Yogan Yalu/Awards and commendations

This page displays the awards, service ribbons, achievements, and other commendations received by Yogan Yalu.


For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
3-year Member 239706.30
USS Atlantis
The 3-year Member award is a length of service award given to those who have been members continuously for three years.
Silver Palm 239806.22
USS Resolution
Awarded to a simmer who has consistently boosted the morale of his/her crew. The recipient will be known to be able to add that spark to a plot whenever it may be lagging, or may be able to consistently bring enjoyment or a bit of humour to the sim, whilst keeping such sims relevant and realistic.
Throughout our entire time on the Resolution, Yalu has contributed both IC and OOC things that have enriched our stories and made our days better. Be it comments on Discord, the posts made on the forums, or things we find in sim, he adds depth to our journey, invites us to come along on his, and always has something unique and interesting to add. To that end, I’d also like to take this moment to announce that Justin has been offered, and has accepted a position on the Resolution’s Staff.
Kalianna Nicholotti
B-Plot Award 239806.22
USS Resolution
Awarded to those simmers who manage to show a good portion of the character's life despite the demands of the main plot.
While we knew little about Yalu’s past lives in the beginning, Justin has taken us on a journey that has spanned each of those lives and shown us much of the background of the character without ever leaving gaps in the mission itself. Not only did he did this, but he also did so in a way that involved a large portion of the crew and in a seamless manner worthy of awe.
Kalianna Nicholotti
Khan Award 239806.22
USS Resolution
Awarded to a simmer who thoughtfully develops a three-dimensional villain over the course of a mission or more.
Yalu has presented us with a number of MSNPCs and PNPCs that are far more than two dimensional and which offer something different in each of them. When presented with the ‘bad guy’, his responses are characters who make us wonder if they really are bad, or simply misunderstood. These characters are memorable and have become solid, permanent fixtures in the fabric of the story we weave. They provide depth without which the story would be often flat and nowhere near as invigorating.
Kalianna Nicholotti
5-year Member 239806.30
USS Resolution
The 5-year Member award is a length of service award given to those who have been members continuously for five years.

Service ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239706.07
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Maiden Voyage Ribbon 239709.23
USS Resolution
Awarded to an individual who has served in the first mission of a newly commissioned vessel or installation.
While the Resolution is not new, relaunching a ship takes just as much resolve and hard work as if she were.
Kalianna Nicholotti
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon 239709.23
USS Resolution
Awarded to a member of Starfleet who participates in, and successfully completes, a mission where keeping the peace is the primary goal.
Our mission, though unexpected, was completed entirely without a single shot fired. Now that part was far from easy to handle, especially since the Resolution was being shot at nearly the entire time. It took a good amount of work to solve the puzzle we were presented, and to do so without resorting to the ‘easy way out’ deserves recognition.
Kalianna Nicholotti
Captain's Commendation 239712.08
USS Resolution
Awarded to a awarded to a person for exemplary service and/or honorable actions performed in the course of his/her duties, when that service is deemed worthy of formal recognition by his/her commanding officer.
Ensign Yalu, as a former pilot, I will say that I am impressed. Your navigating of the Resolution against odds that were potentially insurmountable says much to your credit and to the credit of your knowledge and experience. For your show of tenacity and skill during a difficult interaction with an aggressive ally, I hereby award you with the Captain’s Commendation.
Kalianna Nicholotti
Explorer's Ribbon 239802.23
USS Resolution
Awarded to a person who participates in the discovery of a new planet, region, or species.
[F]or those who inevitably aided in the discovery of a new planet and the race that lived there, I award...the Explorer’s Ribbon.
Kalianna Nicholotti
First Contact Ribbon 239802.23
USS Resolution
Awarded to a person who participates in a successful first contact event.
Inevitably, what goes hand in hand with discovery is contact with the life forms that reside on the planet in question. While discovered to be less savory characters, the event was still a first contact situation for us and as far as we know, for the Federation. To that end, I award...the First Contact Ribbon.
Kalianna Nicholotti
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon 239805.04
USS Resolution
Awarded to a member of Starfleet who participates in, and successfully completes, a mission where keeping the peace is the primary goal.
...for helping us to successfully reach an agreement between the Thama and the Nascaik, even in the face of tremendous adversity.
Addison MacKenzie
Explorer's Ribbon 239807.12
USS Resolution
Awarded to a person who participates in the discovery of a new planet, region, or species.
The Skarn were very new and very different, challenging our ways of thinking about other races. We learned a lot, and we still have a lot of data to go through, but the truth of it all is that this was one of those missions where we really did boldly go where no one has gone before.
Kalianna Nicholotti
First Contact Ribbon 239807.12
USS Resolution
Awarded to a person who participates in a successful first contact event.
[T]his was also a successful first contact mission
Kalianna Nicholotti
Joint Meritorious Unit Award 239809.15
USS Resolution
Awarded to a person who participates in a joint action with an allied or neutral force toward a common goal.
Working with those who don’t exactly want to work with us is not easy. The Klingons that we encountered during the course of this were from a place and time when the Federation were their mortal enemies, and yet, you somehow found a way to make them see things from our point of view. In the end, the teamwork between both groups was what led us to success.
Kalianna Nicholotti
Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon 239809.15
USS Resolution
Awarded to a person who has defended the temporal timeline against incursion and disruption.
Through some of our darkest hours, you have shown yourself to be an incredible source of light, and well worthy of this recognition, and the thanks of a grateful crew, and the entirety of Starfleet Command. First and foremost, each of you will receive the Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon for your work in maintaining the timeline in the best possible manner.
Kalianna Nicholotti
Explorer's Ribbon 239902.03
USS Excalibur-A
Awarded to a person who participates in the discovery of a new planet, region, or species.
Kalianna Nicholotti
Legacy Ribbon 239902.03
USS Excalibur-A
Awarded to an individual who has served during the reactivation and assignment of an existing vessel or installation to a new mission.
Kalianna Nicholotti