Noa T'Nessa Levinson

Revision as of 19:03, 6 January 2020 by Oddas Aria (talk | contribs) (basic information from bio)

Ensign Noa T'Nessa Levinson is currently serving as a Science Officer aboard the USS Eagle.

USS Eagle
Noa T'Nessa Levinson
Position Science Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Human / Vulcan
Gender Female
DOB 237310.04
Age 28
Birthplace Starbase 295
Writer ID E239701NL0
Creating a basic bio is quick and easy to do! Wherever you see brackets below, just add in the text you need, replacing things like 'your name' or 'your ship' with the relevant information inside the coding provided, or follow the instructions given - then delete the brackets and any instructions inside them! Once you're done, you'll have a bare bones bio that you can build on using the FBC tutorials, getting tips from other people's bios or adding your own ideas! Click "edit" to get started! Good luck and enjoy!


  • Height: 1.62m
  • Weight:
  • Hair: Dark Brown
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Build:


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(Description Here)


Noa was born just a couple of months before the Dominion War began, on Starbase 295, a starbase in Federation space, close to Earth, with her parents stationed there.

Following the Dominion War, her parents were reassigned to Earth, and as such moved to their old family home at Tel Aviv, Israel, where Noa was raised.

During her childhood she was also taught Vulcan logic and emotional suppression.

Due to her shared heritage, Noa is fluent in Vulcan, Hebrew and English.

At the Academy, Noa focused on the Sciences, primarily Astronomy and Physics. She also focused on programming, especially holo-programming, a subject she greatly enjoyed.

Service History

Below you'll see a table which contains images for rank pips - you can change the word 'Gold' for 'Red' or 'Teal' or one of the other colors listed earlier to match your duty post. Again, not all ranks are available in all colors and/or pipstyles. You can change pips from the default to a different style such as DS9, STO, or Slanted by adding DS9, STO, or Slanted after the color.
Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet First Class 239701.06 Graduated Starfleet Academy Science
Ensign 239701.06 - Present USS Eagle Science Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
  • (We've gone ahead and filled in your first service ribbon: the Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon. As you complete missions and continue to serve with the fleet, you'll earn additional awards and service ribbons that you can post here, with the date you got them! For full instructions on how to add more awards and service ribbons, check out Template:Ribbons Display.)
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239701.06
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

SIM Archive

Replace the links below with links to your own SIMs that you find memorable or are important to your character - you may want to add more as your time with the fleet goes on! You can find a complete archive of sims here at the SIM Archive.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Eagle Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Kali Nicholotti
Chief Sci Ofc.
Alora DeVeau
Science Ofc.
Medical Ofc.
Noemi Lim
Medical Ofc.
Elor Letek
Tomas Falt
Chief Engineer.
Eng. Ofc.
Jackson Tanner
Chief Sec Ofc.
Alexander Williams
Tac. Ofc.
Tholin ch'Clex
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Lastly, don't forget including the proper categories! Find your character's species category listed here: Category:Individuals by species; your duty post listed here: Category:Individuals by duty post; and your ship characters category here: Category:Characters by ship.