Captain, Age 37, Caitian
Christopher has a great deal of respect for the Captain and feels a growing loyalty towards him as a result of the Captain recognising his potential and supporting his development. |
Christopher Caldwell/sandbox2
Relationships |
Romantic Interest, Age 31, Trill
Christopher is convinced he is in love with Esa Kiax but is fully aware that she is out of his league, nevertheless he enjoys the thrill of the chase and hopes that, despite some rebuffs, she enjoys it too, even if she pretends otherwise. |
Friend, Age 29, Human
Christopher likes and respects Charles and the two usually get on well and are occasional drinking buddies, despite this the two have nearly come to blows in the past. |
Complicated, Age 28, Human
Christopher feels Alix is something of a kindred spirit, both being naturally competitive and taking pleasure in taunting the other. He enjoys their rivalry with his personal highlight being the time he defeated her in basketball. |
Colleagues, Age 28, Bynar
Christopher is intrigued by the Bynars and feels somewhat protective towards 000. He doesn't quite understand the connection that exists between the two of them but it's something he is envious of. |
Colleague, Age 27, Betazoid
Christopher appreciates Sevantha's skill as a doctor and her genuine concern for his wellbeing. Despite this he feels uneasy around her as a result of her telepathic abilities, something he actively tries to frustrate during more sensitive conversations. |
Colleague, Age 152, Ba'ku
Christopher hasn't spent much time around Gwen'ora and is a little worried he hasn't made a good impression on her, something he is keen to correct. |
Mother, Age 54, Human
Rachel Caldwell is an artist living in England. She is exceptionally proud that her trouble maker son as grown into a man his father would have been proud of, serving as a Starfleet Officer. |
Father, Deceased at Age 38, Human
Ethan Caldwell was a Civilian Engineer who was off planet supporting the reconstruction of Cardassia following the Dominion War when died in 2377. Christopher was only five when his father passed. |