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(→‎History: - adding information about Klingons as occupiers)
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image = [[Image:Mizarian.jpg|250px]]|  
image = [[Image: Sadar-2400.png |250px]]|  
4letter = MZAR|
4letter = MZAR |
fedstatus = Neutral|
fedstatus = Neutral |
origin = Mizar II |
origin = Mizar II |
encountered = TNG: Allegiance |
encountered = TNG: Allegiance |
techlevel = K |
techlevel = [[Planetary Development Scale|K]] |

::''"We have learned to accept the inevitable. After all conflict of any kind is counterproductive to any societies survival."''
:::a Mizarian proverb.
:The Mizarian are an intelligent humanoid species best known for being pacifists who avoid all confrontations and who will offer no resistance to any aggressive or anti-social acts directed their way. 

Humanoid in appearance but with whitish facial skin sharply folded along vertical lines. They have a grey wrinkled complexion and no body hair, they generally wear light grey or tan robes in public. With a firm belief in pacifism, they have been conquered six times in three hundred years. They have no political alignments and the Mizar system is generally considered to be neutral territory.
==Home System==
* '''Quadrant''': Alpha<ref>https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Mizar_II</ref>
* '''Location''': Mizar Sector (coordinates A27-0002-1300??)
* '''Proper Name''': Mizar system
* '''Star''': It orbits a [[Star Classifications|class A (White)]] star
* '''Distance from Star''': its orbit is approximately 33 million km
* '''Companions''': It is the 2nd of 8 planets in the system
* '''Moons''': It has 3 tiny moons and a single medium moon

==Home World==
* '''Proper Name''': Mizar II
* '''Native Name''': Mizabet
* '''Pronunciation''': My-za-beit
* '''Diameter''': 20.306,7 km (12,618 miles)
* '''Gravity''': 0.95 standard gravity with a density of 3.3
* '''Axial Tilt''': 16.3%, with minimal seasonal changes
* '''Orbital Period''': 331 days
* '''Rotational Period''': 22.5 hours
* '''Classification''': [[Planetary Classification|M]]
* '''Surface Water''': 59%
* '''Atmosphere''': 0.93% is a standard pressure with 73% nitrogen, 26% oxygen, 1% trace chemicals
* '''Climate''': Mainly a temperate planet with arctic poles regions.
* '''Terrain''': It has rolling hills, dense forests, small mountain ranges, and small swamps.
* '''Population''': Just over 5 billion

[[Intelligent_Lifeform_Index/Complete_List|Complete ILI]]
The Mizarians have had a very peaceful, some might almost say dull history of slow development and gradual advancement. They have no recorded instances of any kind of aggressive anti-social activity anywhere on their world.

