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Xindi-Aquatic | |
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Four Letter Code | XAQU |
Federation Status | Allied |
Planet of Origin | Xindi |
Encountered | In the 2150's in the Expanse. |
T/E Rating | T0/E0 |
Current Tech Level | N |
List of Named Xindi-Aquatics | |
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- "It is easier to count the stars in the sky, than for an Aquatic to come to a decision."
- a Xindi saying about the Xindi-Aquatics.
- "It is easier to count the stars in the sky, than for an Aquatic to come to a decision."
- The Xindi-Aquatics are one of 6 Xindi species, a peaceful marine life form that prefers solitude and has the reputation of taking forever to consider a problem before responding to it.
Home System
- Quadrant: Beta
- Location: Seti Bindere Sector (coordinates B28-0002-1308)
- Proper Name: Gavahh system
- Star: It orbits a class A (White) star
- Distance from Star: its orbit is approximately 58 million km
- Companions: 5 other planets. It is the 4th planet in the system. (now destroyed)
- Moons: it had 4 moons. (now destroyed)
Home World
- Proper Name: Adurr Gavahh (now destroyed)
- Diameter: 22,412 km (13,926 miles)
- Gravity: 1.05 standard gravity with a density of 3.3
- Axial Tilt: 12.6% with normal seasonal changes
- Orbital Period: 437 days
- Rotational Period: 33 hours
- Classification: M
- Surface Water: N/A (now destroyed)
- Atmosphere: N/A (now destroyed)
- Climate: N/A (now destroyed)
- Terrain: N/A (now destroyed)
- Population: N/A (now destroyed)
- Population: They have approximately 6 billion people divided between 3 major colonies on 3 planets that are mostly water.
According to the data that has survived the Aquatics are referred to as having been the first, from an evolutionary perspective, of the Xindi to have gained intelligence. Federation experts believe that their development as a relatively peaceable society was a result of not being land-based.
During the Great Diaspora in the 2030s, the different Xindi species engaged in a civil war that ended with the destruction of their home world. The Xindi-Aquatics, like all the Xindi, had to colonize other worlds in order to survive.
They already had a colony on Azati Prime before the war broke out. Thanks to the Guardians, they were able to find other habitable worlds to colonize as well. Since they were not involved in the conflict they started to transfer as many of their people off world as they could. Due to their use of such large vessels they were able to save over 57% of their people.
This alien species was called the Guardians by the Xindi and they practically worshipped them, considering them saviours. Children were taught to revere them and give thanks to them at the end of each day. It was a terrible offence to question a Guardian.
In the 2140s, the Guardians warned the Xindi Council that, unless they destroyed Earth, the Humans there would destroy their future home world. The Aquatics were originally against the building of a super weapon; however, they changed their minds after the Guardians presented a visual record of their future world's destruction. They eventually agreed to create it and were assigned to build the Xindi weapon, because they were the most level-headed and efficient. The weapon was built underwater on Azati Prime.
In late 2152, they agreed to the launch of a miniature prototype weapon, which killed seven million people on Earth. This led to the Humans sending the Enterprise NX-01 into the Expanse to stop the weapon. Throughout the following year, the Council monitored their advancement, as the Reptilians and Insectoids suggested alternate ways of exterminating the Humans. At the Council meetings, the Aquatic councillors were often the more balanced and level-minded members, suggesting that they continue monitoring them instead of sending a fleet to destroy them right away.
In 2153, after finding the location of the weapon, Captain Jonathan Archer, of the Earth ship Enterprise, tried to use the Insectoid shuttle to get into the weapon and destroy it, but was captured before he could do so. While he was away, the Xindi-Reptilians and Insectoids opened fire on Enterprise, nearly destroying it.
Degra didn't trust Captain Archer, but couldn't let go of the possibility that he was telling the truth that the Guardians manipulated the Xindi. In early 2154, after the Xindi Council ordered the Reptilians to cease their attack on Enterprise, Degra had the Aquatics, the only ones he could trust, transport Archer back to Enterprise. After he briefly regained consciousness aboard their vessel, he was put in an escape pod and left adrift for Enterprise to find.
