The (Image) Collective: Ship Contacts

Revision as of 13:05, 2 September 2019 by Jarred Thoran (talk | contribs) (Changing Columbia banner contact)

Main Graphics Contacts for Each Ship in the Fleet If you want to be the main contact for your ship, please contact Jalana Rajel - Contact, so the team knows where to direct requests. For ALL inquiries you can also write your request in the | Image Collective 'graphic request' Forum thread.

The (Image) Collective

Team Co-Facilitators

Team Deputy Facilitator

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Jalana Rajel - Contact

  • Duronis II Embassy - Open
  • USS Columbia - Jarred Thoran
  • USS Veritas - Open
  • USS Atlantis - Open
  • USS Gorkon - Ayiana Sevo
  • USS Constitution - Jalana Rajel
  • Starbase 118 Ops - Open
  • USS Astraeus - Open

If you need a banner for your Forum Signature, we have people doing them per ship. Look for your ship and contact the respective person, or drop a request in the Graphic Request Forum (Link above).