Diaz Quarters

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Star Base 118
Allen Garrett Diaz


Personal Logs  ·   Medical Records
Professional   ·   Personal
Notable Relationships
Friendships  ·   Romantic
  • DOB: 235408.17
  • Age: 34
  • Height: 5’11’’
  • Eye color: Dark Brown
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Birthplace: Star Base 143
  • Diaz's PNPC's: Diaz PNPC
  • Diaz's Quarters: Diaz Quarters


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Lt. Commander Allen Diaz's Quarters are located on Deck 1041 Section 47 Alpha, along the outer hull wall

Diaz Quarters.jpg

  • Allen's Quarters is that of the Privacy style

Housing less than 5% of the base's population, the privacy residences are few-and-far between in the habitat areas, though wildly diverse in layout and architecture. Houses of this type have access directly off of a corridor, as opposed to all other housing types, which are accessed via lobbies (apartment style), lounges (suite style) or communal areas (community style).

Privacy style residences cannot easily be categorized, as some are quite small (one bedroom), while others maybe very large (four-to-five bedrooms). None share facilities with other houses, as this style residence is dispersed quite widely among the habitats.

Despite their singular nature, these residences are highly sought-after, and waiting lists may be longer than five years at a given point in time. They are generally reserved for V.I.P's such as the Admiralty, the commanding officer or the head of Black Tower who require privacy (although some of these may instead opt to live in other types of living area).

Allen lucked into his Quarters. Being the full time 2nd Officer and Strategic Operations Chief of Fleet Operations came with a few benefits and Privacy was one.

The Quarters is a two bed room,using one room as a guest room. Walking into the Quarters you walk into the Allen's study with the Master Bed room to the right. The left goes into the living room and dinning room, with the guest bed room past that. The quarters also host 2 and half heads/bathrooms.

Allen Likes his Quarters dark. Leaving the lighting low.

  • The Study

The Study