Serellan Sector

Revision as of 00:40, 27 August 2020 by Alora DeVeau (talk | contribs) (Made it so intro doesn't automatically collapse.)
Serellan Sector
Trinity Sector
Jenatris Cloud Sector
(Sector 118 map)
Local Species
Stellar Phenomenae
Federation Presence

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▼ Introduction ▼

Trinity Sector.jpg

The Serellan Sector (coordinates B24-0005-1300) is located on top of the Trinity Sector. Just like the Trinity Sector this region is of major strategic importance, and is shared between the three major powers of the Beta Quadrant. These three major powers are the Federation, Romulan Star Empire and Klingon Empire.

The Federation maintains an active starbase along with a small fleet in the region but the other two major powers also maintain a heavy presence in their part of this sector as well. The starbase is right on the border between the Trinity Sector and the Serellan sector.

One edge of the sector is dominated by the Azure Nebula, which extends into the Acamar Sector, Trinity Sector and the Binara Sector.

▼ Federation Landmarks ▼

Starbase 118

This Federation starbase is a Trojan class II spacedock, and is home to a monitor fleet of vessels. It was built right on the border between both the Trinity Sector and the Serellan Sector at coordinates 20-08-10.

Epsilon Outpost #11

Prior to the signing of the Khitomer Accords, this was a military outpost in charge of first-eye defense on the Klingon border. Now, it is used as a listening post. It was built right on the border between both the Trinity Sector and the Serellan Sector at coordinates 20-02-13.

Azure System

This star system is located at coordinates 14-01-15.

The system has 2 gas giants and 2 planets. Azure III is a barren planet where a few clans of Gatherers, nomadic members of the Acamarian race have established a base.

Miri System

This star system is located at coordinates 06-07-11.

Miri IV has a population of 500,000. Founded as a earth colony it was almost wiped out. It now houses a number of races and has requested membership into the Federation.

Roth System

This star system is located at coordinates 18-08-13.

It has 4 planets and 2 asteroid belts. Roth II has a native population of 86 million.

▼ Klingon Landmarks ▼

Crin-Lok System

This star system is located at coordinates 08-16-17.

This system has a large gas giant and a hostile greenhouse planet as well as an asteroid belt. One of the moons in orbit of the gas giant has been converted into a maximum security prison.

Kan'da'har System

This star system is located at coordinates 17-07-16.

This system is fairly small with a Class M planet and a medium gas giant.

Kan'da'har has a military training base and a small colony. Their is also a very large native population on the planet. The natives are divided into 3 major tribal groups that have been waring with each other for hundreds of years. These natives are from a pre warp level of technology.

QI'tu System

This star system is located at coordinates 13-17-13.

It has 2 asteroid belts and 1 hot rock ball of a planet.

Veqlargh Star Cluster

These 6 star systems are part of a cluster called the Veqlargh Star Cluster. Half of these systems are within the Trinity sector and the other half are within the Serellan sector.

The Veqlargh star cluster was home to the Ameone race. The Klingons waged an unsuccessful war against them over 400 years ago. During the war billions of space mines, asteroid weapons platforms and communications jambing devices were produced by the Ameone and scattered accross the star cluster. As a result this region of space is now too dangerous to enter.

▼ Romulan Landmarks ▼

Chulak Nil System

This star system is located at coordinates 07-13-03.

This star system has a hot rock ball, terrestrial planet, rock ball and a medium gas giant.

Koval Ra System

This star system is located at coordinates 12-01-02.

This star system has a hot rock ball planet, terrestrial planet and a icy rock ball planet.

Rekar System

This star system is located at coordinates 16-06-07.

This star system has a small, medium and large gas giant as well as a greenhouse planet and a Class M planet.

▼ Other Landmarks ▼

Azure Nebula

A quarter of this nebula is within the Trinity Sector (B02-0005-1300), Serellan Sector B01-0005-1300), Binara Sector (B01-0004-1300) and the Acamar sector (B02-0004-1300). See Federation records listed as Azure Nebula File.