User:Lhandon Nilsen/sandbox 3 - New PNPC layout

< User:Lhandon Nilsen
Revision as of 23:21, 27 August 2024 by Lhandon Nilsen (talk | contribs) (Got the colours in)

I'm messing around with and PNPC Gallery.

First is LCARS header as two columns

Main Page

Hello there, I'm Tom and sometimes I wish I could be a space cat that goes meow

Service Record Personal Life Medical Record Academy Transcript
Main Page

Number 2 - Hello there, I'm Tom and sometimes I wish I could be a space cat that goes meow

Service Record Personal Life Medical Record Academy Transcript

Lhandon Nilsen
Lhandon Nilsen Ensign OEB.png
Assistant Cheif of Operations
USS Octavia E Butler
OEB Exterior Shot 3.png

Species: Human
Gender: Male
Born: 2377 (optional)02 (optional).04 (optional)
Age: Expression error: Unexpected ( operator.
Birth Place: Gault

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User Page

Second attempt and this is closer to what I want

Tom's PNPC's

Main Page

Hello there, I'm Tom and sometimes I wish I could be a space cat that goes meow

Service Record Personal Life Medical Record Academy Transcript
Main Page

Number 2 - Hello there, I'm Tom and sometimes I wish I could be a space cat that goes meow

Service Record Personal Life Medical Record Academy Transcript

Main Page

Number 3 Ensign Mcensignface - Hello there, I'm Tom and sometimes I wish I could be a space cat that goes meow

Service Record Personal Life Medical Record Academy Transcript

Main Page


Service Record Personal Life Medical Record Academy Transcript PERSONNEL FILE

DATE OF BIRTH: 236503.11
AGE: 37
PLACE OF BIRTH: Ennis, Ireland, Earth

Adding random text here

HEIGHT: 182 cm
WEIGHT: 72 kg
HAIR STYLE: Brown, close cropped.
SKIN TONE: Pale with a slight tan.
BUILD: Slender.

Patrick McLeod was born in a small town called Ennis in western Ireland on Planet Earth. He was born to a creative family; his parents were both actors and his older brother became a classical violinist. Pat's favourite memories from childhood were when he would play Cello with his brother.

After graduating from Sligo Grammar School, a relatively unknown High School in Ireland, Pat attended the Daystrom Institute, gaining an Honours Degree in both Astrophysics and Applied Mathematics. He initially intended to spend his life working in a lab but after seeing his childhood friend graduate from Starfleet Academy and move on to explore strange new worlds, Pat realized that a sedentary existence in a lab was not for him.


Patrick is the stereotypical nerd; ever since he was a child, he was always more interested in reading about science and history than he was about play and games. While he is smart intellectually, his self-imposed isolation has left his social-skills quite lacking; he tries to be outgoing and friendly but he always seems to say the wrong things and scare people off. Because of this, Pat forms strong bonds with the few friends that he manages to make.

Pat was born into an artistic family and his parents encouraged both him and his siblings to take up many hobbies, one of which was music. While he wasn't forced to continue all of the hobbies his parents encouraged, he dropped most, the one that he thoroughly enjoyed was playing the Oboe. Music is something that brings him a kind of joy that can't be found anywhere else.

Stored at the 118 SIM Archive. SIM ARCHIVE

Main Page


Service Record Personal Life Medical Record Academy Transcript PERSONNEL FILE

DATE OF BIRTH: 236503.11
AGE: 37
PLACE OF BIRTH: Ennis, Ireland, Earth

Adding MORE random text here

HEIGHT: 182 cm
WEIGHT: 72 kg
HAIR STYLE: Brown, close cropped.
SKIN TONE: Pale with a slight tan.
BUILD: Slender.

Patrick McLeod was born in a small town called Ennis in western Ireland on Planet Earth. He was born to a creative family; his parents were both actors and his older brother became a classical violinist. Pat's favourite memories from childhood were when he would play Cello with his brother.

After graduating from Sligo Grammar School, a relatively unknown High School in Ireland, Pat attended the Daystrom Institute, gaining an Honours Degree in both Astrophysics and Applied Mathematics. He initially intended to spend his life working in a lab but after seeing his childhood friend graduate from Starfleet Academy and move on to explore strange new worlds, Pat realized that a sedentary existence in a lab was not for him.


