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Xindi-Reptilian | |
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Four Letter Code | XREP |
Federation Status | Allied |
Planet of Origin | Xindi |
Encountered | In the 2150's in the Expanse. |
T/E Rating | T0/E0 |
Current Tech Level | N |
List of Named Xindi-Reptilians | |
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- "We destroyed our world and survived. Think about that before you challenge us."
- a Xindi-Reptilian saying.
- "We destroyed our world and survived. Think about that before you challenge us."
- The Xindi-Reptilians are a species of aggressive humanoid reptiles. Violent and determined to be victorious during their civil war resulted in the destruction of their homeworld.
Home System
- Quadrant: Beta
- Location: Seti Bindere Sector (coordinates B28-0002-1308)
- Proper Name: Gavahh system
- Star: It orbits a class A (White) star
- Distance from Star: its orbit is approximately 58 million km
- Companions: 5 other planets. It is the 4th planet in the system. (now destroyed)
- Moons: it had 4 moons. (now destroyed)
Home World
- Proper Name: Adurr Gavahh, Xindus (now destroyed)
- Diameter: 22,412 km (13,926 miles)
- Gravity: 1.05 standard gravity with a density of 3.3
- Axial Tilt: 12.6% with normal seasonal changes
- Orbital Period: 437 days
- Rotational Period: 33 hours
- Classification: M
- Surface Water: N/A (now destroyed)
- Atmosphere: N/A (now destroyed)
- Climate: N/A (now destroyed)
- Terrain: N/A (now destroyed)
- Population: N/A (now destroyed)
- Population: They have approximately 13 billion people scattered across numerous colonies, outposts and living among other species.
The early history of the Xindi is a remarkable one but eventually the minor conflicts escalated and they destroyed their own planet in the mid 2030's. Fortunately many of them all ready had colonies off world and they had enough warning that they were able to save much of their population.
The Reptilians were one of the main warring factions and did not accept the fact that their world was going to be destroyed. As a result they did not bother to initiate any evacuation procedures when they were warned by an alien species that their home world was doomed. As a result they lost over 60% of their total population when Xindus was destroyed.
This same species then informed them years later that the humans from Earth would one day destroy all of the Xindi. As a result they built and deployed a probe that they sent to Earth. This probe ended up killing millions of humans. With a successful test completed they started to develop a much bigger weapon that could destroy the planet Earth with one shot.
This alien species was called the Guardians by the Xindi and they practically worshipped them, considering them saviours.
The Reptilians were firmly behind the development and use of both the probe and the much larger version that would be used to destroy the Earth. In fact they argued against Degra when he approached the Xindi council and offered evidence that the mysterious aliens were lying to them and that the humans were not a threat to their very existence.
The Insectoids could not be convinced and they sided with Reptilians. They would not even consider the possibility that the Guardians had been lying to them. When it appeared that the council might vote in favour of stopping the attack they helped Dolim and the Reptilians hijack the weapon and deploy it for use.
The NX-class starship Enterprise first encountered Xindi-Reptilian warships during Enterprise's mission in the Delphic Expanse in the fall of 2153, when the Reptilians mounted an assault on the ship to extract the Xindi spy Rajiin. Two of these ships proved to be approximately an even match for Enterprise.
Although this class of ship was designed primarily by the Reptilians, the Xindi-Primate Degra did some work on the vessel's power systems. This provided him with crucial knowledge that allowed his weaker ship to attack and destroy one of these vessels when it attacked Enterprise in early 2154.
Reptilian commander Dolim led his warship and the Xindi superweapon in an effort to destroy Earth. The Andorian battle cruiser Kumari engaged the warship to buy time to beam Jonathan Archer, Malcolm Reed, Hoshi Sato and a team of MACOs to the weapon, drawing it away. After Dolim transported to the weapon, the Kumari took advantage of weakened shields over the warship's starboard engine and destroyed it.