This remained true until they were invaded and conquered. This was the beginning of a 300 year period during which they were invaded and conquered by a series of 6 different species. During this time they as a species never once did anything that might be considered aggressive and merely did as they were told. One of those species were the Klingon, who left Mizar again within a generation, with a very unfavorable opinion of the passive and passionless Mizarians.<ref>https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-artemis/c/dl_ZdSdQOHU</ref>
Eventually this came to an end and other than some noticeable advances in technology that was forced on them by different masters at different times they seemed to have weathered the turmoil with surprising efficiency.
Currently the Mizar system is generally considered to now be neutral territory.
With a firm belief in pacifism, they have been conquered six times in three hundred years. They have no political alignments with any other government or alliance of species.
They have a council of elected officials that fluctuates in size and is made up of well-educated and proven individuals who have problem solving skills and a knack for co-operative efficiency.
[[File:Malvus.png|150px|thumb|<small>Malvus (LD S2E5 '[https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/An_Embarrassment_Of_Dooplers_(episode) An Embarrassment of Dooplers].')</small>]]
Mizarians are tall humanoids, with the average height of an adult ranging from 5'10" to 6'3". Their skintones vary from pure white to grey and to pale blues and purples, but they all share the defining skin folds that most readily identifies their species. Because of their skin folds, they, as a species, share a comparatively wrinkled complexion, punctuated by their complete lack of body hair. (Some Mizarians, presumably Hybrids, have demonstrated the capability to grow facial hair<ref>https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Malvus</ref>).
Male Mizarians also develop mental folds - or 'chin tendrils' for the the alien observer - that start growing during puberty and continuously grow throughout the male's life, albeit at a very slow pace. The general lack of body hair has caused them to always wear robes of a soft and warm fabric while in public. These robes are called Yael-robes, and are thin enough that they can be worn underneath whatever uniforms a given Mizarian might otherwise wear while in an official capacity. The Yael-robes have traditionally been kept in dull colors, such as grey or brown, but brightening up the robes to pale nuances of yellow or blue has become fashionable, and many conservatives on Mizar II blame this on the outside influence of alien fashion.
[[File:MizarianAnatomicalSketch1.png|200px|thumb|left|<small>Figure 1:''Mizarian''</small>]]Primitive Mizarians were an aquatic species, but it has been a long time since they lost most of the characteristics that made such an existence viable.
Mizarian skulls have a slightly domed and elongated shape, their skin folds growing harder as they run along both the crest and the sides of their skull to form an almost chitinous harness for their large scalp. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-artemis/c/qFuvRtwSXrs ''"And an End."'']</ref> Their noses are broad and open, allowing easier passage of air, while their ears moreso resemble those of Earth reptiles, with thin membranes located at the sides of the head that vibrate in response to sound waves. This membrane is far thinner than that found in common reptiles, however, so thin in fact that it is practically translucent.
[[File:MizarianAnatomicalSketch2.png|200px|thumb|<small>''Figure 2:Mizarian Profile''</small>]]Their skull slims back towards a slimmer neck-area, but at the bottom of their occipital bone (the lower back of their skull), a number of nuchal folds - slim segmented tubes (similar in appearance to small human intestines) - protrude from their skull and nestle in a hollowed area in the nape of their neck.<ref>[https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-artemis/c/VOTs9MwpF7s ''"Complacency? Or a Flytrap?"'']</ref> These nuchal folds were once necessary for primitive Mizarians to survive on land, as they contained a portable supply of water that the aquatic species required for breathing, but as successive generations of Mizarians adapted to life on land, the nuchal folds became obsolete. The folds have since slimmed in size and become more of an aesthetic feature of the species rather than a functional part of their biology.
As with most intelligent humanoid species they have a very complex system with specialized organs, and unique hormones, chemicals and enzymes. They are typical humanoids with most of the physical, mental and biological medical problems that seem to plague most humanoids. While they remain piscetarian by definition, they are not incapable of consuming red meats or landbased fruits and vegetables, but some fruits - such as strawberries - act as a mild narcotic in Mizarians, so they tend to abstain from fruit-based dishes and drinks.
Mizarians value peaceful non-resistance over confrontation; because of this reputation, they were conquered six times in a matter of three centuries. The Mizarians have survived these invasions by offering absolutely no resistance.
