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Catullan | |
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Four Letter Code | CATL |
Federation Status | Member |
Planet of Origin | Catulla |
Encountered | TOS: The Way To Eden |
T/E Rating | T0/E0 |
Current Tech Level | O |
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Humanoids, Catullans are noted starship engineers and many successful design yards are based out of the Catullan system. The well-known Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems was co-founded by Terrans and Catullans and is headquartered on Catulla. Their other sciences and society are slightly less advanced, but well up to Federation standards.
- Proper Name: Catullan
- Pronunciation: ka TULL an
Home System
- Proper Name: Cendo Ipraem
Home World
- Proper Name: Cendo Prae
Follows standard sapient species development on many M-class worlds:
Tribes became small city-states.
City states combined into larger economic and political units (kingdoms, empires, republics) by aggression or treaty.
Larger units fractured back into smaller ones as conditions changed: earthquake/famine/plague/storm decimated critical population centres, inherited leadership failed, technological discoveries granted temporary economic or military advantage to rivals, etc.
The peninsulas and islands of Cendo Prae ensured that smaller city-states lasted longer and occurred more frequently in Catullan history than in the histories of peoples from drier planets. Amalgamation under a single world government was achieved much later than for the average Federation member world.
Not all, but most of planet's arable/inhabitable land is within two days' foot travel from sea, and generally slopes perceptibly upward from coast into mountains. There are very few plateaus or plains above sea level. This makes foot travel slow and arduous compared to travel on water, and as a consequence naval power rather than infantry was traditionally the dominant means by which control of territory was asserted.
Some scholars assert that the necessity to make the most of every single accessible resource in order to survive and progress has contributed to Catullan engineering prowess. They point to the need for
- terraced agriculture and irrigation,
- freshwater conservation,
- earthquake/storm-resistant architecture,
- gains in arable land by early terraforming (berms and seawalls),
- mining which caused the minimum possible disruption of other surface uses,
- ships which made the best possible use of rare timber and metals,
- technology for navigation and cartography,
- portability, durability (water-proofing?), replaceability and recyclability as features in item development.
Other scholars dispute this, pointing out that on many worlds species which develop in warm, welcoming tropical climates have the least pressure to evolve, as food resources are more plentiful and basic shelter is less urgent. Academics agree, at least, that in this case expertise in shipbuilding has translated into expertise in space vessel design and construction.
Negotiations between the Federation and the Catullans for membership were underway as early as 2269, stardate 5832. Actual membership was granted that year.
Catullans elect representatives to one of seven regional councils. Each regional council then selects three of its members to send onward to a senate for matters of planet-wide significance. Technically, all three members from any one region are expected to vote as a block, but in practice much secret negotiation and jockeying for influence back home (at the expense of one's regional colleagues) has occurred. Currently, elections occur every seven years, one region per year.
Now that the Catullans are members of the Federation, a final three members from the global senate act as a delegation to the Federation's governing assembly. Replacements are elected to their seats at the planetary level. To some extent, contact with other spacefaring races (which in prominent cases vastly outnumber the Catullans) and membership in a galactic federation have taken some of the energy out of the global political process for Catullans. Some view the planetary senate as just another level of regional government-- not that important in the big picture.
As a race, Catullans tend to warm skin tones, from pale gold through a rich peach. Blushing, tanning, and sunburn can alter skin tone temporarily, although these reactions may be hard to detect in some cases. Hair colour ranges from a near-snowy-white to pastels, with undertones in one or more of a range of hues (although to non-natives the differences may seem indistinguishable.) Some comparison between Catullans and the natives of Gamma Trianguli VI has been drawn by biologists, but no link has been established, and convergent evolution is considered a likely explanation.
Adult height can exceed M-class averages, but is more likely to fall below it; some attribute this to the slightly higher-than-M-class-normal gravity on Cendo Prae.
Some Catullans (perhaps a quarter) can tolerate and even delight in sour flavours more than M-class averages. Catullans have a higher tolerance for salt. These variations reflect Catullan evolutionary biochemistry, and the available nutrient sources and biohazards on Cendo Prae.
Religion and Mythology
Since life on and near the sea was so much a part of life for Catullans, nearly every religious pantheon that developed on the planet featured a sea deity as a primary figure.
Society, Culture and Customs
Catullans are still so rare in Federation space, as compared to wider-ranging species like humans, that many are taken as other species in some sort of makeup or costume, for entertainment purposes. This is a source of some frustration for them; individual Catullans deal with it in different ways.
Given the warm climate of much of Cendo Prae's land masses, historical dress tended to be loose and light. Informally, a combination of sarongs or kilts for the lower body, and light blouses, chest wraps, or short vests for the upper body, were deemed sufficient. Although Federation norms make trousers a more common choice for the public and professional lives of both sexes, at home many Catullans still enjoy these styles. Formal wear, as in many M-class societies, meant more complex layers: headgear, undertunics, longer vests, complete jackets, sashes and belts heavy with ornamentation.
Life on Catulla has often meant life aboard a boat or ship. With the shortage of land, houseboats (in the case of the poorest, lean-tos on reed rafts) provided shelter for many. Post-warp, given replicator technology and abundant energy resources, houseboats can now be a lifestyle choice, rather than a necessity.
Aquatic sports: Catullan shore life is reflected in the range of sports most commonly pursued, which include most sailing, swimming, surfing and diving variants. Mountain climbing and gliding are also popular to a lesser extent.
Jekker: Jekker is the planet's most popular organized team sport; it has been compared to Terran 'keep-away.' The game developed from sailors trying to keep control of a wineskin while at sea, tossing it from friend to friend while moving around a ship.
The modern game is played instead on sand. Poles with beams sticking out replace the masts, and provide places for players to swing out of reach of their opponents, and gain height before passing the wineskin, or vatvang, to their teammates. They can gain points for some maneuvers on the masts, such as if they can get up enough momentum to flip from one mast to another. The vatvang is now constructed of a more resilient polymer than its original leather, but it is still kept exactly half-full of liquid, in order to make its trajectory more difficult to control.
Much of the broadcast content on the planet's sports channels is related to jekker, and successful players, such as Ribo Bantiker, are at least as famous on Cendo Prae as any Federation Parrises Squares champion, although nearly unknown off the planet.
Food and Drink
Zorsulte: A tangy, rich Catullan liquor made from the fermented rind of the sulte fruit, small citrus-like pods that grow on bushes in sandy soil. Replicated zorsulte is more likely to be clear, indicating its origin, unlike naturally-aged zorsulte, which will have tiny flecks from pressed seeds. Because it contains alcohol, zorsulte can serve like other alcohols as a crude means of sterilization. Daagenzeelt is considered a premium label.
Like most other Catullan products and cultural references, indeed, like Catullans themselves, zorsulte is relatively rare outside Cendo Ipraem.
Economy and Technology
Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems maintains both a corporate center on the planet itself and an orbital shipyard above Cendo Prae. A significant portion of the homeworld's population, although not a majority, is employed there, either living in the associated space station or commuting from the surface daily. Students from Catulla frequently tour the shipyard as part of their social studies or career development.
Federation Intelligence Files
SPECIES PROFILE UPDATED This profile was revised by the Species Development Committee. |
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