Atlantis Non-Playing Character Listing: Difference between revisions

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(Reworking how PNPCs are displayed)
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{{Heading|PC's First|Maroon}}
One of the most important things on healthy and active ships is to build rich, fulfilling relationships between our PC characters. Those relationships might develop into friendship, romance, tension, or animosity - the important thing is that they develop. Writing for PNPCs can be a lot of fun, however, always keep in mind that they are meant only to be supporting characters to our PC's.

{{Heading|Got An Idea For A PNPC|Maroon}}
{{Heading|Got An Idea For A PNPC|Maroon}}
If you have a PNPC you would like to see added to list, you should email the CO to discuss your idea. The Atlantis crew is around 160 officers, and crewman in total. So adding a PNPC is big deal even if they wont be seen every mission. It is important that you and the CO have a chance to discuss your PNPC's background, purpose, role on the ship and how they might influence the experiences of our main PC's on the ship. Therefore, all PNPC's, whether specific or shared, must get the green light from the CO before being added to the list and simmed on the ship.
If you have a PNPC you would like to see added to list, you should email the CO to discuss your idea. The Atlantis crew is around 160 officers, and crewman in total. So adding a PNPC is big deal even if they wont be seen every mission. It is important that you and the CO have a chance to discuss your PNPC's background, purpose, role on the ship and how they might influence the experiences of our main PCs on the ship. Therefore, all PNPCs, whether specific or shared, must get the green light from the CO before being added to the list and simmed on the ship.

{| border="0" cellspacing="0" style="max-width:800px"
|style="background:#343434;width:800px" colspan="5" align=center|<font color=white>'''USS Atlantis NPC Roster'''</font>
{| style="width:100%" align=center
|style="background:maroon" align=center|[[Atlantis NPCs/Command Division|<font color="white">Command Division</font>]]
|style="background:darkgoldenrod" align=center|[[Atlantis NPCs/Operations Division|<font color="white">Operations Division</font>]]
|style="background:#008482" align=center|[[Atlantis NPCs/Sciences Division|<font color="white">Sciences Division</font>]]
|style="background:#008482" align=center|[[Atlantis NPCs/Medical Division|<font color="white">Medical Division</font>]]
|style="background:darkgreen" align=center|[[Atlantis NPCs/Marine Detachment|<font color="white">Marine Detachment</font>]]
|style="background:#606060" align=center|[[Atlantis NPCs/Civilian Contingent|<font color="white">Civilian Contingent</font>]]
|style="background:#C24641; border:1px solid maroon" align=center|<small>Command Officers<br>Administrative Officers<br>Helm & Shuttle Ops</small>
|style="background:goldenrod; border:1px solid darkgoldenrod" align=center|<small>Operations & Engineering<br>Security & Tactical</small>
|style="background:#46C7C7; border:1px solid #008482" align=center|<small>General Sciences<br>Specialised Sciences</small>
|style="background:#46C7C7; border:1px solid #008482" align=center|<small>Medicine & Surgery<br>Nursing & Allied Health<br>Counselling & Psychiatry</small>
|style="background:lightgreen; border:1px solid lightgreen" align=center|<small>Marines</small>
|style="background:#B6B6B4; border:1px solid #606060" align=center|<small>Civilian Staff</small>
|style="background:#343434;width:800px" colspan="5"|<small><font color=#C0C0C0>{{AtlantisNPCs-intro}}</font></small>

[[Category:USS Atlantis|*]]
[[Category:Atlantis NPCs]]

<!--Go to Template:NPCRoster for full instructions on using this template-->
|SHIP = USS Atlantis

