USS Victory Ship Specifications
USS Victory | ||
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- Class: Intrepid (Mk.II)
- Registration: NCC-362447
- Role: Scout/Explorer
- Constructed: Utopia Planitia Shipyards, Mars
- Commissioned: 2375
- Major Refit: 2384
Crew Complement
- Officers: 35
- Enlisted Crew: 115
- Total: 150
- Civilians: Varies
- Maximum Evacuation Capacity: 500
- Height: 64m
- Width: 132m
- Length: 345m
- Mass: 700 000t
- Decks: 15
Computer Systems
- Operating System: Library Computer Access and Retrieval System (LCARS)
- Hardware: M-16 Dual Core with bio-neural circuitry and Type III isolinear processors
Propulsion Systems
- Warp Engines: Two 920 LF-45 Advanced Linear Warp Drive Units
- Impulse Engines: Two U920 FIG-4 Subatomic Unified Energy Impulse Units
- Standard Cruising Speed: 6.000
- Maximum Sustainable Cruising Speed: 9.750
- Maximum Warp Speed: 9.975 (sustainable for 12 hours)
- Quantum Slipstream Drive: EQUIPPED
Tactical Systems
- Phasers: 14 Type X collimated phaser arrays
- Torpedoes: 5 pulse fire torpedo launchers
- Standard Load-out: 240 Type VI quantum torpedoes, 48 Type X quantum torpedoes, 8 tricobolt devices
- Deflector Shields: 14 symmetrical, oscillating subspace graviton field grids with analytical feedback systems
- Tractor Beams: 2 tractor beam emitters
Transporter Systems
- Personnel: 3 transporter rooms with a 6 man capacity per transport
- Cargo: 3 cargo transporters with a 500t capacity per transport
Crew Support Systems
- Medical: One sickbay, with three standard biobeds and one surgical bed, an intensive-care unit (ICU), biohazard support, critical care, morgue and a small medical laboratory.
- Hologram Support: Type IV Emergency Medical Hologram
- Recreational: 2 holodecks (15 man capacity), mess hall with 4 food replicators, crew lounge, gymnasium
Cargo Systems
- Total Capacity: 35 750t
- Cargo Bay One: Organic and inorganic storage (variable environmental controls), 7 500t capacity
- Cargo Bay Two: Inorganic storage, 12 750t capacity
- Cargo Bay Three: Inorganic storage, 15 500t capacity
Auxiliary Spacecraft Systems
- Short Range Shuttles: Type IX Shuttle (2)
- Long Range Shuttles: Type XI Shuttle (1), Aeroshuttle (1)
- Expected Duration: 100 Years
- Minor Refit Cycle: 6 Years
- Major Refit Cycle: 24 Years