Isaac Green

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Starfleet Marine
1Lt. Isaac Green


  • Rank: 1st Lieutenant
  • Ship: Starbase 118 Ops
  • Position: 292nd TMR
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • DoB: 235806.20
  • Birthplace: Sydney, Australia, Earth
  • Height: 189cm
  • Weight: 113kg
  • Eye color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Salt and Pepper
  • Build: Medium build, muscular but not overly built
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Marine Major Isaac Green is currently assigned as Strategic Operations Officer at the Duronis II Embassy.


Hobbies & Pastimes

  • Horses – *Isaac owned a small ranch outside of Cheyenne, Wyoming on Earth, where he had five horses and over a dozen cattle. Isaac rode in amateur rodeo as part of his love of horses and the sport that comes with them.
  • Collecting Ancient Automobiles – Isaac has a small collection of ancient earth automobiles he had found and restored on his free time. When he joined Star Fleet, he left the cars with his parents on Earth. When he goes home on shore leave he spends some time hand rubbing a coat of wax on each of the cars.


  • Mother: Linda Lynn Green
  • Father: James Lee Green

Personal History

Born the only child of parents James Lee and Linda Lynn Green, Isaac grew up in and around Sydney, Australia. Isaac’s youth was relatively unremarkable. Isaac was the typical boy and he had his share of bumps, bruises, and broken bones caused by everything from crashing his bicycle to falling out of the gum tree in the back yard.



When Isaac was in year seven of school, at the encouragement of his father, he applied to the Sydney Boys High School which was an academically selective secondary school in the Moore Park district of the City of Sydney. Isaac’s grades barely made the cut and he was selected. Isaac finished his secondary schooling there, earning his certificate of completion. Isaac was involved in sports, specifically rugby, throughout the remainder of his secondary school career and the influence the Sydney Boys High School was so great Isaac had the school crest tattooed on his upper right arm. The words, “Veritate Et Virtute” (Truth and Courage) prominently displayed on the waving banner underneath.

After year 12, Isaac went on to the University of New South Wales where he studied law. He earned a Bachelor of Jurisprudence degree in only four years, but elected not to continue in university. One of Isaac’s school mates contacted him and suggested he try law enforcement as a career choice. Isaac applied and was hired by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.

He took his first “patrol” beat with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Las Vegas, Nevada, Earth. At that time of his life, he had no interest of ever leaving earth and enjoyed his life as a police officer. In 2381, Isaac applied and tested for a position with LVMPD S.W.A.T. The selection process was intense, but in the end he was selected for one of the available positions. LVMPD S.W.A.T. was not a full time unit, but was instead composed of patrol officers who received specialized training in tactical operations to be deployed as necessary. His training included Logistics, Utility, and Entry operator training. He served as a team leader for the unit for two years.

On 238412.12, Isaac was involved in an incident where a teenage boy was mistakenly fatally wounded during a robbery attempt. The subsequent investigation cleared Isaac of any wrongdoing, but the LVMPD administration “strongly encouraged” Isaac to seek employment elsewhere. The lack of support by the LVMPD, and the public opinion of the incident as a whole, helped push Isaac toward Starfleet Academy and service off-world. Isaac had served four of his six years with the LVMPD in the Criminal Investigations Division as a detective, so security was his natural choice when he joined Star Fleet.

Academically, Isaac was middle of the road at Star Fleet Academy. He had little interest in being top of the class, but didn’t hold himself back either. Isaac found himself enjoying the unique challenges of Star Fleet, and looking forward to being assigned to a duty station off world. The yearlong cadet cruise was relatively uneventful. During his cruise, he helped in the investigation of a homicide on Star Base 23, and found that his previous experience with the LVMPD aided in his duties.

Military History

On 238801.17, Isaac completed his academy training and was assigned to the USS Ronin as his first true duty station. Isaac's feet barely hit the deck before he was neck deep in his first away mission. During a relief mission to the Breen world of Tyberius VII, the crew of the Ronin investigated an explosion that destroyed one of the Breen storage facilities as well as a large portion of the Federation relief supplies. The investigation revealed the Breen were responsible for the explosion and staged materials in the crime scene to implicate the Romulans.

Following the Tyberuis VII mission, Isaac took a step back and re-evaluated his position with the Security Division. He found himself craving the S.W.A.T. style activities he had trained for when he was in Law Enforcement. He talked at length with Marine Captain Miles Unum about the Starfleet Marines, and found interest in that duty post. Isaac penned his request for transfer to Captain Toni Turner and Lt. Commander Tallis Rhul, asking to be transferred to the Marine unit on the USS Ronin. The transfer request was approved and Isaac was posted to the 3/7 Marine Regiment on the newly commissioned USS Thunder, under Captain Turner.

Isaac became an active member of the Marine contingent assigned to the USS Thunder and the Duronis II Embassy. Isaac's activity as a marine earned him promotions and positions as team leader, and eventualy as the commanding officer of the Marine attachment to the Embassy. Eventually, Isaac was promoted to Marine Captain and offered the position of Strategic Operations Officer with the Embassy staff. On 238809.14, Isaac disappeared from the embassy suddenly and without warning. Only a sealed set of orders left for Captain Turner allowed a brief, but very vague explaination as to his disappearance. Isaac remained on "Official Leave" until his abrupt return on 238901.04.

What wasn't told to anyone was that Isaac had been recalled by Section 31, Starfleet's covert operations cell... Mission CLASSIFIED

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Civilian 2378-2384 Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Patrol Officer
  Cadet 4th Class 2384-2385 Starbase 118 Academy Security Officer
  Cadet 3rd Class 2385-2386 Starbase 118 Academy Security Officer
  Cadet 2nd Class 2386-2387 Starbase 118 Academy Security Officer
  Cadet 1st Class 2387-238801.17 Starbase 118 Academy Security Officer
  Ensign 238801.17 - 238802.23 USS Ronin Security Officer
  Ensign 238802.23 - 238802.25 USS Thunder Security Officer
  2nd Lieutenant 238802.25 - 238804.28 Duronis II Embassy Marine Officer
File:M02-1Lt-Green.png 1st Lieutenant 238804.28 - 238808.01 Duronis II Embassy Marine Officer
  Captain 238808.01 - 238902.11 Duronis II Embassy Marine Commanding Officer
  Major 238902.11 - Present Duronis II Embassy Strategic Operations Officer


2011 Awards


USS Ronin Missions

Hold the Line

USS Thunder Missions

NPC Listing   ·   USS Mercury Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Tara Mirza
Chief Engineer
Juanita Sanchez
Chief Medical Ofc.
Pouge Romey
Science Officer
Jackson Hendricks
Executive Officer
Gabriel Evanston
Engineering Officer
Medical Officer
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