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The '''Comprehensive Dictionary of "Loranese"''' is the list of slang and idiomatic terms used in speech and writing by [[Reven, Loran|Ensign Loran "Peachies"]]. The listing will grow and improve in accordance with the usage of new words IC.
The '''Comprehensive Dictionary of 'Loranese'''' is the list of slang and idiomatic terms used in speech and writing by [[Reven, Loran|Ensign Loran "Peachies" Reven]]. The listing will grow and improve in accordance with the usage of new words IC.

== A ==
== A ==
'''''All Norris''''' - always capitalized, replacemt of phrase "all check" in flight procedures; see also: ''Chuck''.<br>
'''''Apollo''''' - apology.

== B ==
== B ==
'''''Bambolino''''' - a hanging ornament in the temples of Trill, derived from original Trillese word bam'abon.<br>
'''''Bambolino''''' - a hanging ornament in the temples of Trill, derived from original Trillese word bam'abon.<br>
'''''Brigger''''' - a person involved with security.
'''''Bargainly''''' - not completely honest assertion.<br>
'''''Blimey''''' - suspicious, fishy.<br>
'''''Brigger''''' - a person involved with security, a Security Officer.

== C ==
== C ==
'''''Cavalrangers''''' - backup (as in cavalry + rangers).<br>
'''''Chuck''''' - always capitalized, 1. replaces word "check" in flight procedures; 2. friend, good guy; see also: ''All Norris''.<br>
'''''Clonk''''' - kilometer.<br>
'''''Commbie''''' - comm-badge.

== D ==
== D ==
'''''Damp fingers''''' - certain, proved beyond doubt.

== E ==
== E ==

== F ==
== F ==
'''''Fallupy''''' - derogatory remark, equivalents fool, dumb, idiot etc.<br>
'''''Fantasmic''''' - fantastic.<br>
'''''Figurgles''''' - figures (as in "it figures").
'''''Figurgles''''' - figures (as in "it figures").

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== H ==
== H ==
'''''Hocco''''' - HCO Officer.

== I ==
== I ==

== J ==
== J ==
'''''Jambalayas''''' - always capitalized, a general purpose exclamation, usually as sentence opener, often preceded by prefix "Great", see also ''Sacred bambolinos''.
'''''Jambalayas''''' - always capitalized, a general purpose exclamation, usually as sentence opener, often preceded by prefix "Great"; see also: ''Sacred bambolinos''.<br>
'''''Jollo''''' - 1. friend; 2. merry man.

== K ==
== K ==

== L ==
== L ==
'''''Leftout''''' - Second Officer, third in command.<br>
'''''Lettucehead''''' - sarcastic for a Klingon.

== M ==
== M ==
'''''Marvelabulous''''' - marvelous or fabulous.<br>
'''''Myst''''' - short for mysterious, secretive.
'''''Myst''''' - short for mysterious, secretive.

== N ==
== N ==
'''''Nutty''''' - 1. a person good with machines and maintenance; 2. an Engineering Officer.

== O ==
== O ==
'''''Oowey-gooey''''' - mush, slop, typically about bad drink or food.

== P ==
== P ==
'''''Peach-a-boo''''' - 1. expression of extreme complacency, stronger than ''Peachies'', see also ''Peachy-peachy-peach''; 2. An act of scaring someone performed by Loran Reven.<br>
'''''Peach-a-boo''''' - 1. an act of scaring someone performed by Loran Reven; 2. expression of extreme complacency, stronger than ''Peachies''; see also ''Peachy-peachy-peach''. <br>
'''''Peachies''''' - 1. expression of complacency or citation, equivalents: brilliant, fabulous, good, great, marvellous etc.; 2. Loran Reven's nickname.<br>
'''''Peachies''''' - 1. an expression of complacency or citation, equivalents: brilliant, fabulous, good, great, marvelous etc.; 2. Loran Reven's nickname.<br>
'''''Peachy-peachy-peach''''' - expresion of extreme complacency or citation, also referred as "the perfect combo", see also ''Peach-a-boo''.
'''''Peach of the cake''''' - an extremely easy thing, a piece of cake.<br>
'''''Peacholino''''' - see ''Peachies''.<br>
'''''Peachy-peachy-peach''''' - an expresion of extreme complacency or citation used in magnificent situations, also referred as "the perfect combo"; see also: ''Peach-a-boo''.<br>
'''''Picard's slip''''' - 1. a mistake impossible to make, fiasco of unbelievable magnitude; 2. a once-in-a-lifetime occurence, very improbable outcome.<br>
'''''Prance pony''''' - 1. to talk shop; 2. to pull one's leg, deceive someone.

== Q ==
== Q ==

== R ==
== R ==
'''''Rightman''''' - First/Executive Officer.

== S ==
== S ==
'''''Sacred bambolinos''''' - general purpose exclamation, usually as sentence opener, see also ''Jambalayas'', ''bambolino''
'''''Sacred bambolinos''''' - general purpose exclamation, usually as sentence opener; see also ''Jambalayas'', ''Bambolino''.<br>
'''''Suntan''''' - something.<br>
'''''Suprest''''' - best.<br>
'''''Swapoon''''' - the act of changing/swapping something (eg. clothes).
'''''Swapoon''''' - the act of changing/swapping something (eg. clothes).

== T ==
== T ==
'''''Teedly''''' - a little bit.<br>
'''''Tictac''''' - 1. Tactical Officer; 2. Person crazy on guns and violence.

== U ==
== U ==
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== Y ==
== Y ==
'''''Yest''''' - yesterday.

== Z ==
== Z ==



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