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A humanoid race of telepaths, the '''Ullians''' are telepaths with a vested interest in learning the memories of other species, with the power to enhance and recover lost memories. (TNG: "Violations")
A humanoid race of telepaths, the Ullians have a vested interest in learning the memories of other species.


Revision as of 12:23, 13 January 2012

Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code ULLI
Federation Status Member
Planet of Origin Ullia
Encountered By the USS Enterprise-D, TNG: "Violations"
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N+
List of Named Ullians

Full ILI GalleryPermitted Species Gallery


  • Proper Name: Ullian
  • Pronunciation: [Yew][Lee][An]

Home System

  • Quadrant: ???
  • Location:  ??? (???)
  • Proper Name: ???
  • Pronunciation: ???
  • Star: a class ??? (???) star
  • Distance from Star:???
  • Companions:???

Home World

  • Proper Name: ???
  • Pronunciation: ???
  • Diameter: ???
  • Gravity: ???
  • Axial Tilt: ???
  • Orbital Period: ???
  • Rotational Period: ???
  • Classification: ???
    • Surface Water: ???
    • Atmosphere: ???
    • Climate: ???
    • Population: ???


Before the 21st century, the Ullians were a violent people. Telepathic memory invasion was a common occurence. By the end of the 21st century, they became peaceful, and instances of memory invasion were virtually eliminated, although some members of Ullian society still practiced that form of rape.

By 2368, the Ullians had embarked upon an ambitious plan to construct a library of memories from species across the Federation and beyond. Several Ullians, including Tarmin and Jev, were trained in telepathic memory retrieval and used the ability to reconstruct and collect memories. It was hoped the memory library would be not unlike an repository of oral histories. One group of Ullians visited eleven planets in eight star systems including Melina II, Nel III, and Hurada III. Kaldra IV was also a planned stop. Before the Ullian delegation arrived at Kaldra IV, Jev was found guilty of committing telepathic memory invasion against several members of the USS Enterprise-D crew, bringing a temporary interruption to the research. (TNG: "Violations")



A humanoid race of telepaths, the Ullians have a vested interest in learning the memories of other species.


The Ullians are physically similar to humans. The sides of their skulls have a pronounced hairless bulge, most likely related to their telepathic centers. They are also characterized by lightly upswept eyebrows and a rough-textured membrane that covers the top of the ear and melds flush to the head.


Ullians are capable of telepathically reading most humanoid species, although other telepathic species such as the Betazoids have difficulty in reading Ullian minds.

Ullians have the capability to repair lost and fragmented memories via telepathic contact for both their own, and other species.





For the most part, the Ullians are a gentle, honest, and friendly people. They have a great passion for their work, but do not wish to coerce other species into participating if they are not willing.



Ullians have developed a modern advanced culture, even though their technology lags far behind modern standards. They are a space faring race capable of reaching beyond their own sphere of influence to other systems and sectors yet choose to stay focused on their own world, seeing no need for expansion.


The economy of the Ullian species is knowledge. The most predominant for of knowledge acquisition is through telepathic contact with both other species and their own. Like the federation, their Utopian society lacks currency and instead chooses to pay for services rendered via the sharing of knowledge via telepathic means.


The Ullians have no military capabilities at all and rely entirely upon the Federation for defensive purposes. This stems from the fact that violence was all but eradicated from their world at some point during the 21st Century.

Federation Intelligence Files


THIS PROFILE WAS RE-WRITTEN BY THE SDC; Species Development Committee

  • If in the coarse of a mission or shore leave new information not included in this report is discovered or developed then a copy of said data must be forwarded to the SDC as per Federation and Starfleet internal directives.
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Memory Alpha