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- Proper Name: Illuminati
- Pronunciation: [ih-Loo-Mih-nah-Tee]
Home System
- Quadrant: Delta Quadrant.
- Location: ???? Sector
- Proper Name: Sularum.
- Pronunciation: [Soo-lah-rum]
- Star: (Dual Neutron) stars.
- Distance from Star: 207 million km, or 1.38 astronomical units.
- Companions: One other planet. It is the 2nd planet in the system.
Home World
- Proper Name: Srx'Anckoloth (Spelled Phonetically )
- Pronunciation: Unpronounceable
- Diameter: 14,433 km (8,968 miles)
- Gravity: 0.75 standard gravity with a density of 5.8
- Axial Tilt: 0.87%, no appreciable tilt and no seasons
- Orbital Period: 471 days
- Rotational Period: 36 hours
- Classification: M
- Surface Water: 58%
- Atmosphere: 1.07 is a standard pressure with 75% nitrogen, 24% oxygen, 1% trace chemicals
- Climate: Warm semi-tropical with tropical at the equator.
- Population: Just over 750 million
Very little is known about this species history. What is known is that many species have myths, legends and tales as well as occasional artifacts that seem to indicate that this species visited their world sometime prior to their developing advanced technology and space travel. However no concrete proof exists to prove that all these incidents were caused by the same species or even by the Illuminati.
The name given to this species was selected by Pro. Albert Dondermire, an expert in both archeology and xeno-biology. He selected the name due to certain conspiracy theories that seemed to indicate that a ultra secret organization had been behind the over all development and advancement of the human species on Earth. Some of the theories claimed this group was actually aliens.
At this time the existance of the Illuminati is still mostly conjecture.
It is thought that they have an Oligarchy based Government. The family with the oldest members are usually in control. Although there exists no "Real" government as we know it. They have no need for Currency. There is no crime, aside from Murder, which only takes place during their election period which only occurs once every 50 earth years.
There is apparently only one crime that is enforced, that of the Crime of Muder.
Murder is the unlawful killing, with malice and aforethought, of another being, and generally this state of mind distinguishes murder from other forms of unlawful homicide like the accidental killing of another Illuminati. Since it is suspected that they have a type of hive mind, along with their own individual personalities, a Murder is almost always evident as either a Murder, or an accidental Killing. So there is rarely a need for a tribunal.
The commission of a murder is highly detrimental to the good order within their society, it is considers a most serious crime worthy of the harshest of punishment. Those proven guilty of murder of another Illuminati has a choice. To be Banished from their home-world, or to join the victims family as the lowest ranking member.
The following description is based on numerous historical documents claiming actual contact as well as the various legends, tales and myths that were found to be part of multiple species' historical data bases.
While this species does resemble Terrans in basic overall appearance, they are much taller and have slender limbs and torsos, due to the lower gravity environment on their planet. They are also always very pale skinned, and they have enlarged eyes, as well as Craniums. Similar to the Earth specific phenomenon of The Grey's.
- 1) Illuminati have completely black eyes with no discernible irises. It is believed that this is a natural evolution due to living in a Binary star system.
- 2) The second distinguishable physical feature is their completely hairless, and enlarge cranium. Also, their ears are simple cavities with no lobes or other protruding features.
- 3) The Illuminati have been described as being of a hive mind similar to The Borg. However. Unlike the Borg, they have a dual mind-set, where they can attempt to keep some of their thoughts private, possible remnant from their biological ancestors. Only everyday thoughts or emotions are capable of being kept secret. If there is any strength behind a thought or emotion, then it is impossible to hide.
- 4) The Illuminati have been shown an ability to enter and even control the minds of other beings.
- 5) The Illuminati have extremely long lifespans yet they do not seem to age as humans do.
- 6) In recent years when there has been an (Speculation) Illuminati sighting, they have exhibited a hostile demeanor as well as actions. In the past 400 years of sightings they have almost always been described as benign, or indifferent. There is no current hypothesis as to why the have become hostile.
Notable Facts
The Illuminati, have in the past been confused with the race called Talosian's. But there are too many differences for the comparison to hold any merit.
They have also been compared to the Earth Specific UFO phenomenon named The Grey's
The Greys
The Greys are thought to be an extra-terrestrial species that were most often reported by people around the world. Reports from individuals who have been in contact with the Greys vary on their intentions: some say they are kind beings-here to guide us through our evolution, while others believe they are cruel invaders intent on ruling the planet. One thing is certain, most people who have come in contact with Greys believe that they are actively abducting people on a regular basis. The Greys are reported to be abducting individuals and extracting eggs or semen to create a grey-human hybrid.
The Greys are also alleged to have crash-landed in Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. Also, it is widely believed among researchers that the Grey species entered an agreement with the U.S. government to provide us "hardware" in the form of advanced technology for "software", which being human beings.
Unknown at this time.
Unknown at this time.
Unknown at this time.
Unknown at this time.
Unknown at this time.
Unknown at this time.
Unknown at this time.
If this species does exsist then examination of the various historical data bases of numerous species would seem to indicate that they had developed advanced technologies and space travel when some of their species were still living a primative life style. One of the few things that seems to indicate that this species may be real is the various artifacts that have been unearthed. Certain elements are unknown in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. However thanks the exploration conducted by the USS Voyager it has been determined that these unknown elements are from the Delta Quadrant.
As a result it is believed that they would still be more advanced technologically.
Unknown at this time.
Unknown at this time.
Federation Intelligence Files
No positive contact reports exsist however numerous species have some mention of this species in one form or another within their historical and fictional data bases.
THIS PROFILE WAS RE-WRITTEN BY THE SDC; Species Development Committee
- If in the coarse of a mission or shore leave new information not included in this report is discovered or developed then a copy of said data must be forwarded to the SDC as per Federation and Starfleet internal directives. To contact the SDC to file a report go to Updating Species Files.