User:Lhandon Nilsen/sandbox

< User:Lhandon Nilsen
Revision as of 12:06, 1 February 2024 by Lhandon Nilsen (talk | contribs) (Building table)
Tom The Space Man

Placeholder for Tom's sandbox page, expect this page to go through weeks of no activity and then a few hours of 4328 changes, then back to no activity.

Lhandon's Transcript Draft

This is so hard. Brain not working

Academic Transcript - Official Copy
Starfleet Academy Office of the Registrar
Student Name: Lhandon Joesph Nilsen
Student ID: TD - 462 - 873
Commissioned: 240005.04
Transcript Issued: 240102.01
  • Dates of Attendance: 239609.04 - 240004.09
  • Campus: San Francisco, Earth, Sol Sector
  • Major: Communications/Operations
  • Minor: Helm/Navigation
  • Cumulative GPA: 3.05
  • Total Credit Hours: 43
Year 1
Semester 1
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
ADMIN101 Starfleet Operations A 1.0 4.0
LANG101 Federation Standard A 1.0 4.0
ENG221 LCARS Programming 1 B+ 1.0 3.3
HIST101 Birth of the Federation B 1.0 3.0
Semester 2
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
DIP101 General C 1.0 2.0
LANG270 Klingon A 1.0 4.0
ASTRG102 Navigation of Starships, Warp Speed B+ 1.0 3.3
ADMIN110 Chain of Command and General Protocol C- 1.0 1.7
Semester 3
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
ASTRG101 Navigation of Starships, Sublight A 1.0 4.0
MATH101 Concepts C- 1.0 1.7
TAC101 Combat, Unarmed B 1.0 3.0
MED101 First Aid and Field Medicine B 1.0 3.0
Year 2
Semester 1
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
ENG231 Computer Memory and Personnel Interfaces B 1.0 3.0
TAC170 Combat, Introduction to Starship Combat A 1.0 4.0
TAC111 Combat, Small Weapons C 1.0 2.0
PILOT101 Roundabout and Shuttles A 1.0 4.0
Semester 2
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
ENG232 Replicators, Transporters and Holodecks B 1.0 3.0
ASTRO101 Astrophysics, Genera B+ 1.0 3.3
DIPL200 Hostile Species A 1.0 4.0
TAC250 Combat, Shuttles and Runabouts A 1.0 4.0
Semester 3
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
ENG233 Sensors, Communications and Helm Systems A 1.0 4.0
LAW101 Federation, General C- 1.0 1.7
MATH101 Concepts C- 1.0 1.7
ADMIN210 Starfleet Bases and Outpost B+ 1.0 3.3
Year 3
Semester 1
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
ADMIN200 Administration: Starfleet StarShips A 1.0 4.0
ADMIN300 Administration: Deployment B+ 1.0 3.3
BIO101 Concepts D 1.0 1.0
SURV101 Starship Emergencies B 1.0 3.0
Semester 2
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
ENG332 Engineering: Life Support Systems B 1.0 3.0
ENG234 Engineering: Deflectors, Weapons and Security Systems A 1.0 4.0
XEN101 General D- 1.0 0.7
SURV110 Environmental Suits and Zero-G Training D- 1.0 0.7
Semester 3
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
TAC175 Tactics: Combat, Phasers and Photon Torpedos B+ 1.0 3.3
Astrophysics, General B+ 1.0 3.3
ENG331 Engineering: Operations and Command Functions A 1.0 4.0
ENG222 Engineering: Base-Mode Operations B+ 1.0 3.3
Year 4
Semester 1
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
TAC301 Strategy of Battle 1 B 1.0 3.0
ENG222 Engineering: Base-Mode Operations B- 1.0 2.7
Semester 2
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
TAC302 Strategy of Battle 2 B 1.0 3.0
TAC300 Leadership C 1.0 2.0
LANG380 Ferengi A 1.0 4.0
Semester 3
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
LAG370 Klingon A 1.0 4.0
LANG513 Terran Jazz, Rock'nRoll, and Pop A 1.0 4.0

Tabber Experiment

This worked really well and helped me tidy up Lhandon's Wiki page. Will be using this again.