[[File:MizarianReligiousRelic1.png|150px|thumb|left|<small>''Image 1:The Eleventh Primer''</small>]] The Mizarians do not consider themselves 'religious', and do not have any deities they worship. Instead, they follow a Spritualist doctrine called the Kahlto - the Wheel of Existence - that states that peace and peaceful non-resistance will ensure the development of the soul and allow it to transcend their physical forms and eventually become one with the universe around them.
The writings of the Kahlto are endless, reprinted and rephrased continuously for centuries, but always kept as close to the original writings - also known as the 'Lost Scriptures' - as possible. The first of those, the Primer of Tol'n, is considered the long lost origin of the Kahlto.<ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-artemis/c/_x58mwhsCi4 ''"I've got a Need for Discovery!"'']</ref> The oldest physical example of religious canon for the Kahlto is a stone slab known as the Eleventh Primer, currently on display in the capital city. The Kahlto is written as a series of [[Mizarian/Kahlto Tenets|tenets]], philosophical commandments detailing the proper way to live.[[File:WheeloftheUniverse.png|thumb|right|80px]]
Symbolism isn't a widely applied concept in Mizarian texts and scripture, and thusly, they don't have many symbols representing the Wheel. The oldest known symbol to denote the belief in the Kahlto is quite simply the Mizarian letter of ''Kahl''. When seen on iconography, art or constructs, another alternative is to depict the letter within a Wheel with a line going straight through. The inner circle represents Mizabet - the Home of the People - while the straight line (as narrow as possible for the artist's skills) show the strictness of the Kahlto Tenets. The outer circle itself is the Wheel, the Mizarian concept of 'fate' and the final resting place of the balanced soul.
While they do have a large collection of tales and stories they tend to be rather dull and monotonous when read by most other species. They lack any excitement, thrill or heroic motivation.
They are a law abiding, peaceful people who work together well. Their societal structure is very clear and hierarchial, with strangers always adressing strangers with [Title] [Surname], such as 'Doctor Feor' or 'School Technician Ghalt'. With family, children and hierarchial equals, most Mizarians opt to discard this method of adressing and instead use either a first name, surname or nickname with the respectful suffix -''net'', meaning 'valued one'.<ref>[https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-artemis/c/D17_dMX23RA ''"Resistance is Futile"'']</ref>
The larger Mizarian cities are comprised almost entirely by tall, white skyscrapers known as 'Rises'. These buildings are built with a pure white metal, that is remarkably pliable, which has led to a specific type of architecture defined by curves and angles that reflect and redirect sunlight into the streets below. Perhaps due to the stark white color of much of their architecture, significant effort is put into keeping their cities clean.<ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-artemis/c/Sb1XuhNpfjg ''"Different Viewpoints"'']</ref> Compared to many other species, the cities have less infrastructure, utilities, recreational facilities or supporting amenities, and they tend to have a very bland, sanitary look to them because of the sterile white color that dominates it. Most Mizarian Rises in cities separated from an ocean have an entire floor dedicated to their bluefarms, large farming aquariums where they raise the crustaceans, oceanic plants and other culinary delicacies they rely on if they live away from the ocean itself.
They enjoy many types of artistic expression but for the most part all of it seems somehow lacking. Their music is somber, regulated with no fire, no spark and the same can be said of their other forms of art as well. All of it seems more suited to meditation and contemplation.
In terms of fashion, the Mizarians are limited by the fact that they all wear the Yael-robes. These robes are usually kept light grey or tan, though increased exposure to the fashions of other alien species have begun an influx of other color variants into the robes. Dust blue and pale yellow are the most fashionable colors at the moment. Some Mizarians who feel stifled at the lack of personal expression in the Yael-robes have taken to embellish themselves with jewelry to compensate, with rings being the most popular option.
Mizarian cuisine have just two dominating flavour profiles, known as ''melhan'' (very sweet) and ''sakharn'' (bitter and salt). Some Mizarians react unfavorably to spicy food, though this may simply be a consequence of the fact that their cuisine doesn't naturally contain this flavor profile. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-artemis/c/2CKEMCpJqFI/m/k7vrCW3CAgAJ ''"Can Cooking be Performative? Ask the Swedes."'']</ref>
One of the truly unusual customs that they have is called the Walk of Acceptance. In this a young individual walks down a long line of 100 individuals. He stops at each one, professes his acceptance of their way of life before he accepts a short whip from that person. Then he uses the whip to strike his own back before returning it. This act is mostly symbolic as they seldom inflict any real injury to themselves and in most cases it results only in some mild bruising.
