Discovery-B Deck Layout
USS Discovery-B | ||
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Pod 1
- Additional Upper Sensors
- Science Labs A-B
- Hydroponics
- Pod Computer Core
Pod 2
- Science labs C-F
- Astrometrics & Stellar Cartography Suite
- Observation Lounges
- Pod Computer Core
- Additional Lateral Sensors
- Advanced Probe Launcher
- Probe Storage
Pod 3
- Pod Fusion Reactor
- Deuterium Storage
- Engineering Support Station
- Pod Life Support Control
Deck C
- Pod docking clamp
- Secondary Deflector Emitter
- Access to Pod
Deck B
- Secondary Deflector Emitter
- Access to Pod
Deck A
- Secondary Deflector Control
- Access to Pod
Deck 01
- Main Bridge
- Ready Room
- Conference Room
- FO's Office
- Upper Sensors
- Secondary Cargo Bay Doors
- Tractor Beam Control
- Access to Decks A-C
Deck 02
- Captain's quarters
- FO's Quarters
- Senior Officers Quarters
- Transporter Room 1
- Escape Pods
- Secondary Cargo bays 1 & 2 (upper)
- Rear tractor Beam Emitter
- Arboretum (upper)
Deck 03
- VIP Quarters
- Officers Quarters
- Holodeck 1
- Secondary Cargo Bays 1 & 2 (lower)
- Arboretum Viewing Lounge (lower)
Deck 04
- MEDICAL COMPLEX: Sickbay, CMO's Office, MO's Office, Surgical Suites 1-6, Medical Labs 1-3
- Counselor's Office and Therapy Center
- Officers quarters
- Living Quarters
- Transporter Room 2-3
- Main Shuttle Bay (upper deck)
- Shuttle Bay Ops
- Airwing Operations Suite
- Aft Targeting Sensors
- Main Shield Generators
Deck 05
- Living Quarters
- Gymnasium 1-2
- Holodeck 2
- Primary Computer Core (upper)
- Dorsal Phaser Arrays
- Phaser Control
- Escape Pods
- Main Shuttle Bay (lower deck)
- Shuttle Storage
- Impulse Engines
- A/M Storage
Deck 06
- Forward Lounge - "Deck 24"
- Living Quarters
- Holodeck 3
- Primary Computer Core (middle) Main Shuttle Bay (maintenance sub deck)
- Impulse Engines
- Impulse Control
- A/M Storage
Deck 07
- Living Quarters
- Auxiliary Science Suite
- Transporter Room 4
- Hydroponics
- Holodeck 4
- Primary Computer Core (lower)
- Central Power Conduit
- Primary Life Support System Aft Torpedo Launchers
- Torpedo Storage
- Central Power Conduit
Deck 08
- SECURITY COMLEX: Security, CoS Office, Brig, Main Armory, Firing Range;
- Living Quarters
- Holodeck 5
- Torpedo Storage
- Probe Storage
- Waste Management Systems
- Escape Pods
- MARINE CORPS COMPLEX: Barracks, Mess Hall, Training Ground, Battle-Simulation Holodecks 1-2
- Main Engineering (upper)
- Main Cargo bay (upper) & Cargo Bay Doors
Deck 09
- Forward Torpedo Launchers (2)
- Ventral Phaser Arrays
- Ventral Sensor Array
- Forward Targeting Sensors
- Main Engineering (main floor)
- Main Cargo bay (lower)
- Deuterium Storage
Deck 10
- Main Engineering (lower)
- Secondary Computer Core (upper)
- Secondary Life Support
- Deuterium Storage
- Engineering Hull Phaser Array
- Escape pods
Deck 11
- Auxiliary Sickbay
- Secondary Computer Core (middle)
- Engineering Support
- Nacelle Supports (access to nacelle control & ramscoops)
- Primary Plasma Conduits
- Deuterium Storage
Deck 12
- Main Deflector Array
- Deflector Control
- Long Range Science Sensors
- Deuterium storage
Deck 13
- Auxiliary Shield Generators
- Main Deflector Array
- Long Range Science Sensors
Deck 14
- Main Deflector Array
- Main Subspace Transceiver Assembly
Deck 15
- Ventral Tractor Beam Emitter
- Warp Core Ejection System Hatch