Family Members

Older Sister, Age 30, Human

Sariah is the oldest sibling. She is often the one who keeps the remaining siblings in check. Sariah as found her calling as a social worker, following in her mother's footsteps.

Older Brother, Age 27, Human

Marcus followed his father's footsteps and developed a deep passion for agriculture from a young age, thanks to his father's influence. He possesses a strong work ethic and a deep sense of responsibility, both to his family and to the land he cares for.

Marcus is characterized by his steady and dependable nature. He's known for his reliability, level-headedness, and his ability to stay calm under pressure.

While Marcus had chosen a life dedicated to agriculture, his dreams are changing, he is considering that now may be the time to sell the Nilsen farm, and split the profits with his family. The other siblings are as of yet unaware of this plan.

Older Sister, Age 25, Human

Emilia Nilsen is a creative and outspoken member of the Nilsen family, known for her passionate opinions and artistic pursuits. She expresses herself through both painting and song. Emilia is an outspoken critic of Starfleet and her concerns can be summarized in five key points:

  1. Centralization of Authority:
  2. Military Concerns:
  3. Cultural Imperialism:
  4. Resource Allocation:
  5. Accountability and Transparency:
Younger Brother, Age 22, Human

Kei'ran is the most mischievous of the siblings and continues to work on the family farm. He possesses an infectious enthusiasm for life and a natural charm that draws people to him. His sense of humour is often described as irreverent. Kei'ran remains close to Lhandon however Lhandon is glad to be away from the pranks. Lhandon and Kei'ran did commit some minor crimes during Lhandon's pre-Starfleet days, these include trespassing and vandalism

Younger Brother, Age 22, Human

Madison Nilsen is a member of the Bajoran law enforcement and is currently stationed on Deep Space Nine. In 2399, Madison met and entered a relationship with Elys Varaan, a Bajoran Archaeologist. After this, Madison elected to move full-time to Deep Space Nine. Madison is the most reserved and most observant of the Nilsen siblings

Younger Sister, Age 19, Human

Isabella's ultimate goal is to become a chief engineer in Starfleet. She possesses a natural aptitude for engineering, often taking apart and reassembling mechanical devices on the farm when she was younger.

She has been successful in her application to Starfleet Academy and will be beginning her studies very soon.

New Mission Log style

Using another Tabber, let's see how a mission recap would work.

While we can that the layout for this looks pretty sharp, it's much hard to cite things using the tabber and I haven't the energy to learn how to code it.

Nilsen's first posting out of the academy was to the USS Oumuamua, as a helm, communications, and operations officer. On this posting, Nilsen has been working hard in the lower decks to erase the mark left on his record by the incident in the academy. When he frist arrived on the USS Oumuamua in 2400 he met his roommate Toxin Arlill who he affectionately refers to as his "broroomy." and the two have since become inseparable. During his first assigment, he was called to the helm but Lt Johnson with the blessing of Commodore V'Airu and plioted the Oumuama safey through the Esh-o Micronebula. Afterwards Nilsen sucessfully helped to install and develop the new Operations Centre as a part of operation FORT. In the later half of 2400, Nilsen was invovled in providing angel support to the ground teams on Alpha Brenkelvi II. During this time, the Oumuamua was attack the an unknown source from the moon, Nilsen flew the Oumuamua to saftey by performing only the second recorded in-system warp in starfleet history. However his time on the Oumuamua has not been without incident. Old issues, a chip on his shoulder and past failures all affect his present day relationships.

Nilsen's first mission aboard the Oumuama was described by Commodore V'Airu as "complex." While in the lower decks, Nilsen felt the full force of the nebula's effect and during this time wrote his resignation letter

During this mission, on Stardate 240008.03 Nilsen was called up to the bridge, and with Commodore V'Airu, he joined LT Jack Kessler and LT Sasha Johnson in retrofitting the mission pod from a tactical to a scanning functionality. It was during this refit that Nilsen expressed his worries and concern over the effect his crash had over his ability to do his job. Commodore Ossa V'Airu was witnessed as saying "That officer didn't make up my mind for me. I believe you deserve a chance." in response to Lhandon's worries about this sudden posting.

