Basic Stats

  • Name: Jared
  • Location: Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
  • Joined StarBase 118: Stardate 239712.06
  • Writer ID: R239712AS0
  • Favorite Trek series/movie: Next Gen is the best gen! Although, I eventually took a liking to Enterprise.
  • SB118 emails:
  • Discord: TheRealSherlock#6926
  • Instagram: @salt_daddy_597

About Me

My hobby is collecting hobbies. I love talking about them so don't be afraid to ask. Everything from watch making to gunsmithing to writing. I was, in my previous life, an extreme sports athlete as well. GP and Superbike racing, competitive rock climbing, to big wave surfing. You can find my Lower Decks interview here, and my interview for winning the Natasha Yar Pin here.

Player Characters

Aine Sherlock

Lower Decks Interview here.


Rilkald Zetol (retired)


Note: Any current crew member is allowed to sim the following characters.

Eren th'Chaorhith


Talar R'mor, Romulan first officer of the transport ship Ekhesai (Mercy). Mission: Stranded.

Raban, Suliban terrorist who participated in the attempted theft of an illegal Genesis device 2398. Mission: Cats Among The Pigeons


The Academy Ex.



OOC Awards

Citation (2398): Since coming aboard out of the Academy, Sherlock has been willing to jump on in and participate in anything that any of us needed help with. From the wiki, to images, and just JPing and connecting with the rest of us, Sherlock’s contributions go a long way towards making the Resolution feel like home.

Citation (2398): By adding imagery to our wiki, offering image creation services to us and others, and by generally putting pictures to the things we write, Sherlock provides yet another layer of creativity and depth to what we do. While it may seem like these are another part of the process, they are very appreciated and definitely make what we write more real and enjoyable for all.

Citation (2398): Presented by Kalianna Nicholotti: There is a lot that goes into a good security officer. With plenty of on-screen examples, we have a pretty good idea of what it takes to serve in this role on a starship, but it takes a special writer to bring it all together. The recipient of this year’s Natasha Yar Pin, Jared - aka Lieutenant JG Aine Sherlock - does a fantastic job and exemplifies everything we look for. Strong, true, smart, and witty. The character Jared writes jumps off the page and fills the role so well I can't imagine the Resolution without her.

Every sim that Jared writes and every contribution to the story that he adds is one that we all look forward to reading. He takes us on a journey through Sherlock that shows us that a good security officer is vulnerable sometimes, and not always one to make the best decisions. But, when it comes to the safety of her crew, there are no chances, no second guesses, and no wondering about where her intentions are. Beyond the character, Jared serves in many other roles as well, including the incredible upkeep of the Resolution’s wiki and in the capacity of making graphics and images.

With each thing he adds, he offers something that adds to the depth of our fleet and lends credence to why he is this year’s Natasha Yar pin winner. I look forward to seeing him go far with us in the 118 fleet. Congratulations!



Tour of Duty Achievements - Ensign to Lieutenant Junior Grade

Friends in high places
What's up, doc?
Penny for your thoughts
It's all in the details

Tour of Duty Achievements - Lieutenant Junior Grade to Lieutenant

A face for the name
Data hound
Follow up appointment
A head full of dreams

Tour of Duty Achievements - Lieutenant to Lieutenant Commander

Man on a mission


Back to the past
Part of the team
It takes two
Press F to Honor
Rules of engagement
The Collective Intelligence
Holy dArtagnan!
I heard that
Subspace Communicator
Friend in need
Honored guests
She was a fine ship
No pearly gates, only revolving doors
What do you want to do tonight, Brain?

OOC activities



Inquiry Class
