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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code BJRN
Federation Status Allied
Planet of Origin Bajor
Encountered Throughout the DS9 series
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level K+
List of Named Bajorans

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A humanoid race, distinguished outwardly only by extra wrinkles at the bridge of the nose. The Bajorans had a thriving primitive culture in the arts and sciences 25,000 years ago. They slowly developed space travel and colonized their system and several nearby star systems. They are almost identical to Terrans except for distinctive nose ridges and minor differences in the female reproductive system. Their heart's internal arrangement is mirrored along a horizontal, not vertical axis; puncturing the lower ventricle of the heart brings immediate death, as discussed on stardate 46982.1. The Cardassian Empire conquered the Bajoran race in 2328 and formally annexed 2339. Bajoran freedom fighters repulsed the Cardassians in early 2369. Soon afterwards the Bajoran wormhole was discovered in the Denorious Belt.

Since the discovery of the wormhole near the Bajoran homeworld on stardate 46379.1, the Bajorans have enjoyed an increase in political power in their sector, but only after decades of victimization during the Cardassian occupation of their planet. Some Bajorans have a unique and personal insignia designed for themselves. Major Kira knew the famed Linalis' insignia on sight. School years are organized by age "levels," and even in the refugee camps they offered art to youngsters as young as age 4 â⿬⿿ when Major Kira felt she was the worst fingerpainter. Bajor's tradition of art and architecture was strewn around countless planets before the occupation. Its science and space programs were back on track soon after the occupation: at least one probe was sent to scan planets and life signs in the Gamma Quadrant. Relations between Bajorans and their former oppressors can still be testy, as Professor Lang notes.

By custom, their familial name is used before the individual name. The ancient Bajorans had a tremendously rich and developed civilisation complete with architecture, art, philosophy and even some technology before human beings on Earth became bipedal. Many Bajorans have joined Starfleet despite their home planet of Bajor still being in recovery from the Cardassian occupation, while others prefer to work with the Federation from within the Bajoran system. Among their complex death rituals, Bajorans hold that a deceased soul should make peace with its former life and bid goodbye to those left behind before proceeding on to the afterlife.

The depth and complexity of Bajoran spiritual beliefs has been at the core of their ability to survive 40 years of suffering at the hands of the Cardassians. To the Bajorans, the land and the people who live on it are one and the same. Bajorans are led by both a spiritual leader (Kai) and by a provisional government.