The Aquatics finally decided to help the Humans, when Enterprise promised to destroy the Sphere network. As a result, the Aquatics sent several of their ships with Enterprise, the Arboreals and the Primates, in their concerted effort to fight the Reptilians and the Insectoids.
Ultimately, most of their fleet was defeated when the Sphere Builders triggered the spheres to create massive anomalies, which breached the hulls of the Aquatic ships, releasing water into space.
With the super weapon destroyed and the threat of the aliens altering the very nature of space within the expanse stopped, a kind of peace was achieved between the Xindi and Earth. Over the years this relationship has slowly evolved to the point that the Xindi are currently entertaining the idea of becoming members in the Federation.
Prior to the destruction of their homeworld the Xindi were ruled for eons by the Primates. It was only after they lost their home world that they were able to finally form a joint council with 2 members from each of the 5 species having a voice and a vote. This system worked well until they discovered that the Avians had not been wiped out as believed. It took almost 75 years but finally the Avians were convinced to accept a spot on the council and each species now has 3 representatives.
In 2154, one of their representatives to the Xindi Council was Kiaphet Amman'sor, a member of the extremely wealthy Ibix Dynasty. She wielded considerable power within the Xindi hierarchy.
The Xindi Aquatics were a non-humanoid race that evolved to living underwater. They were one of the six original species of Xindi, with whom they shared a common genetic ancestry.
The Aquatic females were larger and had rougher skin than the males who were more slim and had smoother skin. Females had a more humanoid-looking face, whereas male faces were rounder.
Xindi-Aquatic communication was highly complex and, since the Aquatics were underwater beings, they did not use their mouths. When using the past tense, they switched to SONAR. The Xindi-Aquatic language is not dissimilar to that of the humpback whales.
Aquatics learned the Human language in 2154 in order to communicate with that species.
They had slit-like irises in their eyes and were capable of seeing far better, underwater, than humanoids were. Aquatics had three fingers on each forelimb, ending in short fingernail-like claws, with webbing in-between for easier swimming. Their skin was a greenish shade and had blotches of olive. Like all Xindi, they had a fold at the top of their cheekbone. They had tails for maneuverability and their hind limbs were fins. Other than this they are fairly typical humanoids with complex specialized internal organs.
"It is easier to count the stars in the sky, than for an Aquatic to come to a decision." This simple statement sums up the basic belief of the other 5 Xindi species when it comes to understanding the Aquatics.
The Aquatics are complicated and enigmatic and were known to over-analyze, taking an excruciatingly long period of time to come to decisions. They once took six days just to agree to attend a specific meeting of the Council. However, the Aquatics' prudence was at times what kept the Council from breaking apart.
They responded better to visual stimuli and were extremely suspicious of the spoken word. They admired boldness and confidence and treated hushed tones with suspicion.
Numerous experts from a wide range of species have been confused by the Xindi religion for many years. The number of unusual contradictions and seeming inconsistencies have left them puzzled and perplexed. First of all is the fact that each species have their own name for their god. Next is the fact that each species perceives that god to be a reflection of their own best qualities. Each species portrays their god as being similar in appearance to them.
What has confused the experts is that all 6 species agree that they all pray to the same god. Furthermore they have never had any hostile disagreements over the many differences between how each species honours their god. They all accept those differences. In fact it is not unusual for Xindi of different species to all use the same temple even if the beliefs, images and ceremonies are nothing like those found in their own temples.
Aquatics God
The aquatics call their version of their god a name that even the most advanced translators still can not translate. It is a long name that they sing in a precise manner. They have no images of this being but they use a large piece of multi coloured coral which is carved to represent a throne like chair. These can be found on all of their large ships and in many locations in their colonies.
Services always include long harmonious songs and intricate swimming patterns. Some services for special occasions have been known to take up to a week during which none of them sleep.
Unlike some of the other Xindi species the aquatics were able to save almost all of their recorded history. There was never any chance of them losing any of their ancient tales or legends as these are in the form of songs. Songs that all aquatics learn while still children.
They are a matriarchal society with the oldest female in a family ruling and controlling the destiny of that family. As a species they tend to be a peaceful, hard working community more interested in their own needs than those of the other 5 Xindi species. Family is important and so is the community. Crime is almost unheard of unless it is committed by one of the other Xindi species.
