Additional Trek Technologies: Difference between revisions

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The following is a listing of some of the currently known Trek technology and certain scientific anomalies. Feel free to expand on any information presented here, as well as adding additional technology to the list.  
The following is a listing of some of the currently known Trek technology and certain scientific anomalies. Feel free to expand on any information presented here, as well as adding additional technology to the list.  

==Tactical Systems==
==Tactical Systems==
*[[Ablative Armour]]
This list is of the many tactical systems, for both Federation and non-Federation ships, as well as any hand weapons that can be available.
*[[Cloaking Devices]]
*[[Force Fields]]
*[[ma:Ablative armor|Ablative Armour]]
*[[Phaser Arrays]]
*[[ma:Cloaking device|Cloaking Devices]]
*[[Photon Torpedo]]
*[[Contact Weapons]]
*[[Starfleet Equipment & Devices#Personal Phasers|Phaser, Hand]]
*[[Starfleet Equipment & Devices#Personal Phasers|Phaser, Rifle]]
*[[ma:Field modulator|Field Modulators]]
*[[Quantum Torpedo]]
*[[ma:Force field|Force Fields]]
*[[Shield Emitters]]
*Guard Drone
*[[Torpedo Launchers]]
*[[ma:Isomagnetic disintegrator|Isomagnetic Disintegrator]]
*Handheld Weaponry
**[[ma:Plasma rifle|Jem'Hadar Weapons]]
**[[ma:Phaser array|Phaser Arrays]]
**[[ma:Phaser type-2|Phaser, Hand]]
**[[ma:Phaser rifle|Phaser, Rifle]]
*[[ma:Pressure grenade|Force Grenade]]
*[[ma:Stun grenade|Stun Grenade]]
*[[ma:Photon grenade|Photon Grenade]]
*Phaser Targeting Module
*[[ma:Grenade launcher|Photon Mortar]]
[[Image:Photon.jpg|320px|right|Photon Torpedo]]
*[[Torpedo Technology]]
**[[ma:Photon torpedo|Photon Torpedo]]
**[[ma:Quantum torpedo|Quantum Torpedo]]
*[[ma:Torpedo bay|Torpedo Launchers]]
*Remote Drone
*[[ma:Deflector shield|Shield Emitters]]
*[[ma:Tetryon pulse launcher|Tetryon Pulse Launcher]]

==Ship Systems==
==Ship Systems==
*[[Starfleet Equipment & Devices|Communicators]]
This list comprises the typical systems located on any number of Starfleet ships, as well as some of the information that can be retrieved from these systems.
*[[Computer Systems|Computers]]
*[[Environmental Controls]]
*[[Holographic Technology]]
*[[Impulse Systems|Impulse Engines]]
*[[ma:Environmental control|Environmental Controls]]
*[[ma:Hologram|Holographic Technology]]
[[Image:Communicator.gif|right|Standard Communicator]]
*[[ma:Impulse drive|Impulse Engines]]
*[[ma:Life support|Life Support]]
*[[Medical Equipment Database|Medical Technology]]
*[[Medical Equipment Database|Medical Technology]]
*[[Navigational Deflectors]]
*[[ma:Navigational deflector|Navigational Deflectors]]
*[[Starfleet Equipment & Devices|PADDS]]
*[[Chemicals & Particles|Particles]]
*[[Chemicals & Particles|Particles]]
*[[Planetary Classes]]
*[[Planetary Classification]]
*[[Stellar Cartograhpy|Stellar Cartography]]
*[[Subspace Amplifier]]
*[[Stellar Cartography]]
*[[Tractor Beams]]
*[[ma:Subspace amplifier|Subspace Amplifier]]
*[[ma:Tractor beam|Tractor Beams]]
*[[Starfleet Equipment & Devices|Tricorders]]
*[[Warp Systems|Warp Drive]]
*[[ma:Warp drive|Warp Drive]]
*[[Warp Speed Chart|Warp Scales]]
*[[Warp Speed Chart|Warp Scales]]
==Other Technologies==
This is a list of other technologies available, but not necessarily used, by ships personnel or civilians.
*[[Nanite (technology)|Nanotechnology]]
*[[ma:Duck blind|Camouflage Hologenerators]]
*[[ma:Environmental suit|Environment Suit]] (EVA Suit)
*[[External Auditory Receptor System]] (EARS)
[[Image:PatternEnhancerBeams.jpg|right|Pattern Enhancers]]
*Flight Vest
*Gill Pack
*Injectable Translator
*Night Glasses
*Powered Binoculars
*[[ma:Pattern enhancer|Pattern Enhancer]]
*Replicator Lockpick
*Replicator Multitool
*[[ma:Transport inhibitor|Transport Inhibitor]]
*Wrist Communicator

