SCE StarBase 118 Division Proposal

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Proposal for STARFLEET CORPS OF ENGINEERS: STARBASE 118 DIVISION (by Nathan Baker, 238007.31)

Mission Statement: The members of this program would like to create a setting where Engineer's can share information with each other and the rest of the UFOP to improve the excellence and precision of SIMs not only for Engineers, but for all members where Star Trek Technology is a key focus. Also, we wish to share original ideas with the UFOP to enhance the creative aspect that our Engineer's might have in mind.

Plan: Our charter members would like to find a way to come together and share our ideas. We could have both In-character and OOC situations. Also, we wish to publish an Annual Engineer's journal with articles and papers submitted by Engineer's with their original ideas.

We would try and enroll members of Engineering staffs from throughout the Ships in the UFOP to have as many different perspectives on Star Trek technology as possible. And, perhaps a website dedicated to Engineer's and Star Trek technology.

Resources: There are a few things we will need from the Captain's Council and the UFOP. These include a form of communication, be it a YGroup or a dedicated thread on the UFOP message boards. If message boards are used, we would need a qualified moderator. Also, we may need council on preparing a set of bylaws to govern our group. Finally, later on, we may need asisstance on creating a website.