The USS Tharsis, an Oberth-class vessel and one of the ships assigned to Peaceforce 5 as a science and survey vessel, has become trapped in a gravity well. The Gorkon arrives to help, but finds the crew's minds twisted - they believe themselves hunters, and the Gorkon crew their prey.
A celebration turns into a murder investigation when a Cardassian diplomat is found dead during the Gorkon's awards after-party. Trapped inside a sabotaged holodeck, will they be able to find the murderer, while keeping themselves and their guests safe?
While studying a nebula with strange transmissions emanating from it, the USS Gorkon is pulled into an alternate reality where the Dominion won the war and the Federation is destroyed. Alone and trapped, how can the Gorkon survive in this hostile universe?
Newly assigned to the Tyrellian Sector, the Gorkon is soon called upon by the Tyrellian government to help them eliminate Orion Syndicate corruption in their ranks.
To aide in talks between the races within the Tyrellian Sector and its neighbors, the Gorkon plays host to a diplomatic conference -- but when the captain is attacked and the conference is rocked by explosions, diplomacy becomes the last thing on anyone's minds.
When a scientific curiosity turns deadly and traps the away teams on a virgin planet, the Gorkon's crew are forced to survive without their technology -- and make some startling discoveries along the way.
Upon suffering a dire shutdown of the Quantum Slipstream Drive mid-flight, the Gorkon found itself in the midst of The Roman Expanse, and at the mercy of an energy-hungry creature residing there.