Another custom is the 'Ur’tal' - the Emptying. With roots in Kahlto, this custom has become more commonplace with the youth of Mizar II. At the end of the day, the individual will write down a log for the day - every emotion, thought and worry they experienced - on a combustible material, be it paper or fabric. Once everything has been written down, the record is then burnt as the individual meditates before it.<ref>[https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-artemis/c/Om9grt7-iNk ''"A Stranger at Sea"'']</ref>
While clearly not as advanced as many of the species around them they also have not shown any interest in trading for any new technologies. They also do not seem to be interested in any opportunities to join in various research projects conducted by other species.
They have a number of trade partners but are cautious as well about who they enter into business with. For the most part they can be self-sufficient when need be, such as during the [[ma:Dominion War|Dominion War]] when they canceled all trade deals and shut down as much ship movement between their system and other systems as possible.
Due to the fact that they extremely pacifists they have never had any military forces of any kind. They do not even employ any form of police as they have never needed them either.
==Federation Intelligence Files==
Mizarians were one of the many species that attended the biennial Trade Agreements Conference held on Betazed in 2366.
A Mizarian was a customer in a bar on Torman V, when Jean-Luc Picard, [[ma:Crusher, Beverly|Beverly Crusher]] and [[ma:Worf|Worf]] were undercover on the planet in 2369.
A Mizarian was aboard the USS Enterprise-D shortly before it was destroyed.
Mizarians valued peaceful non-resistance and because of this, were conquered six times between the mid-21st century and the 2360s.
The Klingon Empire refused any governmental relations with the Mizarian people because of their extreme pacifistic views.
At least one Mizarian served aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2371.
===Monument of Surrender===
The Monument of Surrender is a large statue that was present on the homeworld of the Mizarian species, which showcased their complete belief in peace without conflict. This was because the Mizarians never fought their invaders and were simply conquered until the conquerors departed.
===Kova Tholl===
Kova Tholl was a Mizarian public servant who enjoyed private meditation and was considered one of the brightest of his race. He claimed that the Mizarians are a species known for possessing superior intelligence.
He was a pacifist who knew of no one who could bear malice against his race or himself personally. He boasted of his intelligence and considered himself to be neither important enough to be held for ransom nor radical enough to be considered a threat.
In 2366, he was abducted, along with Captain [[ma:Picard, Jean-Luc|Jean-Luc Picard]], Esoqq and Mitena Haro, by a hitherto unknown species for use in a covert experiment to study their different attitudes towards authority.
Kleissu was a male Mizarian scientist, noted for his efforts to formulate a unified theory of the nature of the universe.
In the late 2370s, his theories were discovered by B'Ekara, a Klingon scientist at the Klingon Science Institute. However, because of the Klingon Empire's policies toward the pacifistic Mizarians, B'Ekara was fired for referencing his work, and the continuation of her research banned. Both Kleissu and B'Ekara later joined the Matter of Everything (or HapHoch) to continue their work.
Ravosus was a male Mizarian Starfleet paramedic serving aboard the USS Aventine by 2381.
During the Borg Invasion of 2381, the Aventine attacked and captured a Borg scout, securing its vinculum so that former Earth Starfleet Captain Erika Hernandez, now fused with Caeliar catoms, could interface with it and pose as the Borg Queen to halt the invasion. Ravosus was aboard the scout craft to monitor Hernandez's vital signs and provide medical attention as necessary.
The Queen, however, transferred her presence to the scout craft, and used the vessel itself to attack the small Starfleet team, including psychologically assaulting Captain Hernandez. Aventine Chief Engineer Mikaela Leishman and Ravosus struggled to lift and carry her out, following Gruhn Helkara towards one of their transporter beam-out points setup with pattern enhancers. The Queen reshaped the ship around them as they attempted to flee, preventing their escape; Ravosus was cut off from the others and killed.
Both Memory Alpha and Memory Beta were used as references as well as the following TV episodes, TNG: Allegiance, TNG: Ménage à Troi, TNG: Chain of Command, Part I and the Star Trek TNG movie: Generations.
Also used were the following resources, the ST novel: Articles of the Federation, ST - Destiny novel: Lost Souls, SCE eBook: Fables of the Prime Directive, the Star Trek: The Next Generation Makeup FX Journal, page 65 and the TNG video game: Birth of the Federation.
[[Category:Beta Quadrant Species]]
[[Category:Intelligent Lifeform Index Species]]
[[Category:Intelligent Lifeform Index Species]]
<references />