Patrick is the stereotypical nerd; ever since he was a child, he was always more interested in reading about science and history than he was about play and games. While he is smart intellectually, his self-imposed isolation has left his social-skills quite lacking; he tries to be outgoing and friendly but he always seems to say the wrong things and scare people off. Because of this, Pat forms strong bonds with the few friends that he manages to make.

Pat was born into an artistic family and his parents encouraged both him and his siblings to take up many hobbies, one of which was music. While he wasn't forced to continue all of the hobbies his parents encouraged, he dropped most, the one that he thoroughly enjoyed was playing the Oboe. Music is something that brings him a kind of joy that can't be found anywhere else.

Stored at the 118 SIM Archive. SIM ARCHIVE

Personal File Ensign Bob McBob face
C1 R1 C2 R1 C3 R1
C1 R2 C2 R2 C3 R2
C1 R4 C2 R3 C3 R3
C1 R4 C2 R4 C3 R4
Personal File Ensign Jeffery Combsfskdlfdaskfndsfds;lf
HCO Officer
USS Combs is the best
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Name Mc Nameface  
Lots of fun infomation about them, what are they like, who they are and the other really fun information that people want to know

So much infomation

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Lots of fun infomation about them, what are they like, who they are and the other really fun information that people want to know about the person

So much infomation

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Tom's PNPC's

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Lots of fun infomation about them, what are they like, who they are and the other really fun information that people want to know about the person

So much infomation

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Tom's PNPC's

Here are my NPC's. Let me know if you want to sim with any of them. I hoping to grew this me

Begin Crew Records - Auth 402 -Beta
Crew Record OEB-601-Gamma

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Ensign Per’cel "Percy" Jer-Legrand  
Helm, Communications & Operations Officer
USS Octavia E Butler
DOB: 237410.16
Per’cel "Percy" Jer-Legrand (born Jer Per’cel) is an HCO officer serving on the USS Octavia E. Butler. In mid-2401, he transferred from the ageing USS St. Albans, which is due to be mothballed. He is known to his friends as Percy, a human name he picked up on Earth that sounds similar to his given Bajoran name.

The middle child of three, Percy was born on Bajor in 2374, but the events of the Dominion War led to the death of his parents in 2377, just after the birth of his younger brother Ar

After his parents' deaths, Percy and his siblings were sent to Earth to live in the south of France with two former Starfleet officers who were close to their parents. Thanks to the efforts of their adoptive parents, Percy and his siblings had a happy childhood.

As a show of gratitude, the three siblings chose to take the family name of their adoptive parents.

In 2392, perhaps continuing that show of gratitude, Per’cel signed up for Starfleet Academy. He graduated in 2396 and was assigned to the USS St. Albans, where he served for eight years and reached the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade in 2398. During a visit to Earth in 2399, he met then-Cadet Lhandon Nilsen. The two connected, and Nilsen explained his own connection to the St. Albans, as it was the ship his grandmother served on for many years. They remained in contact as their careers took them on different paths until 2401, when Percy was assigned to the USS Octavia E. Butler, thanks in part to a small amount of influence from Nilsen, who serves on the same ship.

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Add green here Private Link Jenson  
USS Octavia E Butler
DOB: 238004.20
Private Link Jenson is currently serving as a Marine aboard the USS Octavia E Butler. He has a positive disposition and often has long drawn out trains of thoughts that left others wondering if he was; a) Okay or b) Dropped on his head as a child. Jenson was born on Betazed to a Human Father and a Betazoid mother. He reading ablities manifest as his ability to do what he called a "vibe check." A quirk of his birth was that rather than sensing emotions and reading them in his brain, he instead sees an aura around people, with different colours representing various emotional states and intensities.
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Add blue here T'Larn
Civilian - Linguistics Researcher
USS Octavia E Butler
DOB: 234901.01
T'Larn is a Vulcan linguistics researcher who took a position on the USS Oumuamua to aid the crew in understanding the effects of the E-cho Micronebulua. After her assignment was complete, she elected to remain on the Oumuamua. Her main field of study is the difference in syntax and speech patterns between humans and other species with a particular focus on humour. She transferred with the rest of the crew to the OEB in 2401
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