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USS Constitution
Lt Nalni.png
Position HCO Officer
Rank Lieutenant
Species Barzan
Gender Female
DOB 237101.27
Age 31
Birthplace Barzan II
Writer ID V239507GG0

Lieutenant Nalni, a Barzan female, is currently aboard the USS Constitution-B serving as the HCO Officer.


  • Full Name: Nalni
  • Race: Barzan
  • Date of Birth: 297101.27
  • Place of Birth: Barzan II
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 5'9
  • Weight: 125lbs
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Build: Thin, but toned
  • Handedness: Right handed


  • Marital Status: Single
  • Children: N/A
  • Parents
    • Father: Sahn - Deceased
    • Mother: Trixl


  1. 237101.27: Date of Birth
  2. 238909.25: Enrolled into the Academy
  3. 239306.10: Graduated from the Academy
  4. 239306.10 - 239604.02: Stationed aboard the USS Nowak
  5. 239604.02 - Present: Transferred to the USS Constitution-B


Nalni was born on the planet Barzan II on stardate 297101.27. Being from a humble family she was raised as what Humans would call homeschooling. After he father had died, her mother took it upon herself to raise and teach Nalni. Trixl wasn’t able to work on the planet due to the planet being very resource-poor so she would take Nalni on trips across the Alpha Quadrant which led her to learn more about the Federation.

Once she was old enough, she took it upon herself to travel to Earth and seek more information about Starfleet. Although nervous and shy at first because of her breathing device trying to avoid looks from others, she finally got used to the planet and enrolled in the Starfleet Academy at the age of 18. She’s become more extroverted since graduation and in the three years aboard the USS Nowak.