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Starbase 118
STO LtCommander Black.jpg
STO Blank Black.jpg
Position Diplomat
Rank Lt. Commander
Species Vulcan
Gender Male
DOB 229712.24
Age 104
Birthplace Ta’Raan, Vulcan

Solek is a diplomat in StarFleet and a traveling Ambassador in the Vulcan Diplomatic Corps when needed. He is multilingual due to the nature of his work and therefore has been given high classification within Starfleet intelligence as Cultural Advisory Consultant.


  • Full Name: Solek Ku’Vel’Raa’Kur
  • Race: Vulcan
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: T/5


  • Height: 6’3”
  • Weight: 250lbs
  • Hair Color: Wispy brown, early hint of gray - which seemed to run in the family
  • Length of Hair: Short
  • Eye Color: Dark brown, almost black
  • Skin Tone: Slight tan.
  • Birthmarks, Scars: Medical records show scaring on left knee and up left thigh.
  • Build: Healthy, fit. More body builder than runner.
  • Face: Somewhat worn. Oval.
  • Eyes: Keen and observant. He speaks volumes with his eyes if one pays attention
  • Mouth: Set in a strict line. Thin lips that sometimes are seen in a “sour pose”
  • Arms: Long and built. His arms are unusually long so long sleeves have to be tailored special
  • Legs: Athletic, use to standing for long periods of time.
  • Carriage: Upright, assured and confident.
  • Poses : He faces people when they are talking to him. Rests one arm across his chest and rests the other arm; elbow on other arm and hand up holding his chin - The thinking pose.
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Always on duty. Dress clothes. Suits or suit like outfits. Blacks and gray are preferred suit colors, Blues on rare occasions
  • Shoes: Black boots
  • Voice: Steady and cool. Tenor.
  • Handedness: Both


  • Quarters: Clean and organized. Has an odd collection of nick-nacks from the worlds he’s visited.
  • Favorite Room: Favoritism is not logical.
  • Habits: Clenching his teeth, or locking his jaw.
  • Mannerisms: Quiet until needed. He’s considered a bit of a smooth talker. Humor is not lost on him, and often times he spouts off a good burn or rebound if the time is appropriate.
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Reading and writing. He writes to distract himself during hectic times or to clear his head, even to help with meditation. Usually poetry or abstract short stories. Reads anything and everything. Even subjects not related to things he is familiar with he reads.
  • Likes: Honesty and truth. Foreign languages. Dancing - though would never say so. Vanilla pudding.
  • Dislikes: Liers, including white lies.
  • Ambitions and Goals: To achieve the highest position he is fitted for.
  • Achievements in Life: Being accepted into the Vulcan Academy, later StarFleet. Being accepted into the Vulcan diplomacy committee and later working with Federation Diplomats and ambassadors. To have been had picked by Starfleet intelligence due to his language talents
  • Disappointments in Life: No moment in life is worth being disappointed over.
  • Temperament: Extreeeeeeemely hard to temper.
  • Mental problems: Medical records say, No. But anyone who knows him would say he was a little mental in regards to his shared sense of humor.
  • Physical Limitations: Giving Birth


  • Marital Status: Divorced - Lady L’Var, Deceased Lady T’Valia
  • Children: N/A
  • Parents: Muroc & Mitrani Ku’Vel’Raa’Kur
    • Father: Muroc - On the Vulcan High Council
    • Mother: Mitrani - Clan mother and Archeologist
  • Siblings:
    • Satok - Older Brother - Being groomed to take Father’s place
    • Sarissa - Baby Sister - Musician


Solek was born to Muroc and Mitrani, middle child and their second son. He was brought into the world in the old traditional ways, with little complications.

Yet for all their desire to be submerged into tradition, their children all fell short. Solek was the least felt strayed child, his demeanor being quiet and withdrawn. He found comfort in books, the written language. The connection between all languages, young, old or even dead, was an inspiration for the Vulcan. Though not verbal.

Solek refused to speak until he was 5 years old. And when he started, his vocabulary was all over the place and not entirely Vulcan. He had learned so many languages, and all before speaking his own, that he rambled on in different languages. It took many hospital visits, specialists, and above average intelligence to uncover what had happened.