   Nilsen: You’ve read my file? You saw that crash report? They said…the commander, my old instructor said I should never fly, he said that he’d tell every captain, every XO, every commander that I will ever have.
   Any joy that Lhandon had felt was replaced with one of worry as the words of his old instructor started to replay in his head.
   V'Airu: (with a brief shake of her head) That officer didn't make up my mind for me. I believe you deserve a chance.

Nllsen took the helm guided the Oumuamua through the micronebula and took evasive action after becoming suspicious of a handful of sensor readouts. Nilsen interrupted these as potently hostile contacts and took it upon himself to take evasive manoeuvres. [4][5]

Nilsen was involved with contact with the USS Nautilus, and facilitated communication with that ship. When the order was given to evacuate the USS Nautilus, Nilsen was able to free up resources to increase the efficiency of the operation.

Sometime after this mission, he admitted he wrote the resignation letter to Commander Etan Iljor [6] however he had yet to submit it.

Nilsen was award the Legion of Merit for his actions in this mission

Ensign Nilsen and Lieutenant Arlill were assigned to a survey mission, this was a cover story to investigate the disappearance of Lieutenant Arlill's mother Fritea. The unsanctioned duo found her in Cardassian space hiding on a moon in that system with a Zet rebel. They transport Arlill's mother and the rebel to Zet territory to continue their covert mission and returned to the Oumuama safely

Nilsen attended the Denali Invitational. This event started off positively and he quickly got to know Dekas, Araxxu Vahin and Mekor, learning more about Aurelian food. Nilsen entered with Arlill and Vomek in the Foxy Lady, a talaxian freighter. During the first leg of the race, all the contestants took off in a crowded field of 33 contenders, and a total of 8 Starfleet affiliated teams. Right off the bat, several teams kicked in their unique special attributes, including the Vela, a refurbished Caitian rescue craft which sprayed the entire field with Kryptilithium, a compound known to gum up impulse engines.

As the racers approached the city proper, preparing for a flyover of the city and the stadium where a large crowd was gathered to watch the race, one of the teams experienced engine problems and crashed in the forest on the outskirts of the city.

At the last minute, the crew of the Foxy Lady was able to mitigate some of the damage to the crashing ship with a tractor beam, probably saving the lives of the crew and inhabitants in the city.

Later in the race the Foxy Lady itself was damaged in an encounter with the large animals living in the Oort cloud around the system of Ring 42 and was assisted by both the Gott Speed and the Phelshant United pit crew, a vessel known simply as 'The Wharf'.

After a thrilling conclusion, the racers ended

   Gott Speed (Connor Dewitt, Nolen Hobart
   Ensigns Joyride (Ksivi-Sava, Madison Marsh, Corey Wethern)
   Gamma Glider (Avander Promontory, Roger Hartmann, TK Cabrillo) & Roxy's Foxy Lady (Lhandon Nilsen, Toxin Arlill, Simon Vomek) - collision at the finish line
   Allahayer (Oddas Aria)
   Amiteam (Nathan Richards) & ZD Stars Racing (Jelanna Zarax, Valin Dermont)

Unfortunately, the event was not his best showing and during the race he lost control of himself and allowed his anger to take over. He showed a disregard for his own safety and the safety of others. After the race, Commander Etan Iljor was unimpressed with him.

"Hearing the HCO’s voice made Iljor clench his jaw. After the man’s reckless disregard for safety during the recent Denali Invitational, Iljor had lost a lot of faith in the pilot. It was clear that Nilsen was a gifted and promising officer, but he kept getting in his own way: first at the academy, and now as a commissioned officer. He had been extraordinarily lucky to not have avoided serving time in the brig." Commander Etan Iljor - Into The Unknown[7]

On Stardate 240010.16 was assigned to the helm to help provide overwatch support to the away teams on Alpha Brenkelvi II. In command was Lt Sherlock whom Nilsen has been clashing with recently and Marine Captain Michelle Winters.

