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Ensign Engineering Officer PNPC Application

USS Astraeus


Ensign Cassidy Warren

“You cannot protect yourself from sadness, without protecting yourself from happiness.”

Jonathan Foer
• Basic Profile

Personal Basics

  • Full Name: Cassidy Warren
  • Sex: Female
  • DOB: 237405.10
  • Age: 27
  • T/E Rating: E3


  • Height: 5'6"
  • Build: Athletic and lightly curvy
  • Hair: Dark Brunette
  • Hair Style: Short, just above shoulder length with light waves
  • Eyes: Grey Blue
  • Handedness: Right
  • PB: Marion Cotillard
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• History
Pre-Starfleet ⮟

Cassidy Warren was born and raised for 6 years on Velestus to Ricard and Melanie Warren. The small Centauran family was happy while living there. At this time Melanie was an attentive mother, who shared a healthy work life balance of spending time at home before going back to work on her Oceanography endeavors with other scientists in the area they lived in. Ricard had a nice job with one of the local engineering companies and did the same. When both were busy, family took care of the young girl.

Around the age of 6, Ricard Warren was offered a job at a Warp Technologies company based on Vulcan. This being an opportunity of his lifetime this far, Ricard asked if his family would move. At first Melanie was all for it. Till she looked further into it and realized her husband was asking an Oceanographer to move to a desert planet. She begrudgingly accepted and the family moved. Taking up a small residence on the planet and began working with their daughter to make sure she would be prepared for the culture shock of growing up on Vulcan.

It was different for Cass, but she learned and was an intelligent child, so she made due as she grew up. But her mother on the other hand, never found her footing among the desert planet and took up a job off world. Traveling here and there Cassidy's whole childhood from there on. Being a Mother to the young girl that was not constantly present. At first, this was stressful for the young girl, however, she eventually got into a rhythm and was closer to her Father for it.

Cassidy, while a Centauran among Vulcans, eventually found her footing in schooling and worked her hardest to keep up with her fellow students. There were some problems growing up in the thin atmosphere and warm planet for the two Centauran's over the years but the adapted and worked through it. The whole time between the logic focus of everything on the planet and the sharing of the enjoyment of engineering from her father, it was clear where Cassidy wanted to go with her life. Engineering!

Though that was a few years off as Cass still needed to finish her primary education on Vulcan. So she kept working along side her classmates, becoming close with several that she had been with the majority of their schooling. While a reserved young woman, Cass was free to show some emotions even though her friends did not often. But they welcomed her light shows of emotion, at least she believed so as they continued to include her and communicate with her in the standard Vulcan friendly manner.

There was one day during her last year of schooling, Cassidy and her friends were out at a park studying and talking. Cass reached over to touch a friend, Vantis, on the arm which was bare at the time. Instead of it being a normal touch, something happened to the young Centauran as instead of just feeling the warmth of the Vulcan's skin, she felt everything. Every emotion. Every cadence of strong emotions that were shoved beneath a surface of logic. It was as if she was mentally attached to the rapid river of emotions that made up her friend. The sudden onslaught of emotions caused Cassidy to collapse and grab her own head. Her concerned friends reached out to help her only for her to quickly try and get away, holding her head as their emotions hit her in waves at every touch. She couldn't control the wave of information on every feeling from the Vulcan's. So she just ran once she could control herself enough to do so. Ran home as quickly as possible.

Father and Daughter worked through what the awakening of her empathic abilities meant and booked a trip back to Velestus to work with a specialist on the planet. It was learned that her abilities were strong, ones that could peer into emotions of another in a deep manner upon touch. It was learned that if someone prepared and blocked her natural mental emotional searching upon touch, that she could touch them and feel barely anything or the emotions at the forefront of the persons focus. However, not everyone knew how to keep themselves closed off. The Vulcan's being people with strong emotions that they kept controlled was a terrifying first example of her ability. Though since and with the help of those on Velestus, she learned to work with the ability.

Eventually once she was comfortable, they moved back to Vulcan. Though with the fear of touching someone present, Cass' friends provided her gloves and ideas on clothing for the warmth of Vulcan to help keep her from accidentally touching someone from occurring hopefully. Once the young woman finished school, Cassidy applied and was accepted into Starfleet Academy.

Starfleet ⮟

Cassidy Warren joined Starfleet Academy on Earth where she greatly enjoyed the adventure that was life on this planet. Between school, Cass focused on herself. Getting comfortable with her now nearly constant covered form and the adventures she did while planet side. These included rock climbing and cave exploring throughout the various areas she could. Though she made sure to pay attention to her school work, though having grown up the daughter of a man who worked on warp engines for a living and who grew up enrolled in Vulcan schools, she had an easier run of things at academy.

Upon her graduation from Academy, she was assigned as an engineering officer aboard the USS Charleston. There she served for four years where she excelled as a engineering ensign. Eventually though she wanted a change of pace and applied for a transfer to a new ship in a new region of the universe. With everything terrible that occurred during Frontier Day, she was transferred upon the conclusion to the USS Astraeus.

Civilian Pet Specialist PNPC Application

USS Astraeus


Civilian Aliza

“The animal world shows us the potential we can unfold. But to learn from them, we must first learn to speak with them.”

Ted Andrews
• Basic Profile

Personal Basics

  • Full Name: Aliza
  • Nickname: Liz / Liza
  • Sex: Female
  • DOB: 237212.20
  • Age: 29


  • Height: 5'4"
  • Build: Slender and Small
  • Hair: Red Mid Back Length
  • Hair Style: Straight or in a braid
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Skin Tone: Pale with Freckles
  • Handedness: Right Handed
  • PB: Molly McArthur

Professional Experience

  • Bachelors: Graduated from the Iowa State University Biology Program with a focus in Pre-Veterinary medicine.
  • Continued Education: Veterinarian Medicine at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine
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Ensign Weapon Specialist PNPC Application

USS Astraeus


Ensign Daren ch'Varia

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”

Winston Churchill
• Basic Profile

Personal Basics

  • Full Name: Daren th'Varia
  • Sex: Male
  • DOB: 237708.12
  • Age: 24


  • Height: 1.84m (6'0")
  • Build: Athletic and Tall
  • Hair: White
  • Hair Style: Few inches long and lightly tossed, sometimes neatly
  • Eyes: Light Blue
  • Skin Tone: Darker Blue tinted skin
  • Handedness: Left
  • PB: Ian Somerhalder
• Personal Information
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• History
Pre-Starfleet ⮟
Starfleet ⮟

During his first few months as an officer on the USS Astraeus, it was pretty uneventful. Till frontier day. It was during frontier day that Daren was one of the young officers who were changed into a borg. He eventually was released after the field was put in place by the chief of Ops and resumed his duties, watching the brig full of changelings once he was himself. Since he has worked to not blame himself for anything that had happened and worked to heal.