A coalition of Primates, Arboreals and Aquatics joined forces with the Earth vessel Enterprise and were able to destroy both the super weapon and the threat of the Guardians who were altering the very nature of space within the expanse.
As a result a kind of peace was achieved between the Xindi and Earth. Over the years this relationship has slowly evolved to the point that the Xindi are currently entertaining the idea of becoming members in the Federation.
Six different intelligent species developed on Xindus; one of them, the Xindi-Avians, was believed extinct by the 2150s. The surviving species were united under the governance of the Xindi Council, which contained two representatives from each species. Commander Dolim was the Reptilian representative on the Xindi Council until 2154.
Prior to the destruction of their home world the Xindi did not have a single government. It was only after they lost their home world that they were able to finally form a joint council with 2 members from each of the 5 species having a voice and a vote. This system worked well until they discovered that the Avians had not been wiped out as believed. It took almost 75 years but finally the Avians were convinced to accept a spot on the council and each species now has 3 representatives.
Xindi-Reptilians are members of the multi-species Xindi race. They were easily the most aggressive of the six species, which shared a genetic ancestry.
The Xindi-Reptilians had yellow to brown-colored scales with multiple spikes coming out of their heads. They had yellow eyes with slitted vertical pupils, and were cold blooded. Like other Xindi, they had characteristic ridges on their cheek bones. They also were stronger and had greater stamina than humans.
The different Xindi species were extremely similar in their functionally-important DNA, sharing over 99.5% despite the apparent physical differences. All the Xindi species shared distinctive ridges on their cheekbones and foreheads.
Like most reptiles they require an external heat source as they are cold blooded.
Reptilians were perceived as being untrustworthy and impatient by the other Xindi species. A common Reptilian saying was "Patience is for the dead." It was said that "Dealing with Reptilians is like bargaining with the sun. You make no progress, and you come away burned." Nevertheless, the Reptilians were the first choice for when force was needed. Reptilians preferred to be on or near the ground as opposed to up in the air.
With their easily provoked and opinionated nature, Xindi-Insectoids often sided with the Reptilians on certain issues. They sometimes even shared ships with each other. Reptilian soldiers were surgically implanted with a "suicide gland" that secreted a neurotoxin when they were captured.
The Reptilians were the species of Xindi that seemed to be most interested in destroying the planet Earth. The Reptilians lived out a militaristic lifestyle and hoped to ultimately rule over all the other species of Xindi.
Numerous experts from a wide range of species have been confused by the Xindi religion for many years. The number of unusual contradictions and seeming inconsistencies have left them puzzled and perplexed. First of all is the fact that each species have their own name for their god. Next is the fact that each species perceives that god to be a reflection of their own best qualities. Each species portrays their god as being similar in appearance to them.
What has confused the experts is that all 6 species agree that they all pray to the same god. Furthermore they have never had any hostile disagreements over the many differences between how each species honours their god. They all accept those differences. In fact it is not unusual for Xindi of different species to all use the same temple even if the beliefs, images and ceremonies are nothing like those found in their own temples.
The Reptilians call their version of their god Kamoda. His image is that of an impressively muscled physical giant that could easily defeat any and all opponents. His image is always made of black metal and stands 10 feet tall.
The Reptilians do have temples but any place that has a statue is considered to be a holy place. When it is a temple the building is cave like with multiple entrances and a high stone ceiling. Otherwise any place that has lots of stone can and may be used as a holy site.
Some experts believe that the heat retention abilities of stone may be the reason why it plays such an important part in their religious practices.
Unlike some of the other Xindi species the Reptilians could not be bothered to save any of their recorded history as well as the ancient writings of their ancestors. What little they still retain was found in ships data storage or compiled from salvaged material.
They have a rigid militaristic society. One that seeks to eventually prove their dominance over the other Xindi species. Position with them is a combination of military rank and political power. Not to surprising in a culture that glories in physical combat and proven aggressive skill.