==Historical/Mythological Systems==
==Historical/Mythological Systems==
*[[D'Arsay Archive]]
These are systems and artifacts that may or may not actually exist, as well as items important to the Federation's past.
*[[Doomsday Machine]]
*[[Genesis Device]]
*[[ma:D'Arsay archive|D'Arsay Archive]]
*[[Guardian of Forever]]
*[[ma:Doomsday machine|Doomsday Machine]]
*[[Iconian Gateway]]
[[Image:Guardian.jpg|300px|right|Guardian of Forever]]
*[[ma:Genesis Device|Genesis Device]]
*[[ma:Guardian_of_Forever|Guardian of Forever]]
*[[ma:Iconian gateway|Iconian Gateway]]
*[[Parallel Dimensions]]
*[[Parallel Dimensions]]
*[[Preserver Cannon]]
*Preserver Cannon
*[[Psionic Resonater]]
*[[ma:Psionic resonator|Psionic Resonater]]
*[[Verteron Array]]
*[[ma:Verteron array|Verteron Array]]

==Experimental Systems==
==Experimental Systems==
*[[Coaxial Warp Core]]
These are systems that are not in standard use, but may still be used in the future.
*[[Dimensional Shift]]
*[[ma:Coaxial warp drive|Coaxial Warp Core]]
*[[Null Space Catapult]]
[[Image:SlipstreamDrive.jpg|290px|right|Slipstream Drive Core]]
*[[Orbital Tether]]
*Dimensional Shift
*[[Particle Fountain]]
*[[Sikarian Trajector]]
*[[ma:Subspace catapult|Null Space Catapult]]
*[[Slipstream Drive]]
*[[ma:Orbital tether|Orbital Tether]]
*[[Solition Wave Drive]]
*[[ma:Particle fountain|Particle Fountain]]
*[[ma:Spatial trajector|Sikarian Trajector]]
*[[Underspace Corridor]]
*[[ma:Quantum slipstream drive|Slipstream Drive]]
*[[ma:Soliton wave|Soliton Wave Drive]]
*[[ma:Underspace|Underspace Corridor]]

==Unique Systems==
==Unique Systems==
This is a list of items and phenomena that are unexplored, explainable, or fall in some other such category.
*[[Neutron Stars]]
*[[Planetary Collision]]
*[[Spatial Anomalies]]
*[[ma:Neutron star|Neutron Stars]]
*[[Subspace Phenomena]]
[[Image:SubspaceTear.jpg|290px|right|Subspace Tear]]
*[[Subspace Sandbars]]
*Planetary Collision
*[[ma:Spatial anomaly|Spatial Anomalies]]
*[[ma:Subspace anomaly|Subspace Phenomena]]
*[[ma:Subspace sandbar|Subspace Sandbar]]
*[[Warp Highways]]
*[[Warp Highways]]
*[[Warp Shallows]]
*[[Warp Shallows]]
==Other Links==
*[ Ex-Astris-Scientia Treknology A-K]
*[ Ex-Astris-Scientia Treknology L-Z]

''Some of this information is courtesy of the [ Daystrom Institute Technical Library] and copyright Graham Kennedy.''
* ''Some of this information is courtesy of the [ Daystrom Institute Technical Library] and copyright Graham Kennedy.''
* ''Some of this information is provided from the '''[[ma:Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Core Game Book|Star Trek: Deep Space Nine RPG Core Game Book]]''' and '''[[ma:The Price of Freedom|The Price of Freedom: The UFP Sourcebook]]''', published by Last Unicorn Games.''
* ''Some of this information is located on Memory Alpha rather than our own wiki.''

[[Category:Academy Library]][[Category:Additional Trek Technologies]][[Category:Engineering]][[Category:Medical]][[Category:Science]]
[[Category:Additional Trek Technologies|*]]
[[Category:Engineering Articles]]
[[Category:Medical Articles]]

Latest revision as of 11:55, 25 May 2020

Academy Library


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The following is a listing of some of the currently known Trek technology and certain scientific anomalies. Feel free to expand on any information presented here, as well as adding additional technology to the list.

Tactical Systems

This list is of the many tactical systems, for both Federation and non-Federation ships, as well as any hand weapons that can be available.

Photon Torpedo

Ship Systems

This list comprises the typical systems located on any number of Starfleet ships, as well as some of the information that can be retrieved from these systems.

Standard Communicator

Other Technologies

This is a list of other technologies available, but not necessarily used, by ships personnel or civilians.

Pattern Enhancers
  • Flight Vest
  • Gill Pack
  • Holobase
  • Injectable Translator
  • Night Glasses
  • Powered Binoculars
  • Pattern Enhancer
  • Replicator Lockpick
  • Replicator Multitool
  • Transport Inhibitor
  • Wrist Communicator

Historical/Mythological Systems

These are systems and artifacts that may or may not actually exist, as well as items important to the Federation's past.

Guardian of Forever

Experimental Systems

These are systems that are not in standard use, but may still be used in the future.

Slipstream Drive Core

Unique Systems

This is a list of items and phenomena that are unexplored, explainable, or fall in some other such category.

Subspace Tear

Other Links
