Craft assigned to USS Independence-A

Revision as of 12:28, 25 November 2008 by Salak (talk | contribs)

  • (2) Worker Bees
  • (2) Type-6 Shuttlecraft
    • Rebel
    • Minuteman
  • (2) Type-11 Shuttlecraft
    • TBA
    • TBA
  • (12) F150 Assault Fighters

Type M-1 Sphinx Workpods

Type M-1 Sphinx Workpod
  • 2 Type M-1 Sphinx Workpods
    • A light industrial manipulator, with room for two. Powered by one microfusion reactor, four alfinium krellide power storage cells and four RCS thrusters, the Sphinx Workpod is used mainly as an Engineering shuttle to repair anything on the outside. Along with the Work Bee, the various Sphinx Workpod types are a common site in any large Federation shipbuilding facility. Intended never to be far from its parent facility, the Workpod was designed to allow greater user hands-on control of the various functions involved with day-to-day construction and repair. With more tools then the Work Bee, the Sphinx M1A and M2A are used primarily to manipulate spaceborne hardware during construction.

On the Independence the Work Bee is designed to opperate outside the ship's shield and to house an Engineer repairing the outer hull. There are only two attached to the Independence due to it's Multi Vector Assault Mode.

Type 11 Personnel Shuttles

Type 11 Heavy Shuttle

The Type-11 shuttle, designed by the crew of the [ma:USS Enterprise|USS Enterprise]], is a modular design that allows production, with minimal extra parts, straight from a ship's replicator system. It has a cockpit cabin which is separated from the rest of the interior and a docking port above the passenger compartment behind the cockpit. It is armed with three light phaser arrays and a pair of micro-photon launchers.
The Independence has two of these vessels produced by their own Engineering crew compliment. This was a big move in shuttlecraft design to allow starships to produce their own shuttlecraft to their desired specifications. At the moment, no major changes have been implimented on the design of the Type 11.

Type 6 Standard Shuttlecraft

Type 6 Shuttlecraft

The Type-6 shuttle has been a favorite of pilots from every generation since it's creation. On the Independence there are two of the favoured shttles for Away Missions of any kind. While they are not heavily armoured, the shuttles preliminary design was to be for space exploration on short trips away from their main facility or starship. The type has since ceased production in 2368 but remains a fixture in shuttlebays across the Alpha Quadrant due to its constant reliability.

Table of Craft Assignment

Type-11 Shuttlecraft
Type Dimensions Max Speed Armament Designation Quantity
L: 14.64m
B: 3.26m
H: 4.5m
Normal Cruise: Warp 5
Maximum Cruise: Warp 5.5
Maximum Rated: 6 for 3 hours
3x Type IV Phaser Bank
2x Micro Photon Torpedo Tube (60 rounds)
Type M-1 Sphinx Workpods
Type Dimensions Max Speed Armament Designation Quantity
Standard Repair Pod L: 2.7m
B: 1.2m
H: 2.7m
MIS: 0.01xc
Atmospheric Cruise (Mach): 2
Atmospheric Max (Mach): 5
No Weapons Work Bee One
Work Bee Two
Type-6 Shuttlecraft
Type Dimensions Max Speed Armament Designation Quantity
Standard Shttlecraft L: 6m
B: 4.4m
Ht: 2.7
Normal Cruise: 1
Maximum Cruise : 1.1
Maximum Rated : 1.2 for 48 hours
2x Type IV Phaser Banks Rebel
FA-150 Assault Fighters
Type Dimensions Max Speed Armament Designation Quantity
FA-150 R-Variant
Fast Recon Craft (Mongoose)
L: 13m
B: 7m
H: 4m
Warp 9.9
for 36 hours
1x Type-V Phaser Emitter (Stern) TBA 12