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Lavon is the Homeworld of the recently discovered Zalinian civilization. It is located northeast of Duronis II. Only a single continent exists on the planet, which contains the entire population of the world. The planet is fertile with rolling plains of grasses and flora to the Southeast. Snow capped mountains to the Northwest are rich with mineral deposits, metal ore, and semi-precious gemstones (e.g. amethyst, garnet, jade) having a small commercial value.


Because of the small amount of land mass on Lavon, it experiences few tectonic events, and they are usually centered far from population centers. While the planet does operate on the same basic plate tectonics that any other planet does, its surface contains far fewer plates than most worlds.

There are only two notable mountain ranges on the planet. One is located in the northwest portion of the singular continent. A far larger range is located on the other side of the planet, under the vast ocean.

Mountains in the northwest range are known to contain metals and various semi-precious gemstones, which are mined for various reasons.


The atmosphere of the planet Lavon is denser than many class M planets. While the weather of the planet is similar to that of other worlds, atmospheric fluid dynamics dictate slower movement. Thus, storm systems take longer to form, move slower, and last longer. Most major storm events occur away from the continent, but tropical cyclones, violent electrical storms, and even tornadic activity has been seen before.

Late summer time is perhaps the busiest season for weather on Lavon. For the population on the continent, it means torrential coastal rains, which bring high waves and strong winds. While the dense atmosphere prevents many of these systems from becoming cyclonic, when a cyclone does form, it continues to grow in strength until it runs into land or one of the few atmospheric instabilities over the ocean.

Water Sources

The Zalinian population gains most of their water from the mountain runoff. Salt water lakes are prevalent in the south east, where many different types of flora and fauna thrive.