USS Triumphant

Revision as of 00:59, 17 May 2006 by R.bejain (talk | contribs)

A small ship in a big universe: the Defiant class was always that. A small ship that packed one hell of a punch. And the latest addition to the fleet of Starbase 118 is no exception. The Defiant class USS Triumphant, NCC75692 is small, white and dangerous. Crewed by a precariously diverse team and captained by an ex-Bajoran resistance member, this is to be no ordinary ride. Based in the outlaw Ithassa region of space, with its warring factions, claim and counter-claim and rebels with a cause, this one little ship with its shockingly diverse crew are going to go boldly where no one has yada yada yada...

What was Starfleet thinking?


The USS Trimphant is the thirty-third Defiant-class vessel constructed. It is a more-or-less standard Defiant-class vessel with three quantum torpedos, one photon torpedo launcher, and four pulse phaser cannons, and two phaser emitters. The Triumphant has had a few minor modifications to make it compatible with deep space work. These include extra cabins, provisions for a counsellor, a holodeck and an officer's wardroom.

Current Assignment

The Triumphant is a member of the Ithassa-region taskforce. Also in this group are the USS Ursa Major and USS Independence. The Triumphant's task in this taskforce is dual. While it is involved in exploration and diplomatic exercises, its primary mission involves keeping the peace in the region.

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