to a rather thick book or a PADD he is reading.

  • Favourite Room: Unknown - Presumably the Armory, judging how much he loved his work.


Sabor worked in the Vigilant's Armory (located on Deck 9), but occasionally took his paperwork back to his quarters. He was rarely seen working outside of the Armory, unless he had gone for a break.


Sky Blake in 2391.


Was due to marry Sky Blake, who had previously served aboard the USS Vigilant as a Security/Tactical officer before resigning her commission in order to spend more time with her daughter Faith. The relationship began presumably started when the two were serving at the Embassy of Duronis II and on board the USS Thunder. Sky requested him on her staff since she met him on the Mercury, pleased with his efficiency and his work ethic. The two became public after a month on board the USS Avandar, when Sky legally made him her daughter Faith's father.

Sabor and Sky had a very loving relationship. When Sabor went through pon farr, the two became telepathically bonded, enabling them both to borrow each other's abilities (however, Sky was unable to sense others emotions as Sabor could). Because of this bond, however, the two seemed to be inexplicably becoming more like each other - Sky had begun to exhibit more calm and logical reasoning, while Sabor showed more emotion and had become protective of those around him (whilst before meeting Sky, he was known for being selfish and had somewhat of a lack of consideration for others).

When the couple found out they were expecting a second child, Sabor became increasingly concerned about Sky's health and well-being. The two argued over what she could and could not do whilst on and off duty telepathically. Thankfully, it had been resolved - with the two coming up with 'ground rules' that they both had to follow. Regardless, his concern didn't change, and he was frequently in her thoughts when he was unable to be by her side. The two became engaged on stardate 239102.25, and Sky gave birth to their son, Ayeden Hamish, on stardate 239104.15. It is presumed that Sky is also deceased.



Sabor's eldest brother, who passed when he was ten years old. For the majority of his life, Sabor considered himself responsible for Tuvrem's death - Sabor had gotten himself stuck chest-high in a mud filled hold, and Tuvrem rescued him, cutting himself in the process. Tuvrem's wound was infected, and he died due to the lack of medical attention - something that was considered highly unusual for the Vulcan family. However, many years later, Veusa directed Sabor towards the medical records of their deceased brother - it is a possibility that Tuvrem's cause of death may have actually been something to do with a heart condition. Their parents have not commented on the matter, and the questions are still unanswered.

It was Tuvrem's death that may have caused Sabor's germophobia, and in turn, his OCD. He also seeks regular medical attention, even for miniscule cuts.

Most recent images of Veusa and Syb.


The second eldest brother of Sabor's family (four years older than Sabor), Syb was apparently troublemaker in the beginning of his teenage years. He disappeared shortly after Tuvrem's death, resurfacing occasionally to let Sabor know the basics - if he's alive, where he is at that moment, etc. It is said that Syb is the family's biggest disappointment.

Supposedly, Syb is working in working in trading. Reports suggest that he has been involved in petty crime in multiple sectors - although having had the majority of his charges were dropped. Sabor's sister, Veusa, apparently has constant contact with him and talks to him regularly since starting at Starfleet Academy. Visiting her in her break, Syb happened to be present with Veusa when Sabor called to tell her of his engagement.

While Sabor understood that Syb was not the direct cause of Tuvrem's death, Sky believed that he may have still felt that Syb was responsible. Sabor tried to avoid talking about Syb or Tuvrem's death.


The youngest, and the only daughter of Sabor's family, Veusa was born four years after Sabor. She is the most emotional of the family, having grown up among Terrans and studying among many other races. Sabor looked after her frequently - notably scolding her for her continued use of emotion when they were children. This finally stopped, however, when finally reached the age of 18 and told Sabor to "shove it". Regardless, Sabor loves his sister and supports her - whenever he receives word of one of her achievements, he is unable to stop talking about her.

Veusa is studying to become a nurse, and Sabor theorizes that Tuvrem's death may have been the cause, regardless of being barely six years of age at the time. Although she believes that he can be a pain at times, Veusa cares deeply for her brother and his well being and regularly contacts him. She has yet to meet Sabor's bond mate and her daughter, and was surprised when Sabor revealed that he was engaged to them.


Faith at 2 years old.

Born on stardate 238905.17, Faith is not biologically related to Sabor (and has no paternal genes other than from Sky's father's side), but it's believed that she may have been the reason of the beginning of Sky and Sabor's relationship. Sabor stepped in as her father-figure, and after a period of time, he was legally made her father.

It's reasonable to believe that Faith will gain the same abilities as Sky - some sort of telepathy, and a Brekkian charge. Currently, she is capable of speaking simple sentences, the majority of which are in Vulcan Golic. She has been unable to pick up Sky's language (Seritonian Brekkian). Sabor was always spending time with both Sky and Faith whenever he can.

  • Ayeden Hamish Blake

A boy, born on stardate 239104.15, of whom supposedly takes after Sabor even in his extremely young age. Ayeden was born on a transport to Sky's home of Brekka after an unexpected call from Lila Cole (Sky's mother). Ayeden shares his fathers brown eyes, but only has slightly pointed ears. There are questions being raised as to how Ayeden had been removed from the medical facility mere minutes before it had been destroyed with his parents still inside. It is also unknown what exactly will happen to Ayeden, if he is to stay with his grandmother and sister, or to be separated from them to be cared for by a foster family.