|{{PNPC|Lt. Commander|Kalos Fiorr|Gold|Operations Officer|Kalor Fiorr.png|SPECIES=Betazoid|SEX=Male|PC=Williams|STYLE=DS9|}}
|{{PNPC|Chief Warrant Officer 2nd Grade|Natalya Koerner|Gold|Engineering|Koerner.png|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Female|PC=Maddi Hyden|STYLE=W2|}}
|{{NPC|Crewman First Class|Brandie|Gold|Engineer|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|STYLE=DS9|}}
|{{NPC|Crewman First Class|Tarva Naprim|Gold|Engineer|SPECIES=Bajoran|SEX=Female|STYLE=DS9|}}
|{{NPC|Crewman Second Class|Novek|Gold|Engineer|SPECIES=Vulcan|SEX=Male|STYLE=DS9|}}
|{{NPC|Crewman Third Class|Yelchin|Gold|Engineer|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|STYLE=DS9|}}
|{{NPC|Crewman Third Class|McGregor|Gold|Engineer|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|STYLE=DS9|}}
|{{Dept|Gold|Security & Tactical}}
|{{PNPC|Lieutenant Junior Grade|Porus|Gold|Security/Tactical|Porus.jpg|SPECIES=Klingon|SEX=Male|PC=Williams|STYLE=DS9|}}|
|{{PNPC|Lieutenant JG|Noshka|Gold|Security/Tactical|Noshka01.png|10|15|1.8|SPECIES=Ferengi|SEX=Female|PC=Brell|STYLE=DS9|}}
|{{NPC|Petty Officer First Class|Davis|Gold|Security/Tactical|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|Style=DS9|}}
|{{NPC|Petty Officer Second Class|T`Vek|Gold|Security/Tactical|SPECIES=Vulcan|SEX=Female|Style=DS9|}}
|{{NPC|Petty Officer Second Class|MacKenzie "Kenzi" Connors|Gold|Security/Tactical|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Female|Style=DS9|}}
|{{Dept|Teal|Medical & Counseling}}
|{{NPC|Blank|Emergency Medical Hologram, Mark III|Teal|EMH|Emh3.jpg|STYLE=DS9|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Female}}
|{{PNPC|Lieutenant JG|Toh'jak|Teal|Medical Officer|STYLE=DS9|SPECIES=Klingon|SEX=Male|PC=Valin Dermont}}
|{{PNPC|Lieutenant JG|Wyla Avae|Teal|Nurse|Wyla-Avae.png|STYLE=DS9|SPECIES=Antosian|SEX=Female|PC=Toryn Raga}}
|{{PNPC|Lieutenant Commander|Udro Nepra|Blue|Lead Stellar Cartographer|UNepra.png|8|5|1.0|SPECIES=Bajoran|SEX=Female|PC=Brell|USERNAME=|STYLE=DS9}}
|{{NPC|Lieutenant|Zurav La'Ren|Blue|Biochemist|SPECIES=Cygnian|SEX=Female|STYLE=DS9}}
|{{NPC|Lieutenant|Saques Myril|Blue|Physicist|SPECIES=Kerelian|SEX=Male|STYLE=DS9}}
|{{NPC|Lieutenant JG|Dosei Zett|Blue|Geologist|SPECIES=Atrean|SEX=Male|STYLE=DS9}}
|{{NPC|Ensign|Eilen Draal|Blue|Anthropologist|SPECIES=Betazoid|SEX=Male|STYLE=DS9}}
|{{NPC|Crewman Second Class|Pics|Blue|Science Officer|SPECIES=Bolian|SEX=Female|STYLE=DS9|}}
|{{PNPC|First Lieutenant|Palen Osiris|Green|Marine|Palen Osiris.png|SPECIES=Worene|SEX=Male|PC=Toryn Raga|STYLE=DS9|}}
|{{PNPC|First Lieutenant|Saar Spurleocke "Locke"|Green|Marine|SPECIES=Coverain|SEX=Male|PC=David Knight|STYLE=DS9|}}
|{{PNPC|Master Sergeant|Jenta Solana|Green|Marine|SPECIES=Orion|SEX=Female|PC=Toryn Raga|STYLE=DS9|}}
|{{PNPC|Staff Sergeant|Ranath Dreis|Green|Marine|3037_everhart-angie.png|SPECIES=Trill|SEX=Female|PC=Kecskemeti|STYLE=DS9|}}
|{{PNPC|Ensign|Tenai Pex|Black|Intelligence Officer|Tenai Pex.png|SPECIES=Trill|SEX=Male|PC=Maddi Hyden|STYLE=DS9|}}
|{{PNPC|Lieutenant JG|Iael Danara|Black|Intelligence Officer|SPECIES=Betazoid|SEX=Male|PC=Aidoann Danara|STYLE=DS9|}}
|{{PNPC|Civilian|Hars Vlin|Teal|Oceanographic Scientist|Hars Vlin2.png|SPECIES=Bolian|SEX=Male|PC=Brell|USERNAME=|STYLE=DS9|15|0|}}
|{{PNPC|Civilian|Zogi|Silver|Owner of Poseidon's Lounge|Zogi.jpg|SPECIES=Ferengi|SEX=Male|PC=Williams||STYLE=DS9|}}
|{{PNPC|Civilian|Evie Watts|Blue|Cyberneticist|Science_PNPC.png|SPECIES=Cygnian|SEX=Female|PC=Esa Darkkdust||STYLE=DS9|}}
'''Instructions on how to edit this roster are available [[:Template:NPCRoster|here]].'''

[[Category:USS Atlantis]]
[[Category:Atlantis NPCs]]
[[Category:Non-Playing Characters]]

Latest revision as of 21:23, 7 April 2020

PC's First

One of the most important things on healthy and active ships is to build rich, fulfilling relationships between our PC characters. Those relationships might develop into friendship, romance, tension, or animosity - the important thing is that they develop. Writing for PNPCs can be a lot of fun, however, always keep in mind that they are meant only to be supporting characters to our PC's.

Got An Idea For A PNPC

If you have a PNPC you would like to see added to list, you should email the CO to discuss your idea. The Atlantis crew is around 160 officers, and crewman in total. So adding a PNPC is big deal even if they wont be seen every mission. It is important that you and the CO have a chance to discuss your PNPC's background, purpose, role on the ship and how they might influence the experiences of our main PCs on the ship. Therefore, all PNPCs, whether specific or shared, must get the green light from the CO before being added to the list and simmed on the ship.

USS Atlantis NPC Roster
Command Division Operations Division Sciences Division Medical Division Marine Detachment Civilian Contingent
Command Officers
Administrative Officers
Helm & Shuttle Ops
Operations & Engineering
Security & Tactical
General Sciences
Specialised Sciences
Medicine & Surgery
Nursing & Allied Health
Counselling & Psychiatry
Marines Civilian Staff
NPCs (both PNPCs and general NPCs) aboard the Atlantis are listed by division and department. Note that this database should be thought of as only a partial roster of the entire crew. New NPCs are frequently created within sims at the whim of a writer.

When adding new NPC characters on the Atlantis, please be sure to put [[Category:Atlantis NPCs]] at the bottom of their character page.