Latest revision as of 12:26, 12 January 2025

Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code MZAR
Federation Status Neutral
Planet of Origin Mizar II
Encountered TNG: Allegiance
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level K
List of Named Mizarians

Full ILI GalleryPermitted Species Gallery

"We have learned to accept the inevitable. After all conflict of any kind is counterproductive to any societies survival."
a Mizarian proverb.
The Mizarian are an intelligent humanoid species best known for being pacifists who avoid all confrontations and who will offer no resistance to any aggressive or anti-social acts directed their way.

Home System

  • Quadrant: Alpha[1]
  • Location: Mizar Sector (coordinates A27-0002-1300??)
  • Proper Name: Mizar system
  • Star: It orbits a class A (White) star
  • Distance from Star: its orbit is approximately 33 million km
  • Companions: It is the 2nd of 8 planets in the system
  • Moons: It has 3 tiny moons and a single medium moon

Home World

  • Proper Name: Mizar II
  • Native Name: Mizabet
  • Pronunciation: My-za-beit
  • Diameter: 20.306,7 km (12,618 miles)
  • Gravity: 0.95 standard gravity with a density of 3.3
  • Axial Tilt: 16.3%, with minimal seasonal changes
  • Orbital Period: 331 days
  • Rotational Period: 22.5 hours
  • Classification: M
  • Surface Water: 59%
  • Atmosphere: 0.93% is a standard pressure with 73% nitrogen, 26% oxygen, 1% trace chemicals
  • Climate: Mainly a temperate planet with arctic poles regions.
  • Terrain: It has rolling hills, dense forests, small mountain ranges, and small swamps.
  • Population: Just over 5 billion


The Mizarians have had a very peaceful, some might almost say dull history of slow development and gradual advancement. They have no recorded instances of any kind of aggressive anti-social activity anywhere on their world.

This remained true until they were invaded and conquered. This was the beginning of a 300 year period during which they were invaded and conquered by a series of 6 different species. During this time they as a species never once did anything that might be considered aggressive and merely did as they were told. One of those species were the Klingon, who left Mizar again within a generation, with a very unfavorable opinion of the passive and passionless Mizarians.[2]

Eventually this came to an end and other than some noticeable advances in technology that was forced on them by different masters at different times they seemed to have weathered the turmoil with surprising efficiency.

Currently the Mizar system is generally considered to now be neutral territory.


With a firm belief in pacifism, they have been conquered six times in three hundred years. They have no political alignments with any other government or alliance of species.

They have a council of elected officials that fluctuates in size and is made up of well-educated and proven individuals who have problem solving skills and a knack for co-operative efficiency.


Malvus (LD S2E5 'An Embarrassment of Dooplers.')

Mizarians are tall humanoids, with the average height of an adult ranging from 5'10" to 6'3". Their skintones vary from pure white to grey and to pale blues and purples, but they all share the defining skin folds that most readily identifies their species. Because of their skin folds, they, as a species, share a comparatively wrinkled complexion, punctuated by their complete lack of body hair. (Some Mizarians, presumably Hybrids, have demonstrated the capability to grow facial hair[3]).

Male Mizarians also develop mental folds - or 'chin tendrils' for the the alien observer - that start growing during puberty and continuously grow throughout the male's life, albeit at a very slow pace. The general lack of body hair has caused them to always wear robes of a soft and warm fabric while in public. These robes are called Yael-robes, and are thin enough that they can be worn underneath whatever uniforms a given Mizarian might otherwise wear while in an official capacity. The Yael-robes have traditionally been kept in dull colors, such as grey or brown, but brightening up the robes to pale nuances of yellow or blue has become fashionable, and many conservatives on Mizar II blame this on the outside influence of alien fashion.


Figure 1:Mizarian

Primitive Mizarians were an aquatic species, but it has been a long time since they lost most of the characteristics that made such an existence viable.

Mizarian skulls have a slightly domed and elongated shape, their skin folds growing harder as they run along both the crest and the sides of their skull to form an almost chitinous harness for their large scalp. [4] Their noses are broad and open, allowing easier passage of air, while their ears moreso resemble those of Earth reptiles, with thin membranes located at the sides of the head that vibrate in response to sound waves. This membrane is far thinner than that found in common reptiles, however, so thin in fact that it is practically translucent.

Figure 2:Mizarian Profile

Their skull slims back towards a slimmer neck-area, but at the bottom of their occipital bone (the lower back of their skull), a number of nuchal folds - slim segmented tubes (similar in appearance to small human intestines) - protrude from their skull and nestle in a hollowed area in the nape of their neck.[5] These nuchal folds were once necessary for primitive Mizarians to survive on land, as they contained a portable supply of water that the aquatic species required for breathing, but as successive generations of Mizarians adapted to life on land, the nuchal folds became obsolete. The folds have since slimmed in size and become more of an aesthetic feature of the species rather than a functional part of their biology.

