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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code DANN
Federation Status Netural
Planet of Origin Koreli-IV
Encountered 2402 (with prior contact and communication made in 2400)
T/E Rating T2/E2
Current Tech Level Warp Capable (Warp 2)
List of Named Dannis

Full ILI GalleryPermitted Species Gallery

To do list

  • add democratic system
  • add note about their resources (crystals) with link back to Koreli-Four page
  • add info from Nilsen scene
  • add info from Richards scene

(OOC Note from Tom) The headings below are for reference. feel free to use

Home System

  • Quadrant:
  • Location:
  • Proper Name:
  • Star:
  • Distance from Star:
  • Companions:
  • Moons:

Home World

  • Proper Name:
  • Diameter:
  • Gravity:
  • Axial Tilt:
  • Orbital Period:
  • Rotational Period:
  • Classification:
  • Surface Water:
  • Atmosphere:
  • Climate:
  • Terrain:
  • Population:



Soon after the conclusion of the Dominion War, the Danni achieved Warp One and began venturing into the Gamma Quadrant, which was still recovering from the war's devastation. They achieved Warp 2 in 2396

While exploring, they observed their neighbors, the Zet, but chose not to make contact at the time.

In 2400, the Danni reached out to the Federation, seeking protectorate status and a potential exchange of technology (the specific technologies to be determined during the simulation). However, they withdrew their request in early 2401.

On Koreli-Four, the Zet made contact with the Danni and proposed an arrangement similar to the one the Danni had sought with the Federation. Grand King Ma'det'ain'ths'ng'in'Grend called for a vote on the matter, which narrowly passed with 51% in favor and 49% opposed.

There are rumours that Grend may have rigged the vote to achieve this outcome.

Relations with the Zet

The Danni initially welcomed the Zet, who offered promises of assistance and cooperation. The Zet, however, exploited Danni resources and imposed dominance over the planet, forcing the Danni into subjugation.

As a result, the Danni became resentful and deeply mistrusting of outsiders, particularly those associated with the Zet.

The Zet are mining Koreli IV for a mineral compound, which the Danni believe holds value for the Deathles. This mining has caused ecological damage to Koreli IV


The Danni operate under a democratic system, where significant decisions are decided through public votes, though the tight margin and rumors of tampering have raised concerns about the system's integrity in this case.

As a result of the vote, the Danni formally withdrew their request for Federation protectorate status.


Pure democracy. Everyone with a standard level of education is entitled to vote.




Telepathic abilities

On rare occassion when a Danni reaches midlife they will begin suffering from the loss of vision and begin to develop telepathic and empathic abilities. These gifts do not extend beyond members of their own species. Danni who end up with the gift to 'speak to mind and heart' are recruited into the the Garden of Harmony to serve their people as counselors, advisors, and confidant. Traditionally it is considered a great honor to be selected for this role.

The Zet have used technology that blasts telepathic propaganda which causes discomfort for telepathic Danni and other telepathic individuals.

The Garden of Harmony has properties that can negate some of the effects of this technology.





In recent years, due to the betrayal of the Zet, The Danni are rightly cautious and skeptical of outsiders. However while mistrustful, the Danni have shown very cautious willingness to engage in a dialogue once intentions of the other party are clarified

Key Individuals

  • Etea: An elder Danni who acts as a representative and protector of their interests. He is deeply protective of the Gardens of Harmony and skeptical of Starfleet.
  • Dhanna: A younger Danni who provides valuable insights into the Zet’s exploitation and the Danni’s struggle for survival.


Cultural Identity

The Danni value harmony and resilience and they maintain deep spiritual and cultural ties to their sacred sites, particularly the Gardens of Harmony which is in the northern parts of the city of Kaej.


Danni names tend to be short with only one or two syllables. There are few examples of names with more then two syllables



Much of the Danni's original technological advancements have been co-opted by the Zet, leaving the Danni in a disadvantaged position.


Starfleet Intelligence Files


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