Sometime after the mission began, the bridge lost contact with both away teams. While they were trying to re-establish contact with the away teams, they were attacked by an unknown force based on Alpha Brenkelvi II's moon. The Oumuamua takes damange and Nilsen, against regulation but with the blessing of Sherlock performs an in-system warp to quickly get the Oumuamua to safety and allow them to begin repairs.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec faucibus est eu pellentesque semper. Phasellus libero mauris, ultricies vitae laoreet eget, interdum et tellus. In tristique, nunc ac venenatis ultricies, dui eros efficitur mi, eget semper mi ligula vel mauris. Integer commodo arcu ut porttitor convallis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam eu tortor felis. Curabitur magna mi, fringilla feugiat vulputate et, mattis vitae sapien. Ut nec ultricies massa. Proin cursus interdum nunc, eu ultricies augue molestie lobortis. Sed aliquam, neque ac placerat feugiat, purus odio vestibulum orci, vel blandit tortor velit quis dolor. Donec neque diam, laoreet a elementum ac, molestie at justo. Cras aliquet, est a suscipit lacinia, velit nisl elementum ipsum, pulvinar rhoncus mi leo et tortor. Mauris porttitor ut ipsum eu pulvinar. Nunc congue cursus nulla, nec vestibulum nulla pellentesque at.

Nulla sollicitudin mollis arcu. Nullam semper, nisi sed ultricies sodales, lorem mi viverra justo, quis fringilla dui quam a velit. Donec sagittis vitae turpis vel ornare. Quisque lacinia metus vitae risus laoreet tempor. Suspendisse malesuada lectus eros, eu dignissim metus vulputate vel. Fusce bibendum in augue nec blandit. Donec tristique congue ipsum, et sodales massa commodo eget. Mauris pulvinar feugiat faucibus. Vivamus viverra dapibus sapien, a lacinia urna. Mauris varius est id imperdiet sagittis. Pellentesque a erat ut elit interdum accumsan et nec quam. Cras nec est consectetur, lacinia urna vel, blandit arcu. Phasellus varius tincidunt est, in posuere libero luctus sit amet. Phasellus fermentum nunc ut quam venenatis egestas.

Nunc venenatis at augue at condimentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque diam nunc, tincidunt at cursus a, finibus vitae orci. Vivamus consequat aliquet leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam porttitor sagittis vehicula. Proin ut neque faucibus, interdum nisi eu, lacinia ex. Nulla facilisi. Mauris a purus tristique leo laoreet auctor sed id enim. Morbi eu ante at elit lacinia gravida. Phasellus pellentesque arcu a auctor ultricies. Donec porttitor, nunc ut iaculis dictum, nunc magna ornare mi, at dapibus odio est sit amet ex. Vestibulum orci metus, sagittis eget sagittis sit amet, pharetra ac nibh. Donec ut felis id lectus eleifend bibendum. Phasellus dignissim justo nec mi iaculis vulputate. Aenean vehicula, lacus quis pretium imperdiet, purus sem tincidunt ligula, quis finibus dui metus sit amet metus.

Vestibulum a sagittis neque. In et accumsan enim, a elementum lacus. Duis in arcu id est pulvinar vehicula. Aliquam ultrices luctus massa vel eleifend. Fusce et odio eget est maximus tristique. Donec ipsum orci, molestie at dui in, interdum tristique est. Donec porta nisi ligula, sed egestas elit elementum et. Sed a ligula ac tortor consectetur suscipit eu ac mauris. Nam consequat interdum ex, ut maximus enim tempus eu. Vestibulum interdum hendrerit sapien. Duis non interdum risus. Vestibulum sagittis elit lectus, nec iaculis lacus dignissim eget. Ut consectetur enim ac volutpat aliquet. Cras sapien eros, egestas non sollicitudin sit amet, tincidunt vel erat. Nulla facilisi.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec faucibus est eu pellentesque semper. Phasellus libero mauris, ultricies vitae laoreet eget, interdum et tellus. In tristique, nunc ac venenatis ultricies, dui eros efficitur mi, eget semper mi ligula vel mauris. Integer commodo arcu ut porttitor convallis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam eu tortor felis. Curabitur magna mi, fringilla feugiat vulputate et, mattis vitae sapien. Ut nec ultricies massa. Proin cursus interdum nunc, eu ultricies augue molestie lobortis. Sed aliquam, neque ac placerat feugiat, purus odio vestibulum orci, vel blandit tortor velit quis dolor. Donec neque diam, laoreet a elementum ac, molestie at justo. Cras aliquet, est a suscipit lacinia, velit nisl elementum ipsum, pulvinar rhoncus mi leo et tortor. Mauris porttitor ut ipsum eu pulvinar. Nunc congue cursus nulla, nec vestibulum nulla pellentesque at.