As with most intelligent humanoid species they have a very complex system with specialized organs, and unique hormones, chemicals and enzymes. They are typical humanoids with most of the physical, mental and biological medical problems that seem to plague most humanoids. While they remain piscetarian by definition, they are not incapable of consuming red meats or landbased fruits and vegetables, but some fruits - such as strawberries - act as a mild narcotic in Mizarians, so they tend to abstain from fruit-based dishes and drinks.


Mizarians value peaceful non-resistance over confrontation; because of this reputation, they were conquered six times in a matter of three centuries. The Mizarians have survived these invasions by offering absolutely no resistance.


Image 1:The Eleventh Primer

The Mizarians do not consider themselves 'religious', and do not have any deities they worship. Instead, they follow a Spritualist doctrine called the Kahlto - the Wheel of Existence - that states that peace and peaceful non-resistance will ensure the development of the soul and allow it to transcend their physical forms and eventually become one with the universe around them. The writings of the Kahlto are endless, reprinted and rephrased continuously for centuries, but always kept as close to the original writings - also known as the 'Lost Scriptures' - as possible. The first of those, the Primer of Tol'n, is considered the long lost origin of the Kahlto.[6] The oldest physical example of religious canon for the Kahlto is a stone slab known as the Eleventh Primer, currently on display in the capital city. The Kahlto is written as a series of tenets, philosophical commandments detailing the proper way to live.


Symbolism isn't a widely applied concept in Mizarian texts and scripture, and thusly, they don't have many symbols representing the Wheel. The oldest known symbol to denote the belief in the Kahlto is quite simply the Mizarian letter of Kahl. When seen on iconography, art or constructs, another alternative is to depict the letter within a Wheel with a line going straight through. The inner circle represents Mizabet - the Home of the People - while the straight line (as narrow as possible for the artist's skills) show the strictness of the Kahlto Tenets. The outer circle itself is the Wheel, the Mizarian concept of 'fate' and the final resting place of the balanced soul.


While they do have a large collection of tales and stories they tend to be rather dull and monotonous when read by most other species. They lack any excitement, thrill or heroic motivation.


They are a law abiding, peaceful people who work together well. Their societal structure is very clear and hierarchial, with strangers always adressing strangers with [Title] [Surname], such as 'Doctor Feor' or 'School Technician Ghalt'. With family, children and hierarchial equals, most Mizarians opt to discard this method of adressing and instead use either a first name, surname or nickname with the respectful suffix -net, meaning 'valued one'.[7]

The larger Mizarian cities are comprised almost entirely by tall, white skyscrapers known as 'Rises'. These buildings are built with a pure white metal, that is remarkably pliable, which has led to a specific type of architecture defined by curves and angles that reflect and redirect sunlight into the streets below. Perhaps due to the stark white color of much of their architecture, significant effort is put into keeping their cities clean.[8] Compared to many other species, the cities have less infrastructure, utilities, recreational facilities or supporting amenities, and they tend to have a very bland, sanitary look to them because of the sterile white color that dominates it. Most Mizarian Rises in cities separated from an ocean have an entire floor dedicated to their bluefarms, large farming aquariums where they raise the crustaceans, oceanic plants and other culinary delicacies they rely on if they live away from the ocean itself.


They enjoy many types of artistic expression but for the most part all of it seems somehow lacking. Their music is somber, regulated with no fire, no spark and the same can be said of their other forms of art as well. All of it seems more suited to meditation and contemplation.

In terms of fashion, the Mizarians are limited by the fact that they all wear the Yael-robes. These robes are usually kept light grey or tan, though increased exposure to the fashions of other alien species have begun an influx of other color variants into the robes. Dust blue and pale yellow are the most fashionable colors at the moment. Some Mizarians who feel stifled at the lack of personal expression in the Yael-robes have taken to embellish themselves with jewelry to compensate, with rings being the most popular option.

Mizarian cuisine have just two dominating flavour profiles, known as melhan (very sweet) and sakharn (bitter and salt). Some Mizarians react unfavorably to spicy food, though this may simply be a consequence of the fact that their cuisine doesn't naturally contain this flavor profile. [9]


One of the truly unusual customs that they have is called the Walk of Acceptance. In this a young individual walks down a long line of 100 individuals. He stops at each one, professes his acceptance of their way of life before he accepts a short whip from that person. Then he uses the whip to strike his own back before returning it. This act is mostly symbolic as they seldom inflict any real injury to themselves and in most cases it results only in some mild bruising.