The Xindi practically worshipped the Guardians, considering them saviors. Children were taught to revere them and give thanks to them at the end of each day. It was a terrible offence to question a Guardian. Crime is almost unheard of unless it is committed by one of the other Xindi species.
While the Reptilians can appreciate various forms of artistic expression they prefer to engage in physical contests. Activities that test their abilities and push them to their limits. As a result they enjoy a large variety of competitive physical activities.
From the moment they are born they are aggressive, combative and violent. They have to be watched and controlled or they will attack each other. Organized physical activities that seek to give a safe avenue for venting these aggressive tendencies are necessary.
As they get older the need to participate in these activities is slowly replaced by the desire to participate in the same kind of activities as a form of relaxation and for enjoyment.
They are not the most advanced Xindi species with the majority of their people becoming workers or warriors. They usually get new technology by trading with the other Xindi species. Right now they are slightly behind most Federation member worlds.
Reptilian weapons used eel-like power cells. Their biorifles worked on a rotating modulation that self-destructed when accessed by other species. The Reptilians also used thermal chambers on board their ships, due to their cold-blooded metabolisms.
The Reptilians are not that concerned with trade and usually only trade with other Xindi for the few raw resources that they can not mine or produce for themselves. They tend to be less inclined to bargain as they do not have the patience or the social skills needed for successful negotiations.
The Xindi-Reptilian warship was a large warship utilized by the Xindi-Reptilians during the mid-22nd century. They were capable of maintaining operations with a crew of twenty-two. These vessels were heavily armed with particle beam weapons and torpedoes, well-suited for the Reptilians' aggressive nature. However, they were not as well-armed as the powerful Xindi-Aquatic scout ships, which were of similar size but were much more advanced. Reptilian ships were equipped with sensor encoders. In the event a ship was destroyed, a Reptilian analysis team could determine the cause of its destruction. The Reptilian warship had at least seven levels. These contained many corridors, a cell somewhere on the ship's first three decks, as well as a dining chamber and the commanding officer's thermal chamber.
The seeker was a reconnaissance device developed by the Xindi-Reptilians originally for use in the Xindi Civil War. It incorporated anti-gravity technology to fly and seek out enemies and then report back to its operator. It, like much other Xindi technology, incorporated biological components – so much so that a Starfleet scanner could actually mistake it for a Xindi bio-sign.
The Reptilians attempted to use a pair of seekers to locate Gralik Durr on the Xindi-Arboreal colony, but one was destroyed by Enterprise personnel. The other escaped to report in, but its scans were not definitive enough for its masters to reach any conclusions. Gralik claimed that he had destroyed the first seeker because it was frightening the tree scarabs he was hunting.
Federation Intelligence Files
The Xindi (pronounced ZIN-dee) were an alliance of species who evolved on the same planet in the Delphic Expanse, known as Xindus, whose infamous attack on Earth and attempts to terminate Humans in the early 2150s changed the course of history and initiated the series of events that helped establish United Earth as a major interstellar power.
In the mirror universe, Xindi ships fought in a conflict with the Terran Empire sometime prior to 2155. In the 26th century of an alternate timeline, Xindi served on the USS Enterprise-J during the Battle of Procyon V against the Sphere Builders.
Information for this article was obtained from both Memory Alpha and Beta. Also used were the following TV episodes ENT: Rajiin, ENT: Azati Prime, ENT: The Shipment, ENT: Zero Hour, ENT: The Council, ENT: The Expanse, ENT: The Xindi, ENT: Exile, ENT: Twilight, ENT: Carpenter Street, ENT: Proving Ground, ENT: Damage, ENT: The Forgotten, ENT: Countdown, ENT: Home, ENT: Hatchery, ENT: Stratagem and ENT: The Forgotten.
Also used were the following written sources Star Trek: Communicator issue 149, p. 51, 52 & 56 and the Pocket ENT novelization of "The Expanse" and "The Xindi", entitled The Expanse.
This file was updated and approved by the SDC on 25 February 2013
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