Nulla sollicitudin mollis arcu. Nullam semper, nisi sed ultricies sodales, lorem mi viverra justo, quis fringilla dui quam a velit. Donec sagittis vitae turpis vel ornare. Quisque lacinia metus vitae risus laoreet tempor. Suspendisse malesuada lectus eros, eu dignissim metus vulputate vel. Fusce bibendum in augue nec blandit. Donec tristique congue ipsum, et sodales massa commodo eget. Mauris pulvinar feugiat faucibus. Vivamus viverra dapibus sapien, a lacinia urna. Mauris varius est id imperdiet sagittis. Pellentesque a erat ut elit interdum accumsan et nec quam. Cras nec est consectetur, lacinia urna vel, blandit arcu. Phasellus varius tincidunt est, in posuere libero luctus sit amet. Phasellus fermentum nunc ut quam venenatis egestas.

Nunc venenatis at augue at condimentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque diam nunc, tincidunt at cursus a, finibus vitae orci. Vivamus consequat aliquet leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam porttitor sagittis vehicula. Proin ut neque faucibus, interdum nisi eu, lacinia ex. Nulla facilisi. Mauris a purus tristique leo laoreet auctor sed id enim. Morbi eu ante at elit lacinia gravida. Phasellus pellentesque arcu a auctor ultricies. Donec porttitor, nunc ut iaculis dictum, nunc magna ornare mi, at dapibus odio est sit amet ex. Vestibulum orci metus, sagittis eget sagittis sit amet, pharetra ac nibh. Donec ut felis id lectus eleifend bibendum. Phasellus dignissim justo nec mi iaculis vulputate. Aenean vehicula, lacus quis pretium imperdiet, purus sem tincidunt ligula, quis finibus dui metus sit amet metus.

Vestibulum a sagittis neque. In et accumsan enim, a elementum lacus. Duis in arcu id est pulvinar vehicula. Aliquam ultrices luctus massa vel eleifend. Fusce et odio eget est maximus tristique. Donec ipsum orci, molestie at dui in, interdum tristique est. Donec porta nisi ligula, sed egestas elit elementum et. Sed a ligula ac tortor consectetur suscipit eu ac mauris. Nam consequat interdum ex, ut maximus enim tempus eu. Vestibulum interdum hendrerit sapien. Duis non interdum risus. Vestibulum sagittis elit lectus, nec iaculis lacus dignissim eget. Ut consectetur enim ac volutpat aliquet. Cras sapien eros, egestas non sollicitudin sit amet, tincidunt vel erat. Nulla facilisi.

Duis nisi lectus, convallis ac est eu, luctus finibus nisl. Nunc a mauris eu tortor congue auctor at ut tortor. Donec vel scelerisque nulla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam et ipsum sed neque hendrerit laoreet eget non massa. Nunc varius elementum lacinia. Phasellus fermentum pulvinar eros nec placerat. Etiam in ipsum at nulla hendrerit lacinia non eget felis. Nulla pulvinar nisi urna, eget lacinia massa accumsan non.

New relationship table

I want to dive into the relationships Lhandon has with his crew but the one picture and text isn't quite working. I want to see if I can do a four collum table with pictures.

Professional relationships
  Nilsen has a respectful and professional relationship with Commodore V’Airu and she is someone he looks up to . He has been seen seeking her guidance in challenging situations and responding to her instructions effectively during missions⁠1⁠. In one instance, Nilsen expressed trust in V’Airu by accepting her hand in a mindscape scenario⁠3⁠. Despite sometimes showing nervousness, he demonstrates a willingness to learn under her command⁠7⁠⁠9⁠.   Text goes here