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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code YELI
Federation Status Allied
Planet of Origin Unknown
Encountered The Homecoming (DS9)
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N (Unknown)
List of Named Yelikans

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  • Proper Name: Yelikan
  • Pronunciation: Yel’Ikan

Home System

  • Quadrant: Alpha
  • Location: Alrakis Sector (coordinates A01-0004-1298)
  • Proper Name: Aviyel
  • Pronunciation: Avi’Yel
  • Star: It orbits a class M (Red) star
  • Distance from Star: it's orbit is approximately 385 million km
  • Companions: 3 other planets. It is the 2nd planet in the system

Home World

  • Proper Name: Yelik
  • Pronunciation: Yel’Ik
  • Diameter: 11,858 km (7,368 miles)
  • Gravity: 0.98 standard gravity with a density of 5.8
  • Axial Tilt: 13.7% minor seasonal changes.
  • Orbital Period: 422 days
  • Rotational Period: 23 hours
  • Classification: M
    • Surface Water: 57%
    • Atmosphere: 1.07 is a standard pressure with 75% nitrogen, 24% oxygen, 1% trace chemicals
    • Climate: Temperate with semi-tropical at the equator.
    • Population: Just over 3 billion


Their early history was one of constant wars. As a result it took a long time before any form of industrial revolution occured on their world. In fact they almost wiped themselves out a few times. The last time this happened was the last time they fought a war among themselves. Ever since then they have had a single world government.

While the formation of a central government did have the benefitial result of ending planet wide armed conflicts there have still been numerous internal conflicts inside the borders of some of the various 17 regions. However even that slowly died out and they have had no such problem in over 300 years.

The Yelikands had a transport set for departure from Deep Space Nine in 2370, when Minister Jaro announced Kira's recall to Bajor.


They have a single world government with a representative from each of the 17 regions. These representatives are always selected from the same ruling family in each region. These families are the decendents of the various warlords that controled that region prior to the formation of a central world goverment.

Each representative is allowed to bring 2 bodyguards, 2 clerks, 2 servants and 2 administrative helpers. These individuals take care of all their needs. When the government is in session then only the clerks and administrative helpers may be in the council chamber. When the council is


They are humanoids with pale lavender skin tones. They are on average about 5' tall with a wild mane of dark purple hair.


Their diet which is rich in certain chemicals is the cause of the lavender and deep dark purple colours in both their skin and hair tones. They must have these chemicals and when away from their homeworld will use substitute sources to remain healthy.


For the most part they seem to be fairly stable mentally however a larger than average number of individuals who have reached old age do suffer from numerous cognative problems.


They have a very strict religious foundation that is very rigid yet allows aliens to do as they please. Outsiders, aliens are not covered by their beliefs. As a result they will not discuss these beliefs with outsiders.


These are a vital part of their religion and as a result they will not discuss these with outsiders.


Unknown at this time.


Unknown at this time.


Unknown at this time.


They are slightly behind the Federation in a number of areas.


They are self sufficent but do trade luxury goods with a few other species.


They have a small military with 15 ships. These large unusual craft are not warp capable and are used strictly for planetary defense. They are more like mobile weapons platforms than real ships. They have way more weapons, power and defenses than would normally be found on a ship of this size.

Federation Intelligence Files

Unknown at this time.


THIS PROFILE WAS RE-WRITTEN BY THE SDC; Species Development Committee

  • If in the coarse of a mission or shore leave new information not included in this report is discovered or developed then a copy of said data must be forwarded to the SDC as per Federation and Starfleet internal directives. To contact the SDC to file a report go to Updating Species Files.