They enjoy sculptures made from natural and artificially created substances. Most important to them is smooth flowing lines and a sense of harmony with in the piece.
Females are the head of every household but when a female mates it is for life. Usually the male will become more than just a companion and lover. Usually they become an advisor as well. Among the aquatics it is the female that picks her mate. Males will make their interest known once a female makes it known they are looking for a mate. This is a long drawn out process and it is not uncommon for a female to take years before selecting the perfect mate.
The Aquatics were the inventors of the biometric hologram, which was used to train Xindi surgeons. The Xindi Council chambers were also fit with biometric holograms, as they were used to project view screens and images of Human physiology for use in the creation of a bio-weapon, as attained by Rajiin.
The Aquatics tend to rely on them selves for most of their raw resources. However they do have a number of long standing trade deals with a number of species. Considering the enormous amount of time it took for each of these deals to be brokered it is not surprising that they do not have many more trade deals.
The Xindi-Aquatic ships were the most powerful and largest of the Xindi races, but compared to Primate and Insectoid ships, they were among the slowest and least maneuverable. Aquatic starships had to have every compartment filled with water for its crew. However, there was at least one room that could be used to house a humanoid and filled with breathable air, and that had a window to water for Aquatics to talk with them.
The largest of their cruisers resembled huge Terran manta rays and were large enough to comfortably accommodate an NX-class vessel in its aft cargo hold. They were extremely powerful in comparison to those of other Xindi, destroying several Reptilian and Insectoid ships with ease at the final battle against the Xindi superweapon. It was only because of the immense anomaly field that they were disabled.
The Xindi-Aquatic scout ship was a Xindi-Aquatic starship used in the 2150s. It was much faster and more maneuverable then the Aquatics' main cruiser.
The Aquatics sent several vessels of this type among their fleet to assist the United Earth starship Enterprise in their fight against the Reptilians and Insectoids to destroy the Xindi superweapon before it could attack Earth. At least one scout ship was destroyed by Dolim's warship during the subsequent battle, and at least two others were disabled by spatial anomalies created by the Sphere Builders.
The Xindi-Aquatic cruiser was a type of starship used by the Xindi-Aquatics during the 22nd century. The vessel was at least 1800 meters long, heavily armed, and equipped with the most advanced technology of any of the five Xindi species. The ship featured a hydrodynamic, swept-wing hull structure and a large hangar bay in the primary section that could be used to carry other starships.
These Xindi-Aquatic ships had at least one small room where oxygen-breathing humanoids could come aboard and communicate with the Aquatic crew. A round window was located between this room and the Aquatics' domain.
One of these cruisers participated in the battle to stop the Xindi superweapon, after it was commandeered by the Xindi-Reptilians, and transported the NX-class Enterprise into the battle. It was disabled during the battle by a spatial anomaly generated by a nearby Sphere.
Another cruiser transported Enterprise back to Earth following the successful destruction of the weapon, probably to shorten the trip as a thanks for destroying the Spheres and Sphere Builders.
Federation Intelligence Files
The Xindi (pronounced ZIN-dee) were an alliance of species who evolved on the same planet in the Delphic Expanse, known as Xindus, whose infamous attack on Earth and attempts to terminate Humans in the early 2150s changed the course of history and initiated the series of events that helped establish United Earth as a major interstellar power.
In the mirror universe, Xindi ships fought in a conflict with the Terran Empire sometime prior to 2155. In the 26th century of an alternate timeline, Xindi served on the USS Enterprise-J during the Battle of Procyon V against the Sphere Builders.
Information for this article was obtained from both Memory Alpha and Beta. Also used were the following TV episodes ENT: Extinction, ENT: The Shipment, ENT: The Council, ENT: The Expanse, ENT: The Xindi, ENT: Stratagem, ENT: Azati Prime, ENT: Damage, ENT: Zero Hour, ENT: Rajiin, ENT: Proving Ground and ENT: Countdown.
Also used were the following publications, Star Trek: Communicator issue 149, p. 52 and Star Trek Magazine issue 117, p. 62 as well as the novel ENT: The Expanse.
This file was updated and approved by the SDC on 30 January 2013
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