Another custom is the 'Ur’tal' - the Emptying. With roots in Kahlto, this custom has become more commonplace with the youth of Mizar II. At the end of the day, the individual will write down a log for the day - every emotion, thought and worry they experienced - on a combustible material, be it paper or fabric. Once everything has been written down, the record is then burnt as the individual meditates before it.[10]


While clearly not as advanced as many of the species around them they also have not shown any interest in trading for any new technologies. They also do not seem to be interested in any opportunities to join in various research projects conducted by other species.


They have a number of trade partners but are cautious as well about who they enter into business with. For the most part they can be self-sufficient when need be, such as during the Dominion War when they canceled all trade deals and shut down as much ship movement between their system and other systems as possible.


Due to the fact that they extremely pacifists they have never had any military forces of any kind. They do not even employ any form of police as they have never needed them either.

Federation Intelligence Files

Mizarians were one of the many species that attended the biennial Trade Agreements Conference held on Betazed in 2366.

A Mizarian was a customer in a bar on Torman V, when Jean-Luc Picard, Beverly Crusher and Worf were undercover on the planet in 2369.

A Mizarian was aboard the USS Enterprise-D shortly before it was destroyed.

Mizarians valued peaceful non-resistance and because of this, were conquered six times between the mid-21st century and the 2360s.

The Klingon Empire refused any governmental relations with the Mizarian people because of their extreme pacifistic views.

At least one Mizarian served aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2371.

Monument of Surrender

The Monument of Surrender is a large statue that was present on the homeworld of the Mizarian species, which showcased their complete belief in peace without conflict. This was because the Mizarians never fought their invaders and were simply conquered until the conquerors departed.

Kova Tholl

Kova Tholl was a Mizarian public servant who enjoyed private meditation and was considered one of the brightest of his race. He claimed that the Mizarians are a species known for possessing superior intelligence.

He was a pacifist who knew of no one who could bear malice against his race or himself personally. He boasted of his intelligence and considered himself to be neither important enough to be held for ransom nor radical enough to be considered a threat.

In 2366, he was abducted, along with Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Esoqq and Mitena Haro, by a hitherto unknown species for use in a covert experiment to study their different attitudes towards authority.


Kleissu was a male Mizarian scientist, noted for his efforts to formulate a unified theory of the nature of the universe.

In the late 2370s, his theories were discovered by B'Ekara, a Klingon scientist at the Klingon Science Institute. However, because of the Klingon Empire's policies toward the pacifistic Mizarians, B'Ekara was fired for referencing his work, and the continuation of her research banned. Both Kleissu and B'Ekara later joined the Matter of Everything (or HapHoch) to continue their work.


Ravosus was a male Mizarian Starfleet paramedic serving aboard the USS Aventine by 2381.

During the Borg Invasion of 2381, the Aventine attacked and captured a Borg scout, securing its vinculum so that former Earth Starfleet Captain Erika Hernandez, now fused with Caeliar catoms, could interface with it and pose as the Borg Queen to halt the invasion. Ravosus was aboard the scout craft to monitor Hernandez's vital signs and provide medical attention as necessary.

The Queen, however, transferred her presence to the scout craft, and used the vessel itself to attack the small Starfleet team, including psychologically assaulting Captain Hernandez. Aventine Chief Engineer Mikaela Leishman and Ravosus struggled to lift and carry her out, following Gruhn Helkara towards one of their transporter beam-out points setup with pattern enhancers. The Queen reshaped the ship around them as they attempted to flee, preventing their escape; Ravosus was cut off from the others and killed.


Both Memory Alpha and Memory Beta were used as references as well as the following TV episodes, TNG: Allegiance, TNG: Ménage à Troi, TNG: Chain of Command, Part I and the Star Trek TNG movie: Generations.

Also used were the following resources, the ST novel: Articles of the Federation, ST - Destiny novel: Lost Souls, SCE eBook: Fables of the Prime Directive, the Star Trek: The Next Generation Makeup FX Journal, page 65 and the TNG video game: Birth of the Federation.

Content from this article may have
come partially, or entirely from
Memory Alpha

This profile was revised by the Species Development Committee.
REV 240201.12
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