SIM:Nicholotti Epilogue Mors Non Est Finis
((Surface, Planetside))
A soft breeze blew through her hair, causing it to be tossed up into the air like a dark cape that stretched out behind her. Upon it, the soft scent of something flowery, reminiscent of early spring back on Earth. Somewhere in the distance, the sounds of songbirds danced upon the same tendrils of wind as they reached through the branches of impossibly tall trees and made the leaves dance, fluttering in the promise of new life.
New life was the epitome of this place. It was intertwined in its very creation, and it served as its purpose. From the darkness, there was light. From the lifeless, life. And buried deep within its very core, the blood of fourteen souls had been the seed from which all of this promise grew.
Kali lifted her crystalline blues upwards, following the rays of sunlight through the canopy of trees around her. Rustling of leaves told the tale of small creatures that had made this place home, and for a moment, she thought she could almost hear the whispers of those who had provided them life. As the whispers faded into the sound of the dancing leaves, she realized that it was only the planet breathing.
One step at a time, the raven-haired commodore made a careful path through the underbrush further into the light. The rays became brighter, the warmth stronger, and the grass taller. Now, instead of the leaves rustling in the ever-reaching breeze, it was the tall blades of grasses that moved to and fro like waves on a great verdant ocean. Peace and serenity permeated the very air around her, and for the first time since the Resolution had been lost, she felt like perhaps it had not been in vain.
Lives had been lost, but strife and pain had been transmuted into paradise. Kali could only dream of leaving behind that kind of legacy.
Looking out further, she could see a body of water gently waving as the fingertips of the winds stirred its depths. A splash here and there told her there was life there too; the planet, despite its origins, was full of it. Creatures of all sizes, colors, and types played, darting here and there, jumping in and out of the water, running up and down the trees. Kali couldn't help but smile at it all, ever thankful to have the opportunity to see it at least once before she had to go.
She sighed. The only thing that could have made the moment more perfect would have been sharing it with those who probably needed to see it as much as she had. Perhaps one day they would. A nearby tree dipped low enough for one of the branches to be within reach. It was there that she carefully placed a picture with the seal of the Excalibur and the last image of the senior staff she had before the change.
At least here, they would continue with the ones they had lost in perpetuity. Here, time could not drag them apart.
Taking one last look around, Kali smiled sadly and finally let the tears that had been threatening for days to fall. Just two streamed down her cheek as she closed her eyes and tapped her badge, bringing to an end yet another chapter in her life.
Nicholotti: =/\= Nicholotti to Excalibur, one to beam up. =/\=
As the glimmering lights of the transporter encompassed her, her crystalline eyes locked on to the image on the tree as she finally said goodbye.
~ The End for the Excalibur~
May you all enjoy fair winds and following seas, and perhaps one day we will sim together again!
-- Commodore Kalianna Nicholotti Commanding Officer USS Excalibur - A
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