Muroc and Mitrani simply couldn’t win. Solek’s older brother was wild. Loud and fierce, his emotions didn’t control his actions, but his lack of impulse did. If a thought crossed his mind he leapt into action, good or bad. Which meant disciplinary actions well into his adult life. While the youngest and only sister’s emotions refused to be kept in line. They bubbled just below the surface, her behavior at the whim of the moment and her feelings. Solek was the odd, reclusive mute. At least until his older years.

Languages became an interest due to the variety of it. Though not one to talk more than he had too. One could suppose it came about from reading so much and wanting to read more. More meant otherworldly writings. Which meant new languages, it was a full circle sort of thing.

As is tradition, Solek was betrothed to L’Var at the age of 7, then left to their own lives until the day of their joining. L’Var was from a prestigious family, her bloodline as desired as was her beauty. By the year of joining, early in comparison to others, she was a protégé for her family and for her career. A leading scientist in evolution and the stability of life. It was the same year he was accepted into the Vulcan Diplomatic Corps. Their lives and careers seem to be just beginning. And much to her father’s disapproval, as he felt the quiet man was not yet up to his expected standard. He viewed the man as behind and of lower living status. Not entirely untrue, Solek didn’t have a house - as he traveled more years then days he was home. He had very little in the way of reputation, as he spoke very little and his work all behind the scenes of events that moved without incident.

It was as dramatic as Vulcans could get.The wedding preparations came to a sudden halt and demand for the dissolving of their betrothal. Solek was informed of all the ways he needed to improve - all the ways he fell short. Much to the disappointment of Solek’s mother, he agreed. Solek recalls the look of relief on L’Var’s face as they parted, never to cross paths again.

He left for the Diplomatic Corps, out doing those newer diplomats that outranked him in the field. All the while, his mother worked diligently to find him a new wife. Unfortunately, a dissolved marriage came with a sort of stigma, making it a slightly more difficult task. There was logical concern for his well being, as any Vulcan parent would be.

After 4 years he would return home at the request of his parents. They had found another wife-to-be. A sweet woman, with a quiet demeanor. She was an academy director for early years. Her life revolved around children. T’Valia seemed a much better candidate, and upon initial interaction even Solek seemed pleased. Yet it would end in heartbreak. They would be married for 2 months, enduring his first PonFarr together. She hadn’t planned to leave home that day, but he was called into service. She went with him to the embassy to see him off. Little did they know that there was going to be an attack by the Dominion on their soil, so deep into Federation space. He never had a chance to react or say goodbye. T’Valia was caught in the crossfire from planet security and the invading enemy force. She had tried to protect others in the heat of the moment while he had tried to pull her to safety.

Despite the short live togetherness, it hurt to have his mate ripped from him.

He had changed

Though it wasn’t as noticeable, already a recluse made it easier to slide under the radar.

He had jumped into work, feet first and forced himself to not look back. Solek knew it served no future purpose to dwell on that which he couldn’t change. He spent long months surrounded by other cultures, all having a slight input on his behavior. The one thing most absorbed, in general, was humor. Though he had a fondness for the dryer of the comedic scene. And perhaps the only real noticeable way he changed.

There was still a question of a mate, something that loomed in the background. His mother is quite concerned with his inability to bond. Though she knew it wasn’t any fault of his.

His diplomatic career took him to many worlds. Solek had a passion and keen interest in traveling and submerging himself into the culture of those he interacted with. Including a few to many drunken nights with Klingons, games with Wadi, parties with the Antosians, even dancing on a few planets. To help ease tensions and even make a few things easier, Solek was on the job the commission into StarFleet. Much like Major Kira did near the end of the Dominion war. He was also paired with StarFleet Intelligence in between the Corps. Having an ear and eye for the many nuances and quirks to people and language had its advantage.  

He is currently up to 211 proficient languages, sub-dialects and culture traits. 144 - subpar, 72 - enough to not have to use a translator. Reading and writing is significantly more due to the early interest. And it grows more every day.  

Insignia Rank Date(s) Posting Assignment
01-Ensign-Violet.jpg Ensign 2349 - 2350 USS Valkrie Traveling Ambassador / Diplomat
02-LieutenantJG-Violet.jpg Lieutenant JG 2350 - 2352
03-Lieutenant-Violet.jpg Lieutenant 2352 - 2359 Starbase 82
2374 - 2375 USS Tambourine
2375 - 2376 USS Dodger
2376 - 2377 USS Quintex
2377 - 2378 USS Grainger
04-LtCommander-Violet.jpg Lt. Commander 2381 - 2386 Starbase 111
239411.10 - Present Starbase 118