Personal History

Sabor grew up in the city of Baltimore on Earth, the third child to S'Berta and Turbok. Sabor did not normally spend much time with his older brother Tuvrem - of whom was 16 years older than he was. Syb, although becoming more reckless as he grew older, was often Sabor's playmate.

At the age of nine, Tuvrem passed away - the causes unknown to his siblings. Sabor, for a long time, believed that it had something to do with an infected injury and Tuvrem not wanting treatment - and that Syb may have been the cause, having left their house door open for a nine year old Sabor to leave and play in a thunderstorm, Tuvrem leaving the house in order to search for him. Syb disappeared shortly after Tuvrem's death, but apparently kept in touch with his parents. It is believed that Sabor obtained his germophobia and OCD from Tuvrem's death.

As a teenager, Sabor grew very close to his sister, of whom he found himself looking after constantly whenever his parents were away on business or working. Although Sabor has Vulcan qualities very much like his father, Veusa had gained none of them - having been brought up and schooled around Terrans, which influenced her behaviour. There would be many arguments between brother and sister, most of which resolved rather quickly.

Sabor had a relatively 'regular' life during Starfleet Academy, nothing of interest to note. He knows many people from his classes, but did not make any proper friends in his four years there other than that of his teachers. An interest in technology and operating systems quickly became more specific - a study of weapons and tactical systems, of which he became an expert.

He was assigned to the USS Pioneer, where he spent the first three months as a Security officer, before finally being granted the position of Armory officer (and remained in that position for the remained of the two years he was there). Sabor worked closely to Lidia Ivanova until she was reassigned late 2388. Sabor himself was eventually transferred to the USS Mercury early in the following year. It was rumored that he gave cheek to his department head at the time, Lieutenant Sky Blake, and the relationship between them was strained at first, but he somehow gained the trust to explain to Lieutenant Blake that he felt as though he was not fitting in well with the crew. From that point on, the majority of the Security department caused little to no problems for Sabor - his Armory in the best condition it had ever been in since he transferred aboard.

It is unknown when Sabor's relationship with Blake properly started. The two were transferred to the Duronis II Embassy together, but there was no hint of their relationship until after her daughter Faith was born. Three months after, Sky cheated on Sabor with Michael Valentino, unhappy with the slow nature of the relationship between them. It caused a rift between the two that lasted until they reconciled on board the USS Avandar. A few months later, Sky appointed him as one of Faith's legal guardians and the two bonded telepathically when he underwent pon farr - also conceiving their second child in the process.

There have been several arguments between the two through the course of Sky's second pregnancy - mainly to do with her health, after a scare where Sky found herself unconscious with a case of blood poisoning due to the fetus being half Vulcan (something of which Sabor blames himself for).


See also: Professional History & Medical Record


Received a high education in Baltimore, excelling in classes such as electronics, computer systems, and mechanics. Sabor also briefly played violin - at the request of his mother - but dropped the instrument after only two years of learning.


Sabor begun the Academy on an Engineering course, but quickly changed fields when he discovered an interest with weapons systems.

Military History

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Cadet, 4th Class 238301.14 - 238701.01 Starfleet Academy, San Francisco (Earth) Student
Majors: Engineering & Tactical
Starship operations   Weapons systems
Armory   Combat
  Cadet, 3rd Class
  Cadet, 2nd Class
  Cadet, 1st Class
  Ensign 238701.01 - 238704.11 USS Pioneer Security Officer
  Lieutenant JG 238704.11 - 238803.11 Armory Officer
  Lieutenant 238803.11 - 238902.12
  238902.12 - 238904.23 USS Mercury
  238904.23 - 238908.22 USS Thunder/Duronis II Embassy
  238909.21 - 239012.31 USS Avandar
  239012.31 - 239103.11 USS Vigilant
  239103.11 - 239104.04 USS Vigilant-A


For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Listing
Award Name Date Presented By Ship
  Bajoran Campaign Ribbon 238901.02 Captain Tallis Rhul USS Mercury
  Good Conduct Ribbon
  Klingon Campaign Ribbon 238910.31 Captain Della Vetri USS Avandar
  Explorers Ribbon 239007.14
  Gateway Ribbon 239011.16
  Joint Meritorious Unit Award 239103.11 Fleet Captain Diego Herrera USS Vigilant


See also: Sim Archive

USS Mercury Missions

  • The Taint of Sanctuary

Duronis II Embassy/USS Thunder Missions

  • Lost and Found
  • Duronis II Embassy 2389 May-June-July-August Shore Leave
  • Deadly Alliance

USS Avandar Missions

  • 2389 Drake/Avandar joint mission
  • 2389 October/November Shore Leave
  • The Dreamspinner

USS Vigilant Missions

  • The Zakdorn Stratagem Redux
  • 2391 February/March Shore Leave

USS Vigilant-A Missions

Category;Deceased characters