SIM:James - Zero Tolerance
Crew of Deep Space 285 | |||||||||||||||||
Lt. Commander James | |||||||||||||||||
Main • Sims
- Mission: Zero Tolerance
- Ship: USS Discovery-C
- Started: Unknown
- Ended: In Progress
((Cargo Bay 2, USS Discovery C)) :: James' first thought was that he really needed to have a word withwhoever had designed the seating in that shuttle - it had obviously not been designed with humanoids in mind. Ignoring the extensive pain in his back James started to get excited - he was finally out of the academy, no more forced study, no more having to think of convenient excuses to avoid partys... :: :: The shuttle landed in cargo bay 2 with a groan. For a moment, nobody moved. Then, the silence was abruptly broken by the buzz of conversations and laughter raising from the group of excited ensigns all unbuckling as one. James started to free himself as well, relishing the relief when he was finally out of that 'seat'. He remembered that he had to go to the bridge immediately and started to head that way when he heard someone shout his name. :: SHAGAN: T'Pau! JAMES: Ah Cadet, no Ensign Shagan. It is quite the coincidence that we both got posted here. SHAGAN: ::grinning:: I know! I can't believe it myself. JAMES: You should have came to talk to me on the journey. It would have made it much more... bearable. SHAGAN: Well if I'd seen you, I would have. Shame, right? It would have been nice to make conversation, might have made it faster. JAMES: Quite. It would have been interesting to know what you have done since our training exercise. :: They started to walk together towards the checkpoint. James was glad that he would know at least one person on board. :: ((Bridge, USS Discovery-C)) :: After reaching the checkpoint James & Telice chatted for a bit before heading off to their separate ways. James headed to the Turbolift and rode it to the Bride. He was quite impressed with how fast it ran... He'd have to have words with the ships engineer! :: JAMES: Ensign James reporting for duty sir.
New Officer
((Bridge, USS Discovery-C)) JAMES: Ensign James reporting for duty sir. WESTERBRIDGE: Oh. I see. OO I should talk with FO Blueheart Oo Please come with me. :: Tom then approached the FO Blueheart :: WESTERBRIDGE: Sir, a new officer is trying to report for duty. This is ensign James. Blueheart: [Tag] JAMES: I shall sir. WESTERBRIDGE: All right, sir.. :: turns to James :: Welcome aboard, ensign James JAMES: Thank you, sir. If it is alright I would like to start my duity immediately, where is the Ops station? ANYONE: [Tag] James: Thank you. :: James heads over to the Ops console and sits down before it. He takes a second to read the display and as far as he is aware everything is within ordinary limits, of course he would have to ask at some point about the ships 'quirks' but they where all within ordinary Starfleet limits. :: 0o I shall have to find my counterpart at some point... 0o
Reporting for duty
((Bridge, USS Discovery-C)) JAMES: Thank you, sir. If it is aright I would like to start my duty immediately, where is the Ops station? BLUEHEART: ::pointing:: Over there. JAMES: Thank you. BLUEHEART: ::to James:: Keep monitoring the commchannel between the Achilles and the Discovery. Make sure there are no interruptions. We are in the midst of exchanging vital data, including data on the plague which would be very useful to Dr Aven. JAMES: Aye, Sir. BLUEHEART: After you've accomplished that, I'm inviting you to join our small discussion ::nodding towards the task force:: because your opinions count. JAMES: Oh... Thank you Sir. BLUEHEART: When you're done, I'll introduce you to the others. Carry on, Mr James. JAMES: Certainly Sir. :: James looks down at the comm panel to look at the progress of the transfer. It appearers to be running smoothly although a slight variance on packet #995 concerned him slightly, but the ships computer should correct that. He sets the panel to alert him when it is complete and joins the task force. :: ANYONE: [Tag]
Back to work
((Bridge, USS Discovery-C)) VALDIVIA: We are not THAT old. It's just that each pip ages you more than a year. BLUEHEART: ::sighing, draping an arm on the CSO's shoulders:: After all this is over, let the both of us reflect on our `younger' days over a bottle of vintage Catalan wine of your choosing. VALDIVIA: Seems good for me. I'm going to need it. SHAGAN: I hope many of us will get to partake, Sir. 0o A party-like thing! Well I suppose it couldn't hurt... 0o JAMES: A get together may help us new officers to integrate with the crew, Sir. ::Blueheart turned to LtCmdr Valdivia, but she had started to walk away.:: VALDIVIA: I have something to do. I'll join you later. BLUEHEART: ::puzzled and amused:: O-kay… ::turning back to the medical officer and Ops ensign:: Yeah, why not? During shore leave, perhaps? I'll see to it that Mr Cogud remembers he's still in possession of a barrel of bloodwine. 0o Bloodwine! Why I never. 0o JAMES: That would be most... interesting. SHAGAN: [Tag} BLUEHEART: ::chuckling:: But before we party like it's 2999, I owe the chief science officer a private date. ::He cast a glance at the fleeting shadow of LtCmdr Valdivia.:: My ex-Counsellor senses are picking up a strange vibe from him… Something's on his mind, and I don't just mean the mission. JAMES: I hope that he recovers swiftly. SHAGAN: [Tag] BLUEHEART: ::laughing:: No, I doubt it's because of the old-people jokes. … oO Is it?? … Oo JAMES: I tend to find that Humans are either deeply and noticeably offended by such jokes, or are not at all... It is quite... fascinating. SHAGAN: [Tag] BLUEHEART: ::clasping both hands:: Okay, back to business. Mr James, is the comms signal still strong? :: James does a quick look to confirm what he already knew - he had the system setup to alert him to any drop in signal strength. :: JAMES: Very, sir. It appearers to have increased slightly. BLUEHEART: Excellent. We need auxiliary power on standby in case we encounter atmospheric interference or if the signal strength wanes. Because we're going to retrieve and analyse the medical data next. You may have to reroute power from… oO Let's see how creative he is! Oo elsewhere. :: James looks down at his console and tries to find somewhere that can spare power :: JAMES: There appearers to be excess power in the Secondary/Aft Tractor Beam Control and Emitter. It won't be quite enough to create a comfortable margin, but if I drain this then I should be able to have minimal impact on the other systems. In the event that we need a aft Tractor Beam, then I should be able to redirect power within :: Looks down at screen for conformation :: 10.68 seconds. BLUEHEART: Dr Shagan, review the medical data from the Achilles. Analyse the symptomatology, the disease progression and especially the lab results. Go through all their research and progress to see just how close they were to a cure. Organize all this data for Dr Aven to review later. SHAGAN: [Tag] BLUEHEART: While you're at it, any idea you may have regarding how to beat this disease, I'll be more than willing to hear you out. ::to both Ensigns Shagan and James:: This is a team effort, people, and we are more than a team. 0o Could that come in use? ...It couldn't hurt. :: JAMES: I'm afraid that I'm no doctor, but I did read a paper on Genetic modification systems recently and it stated that most leave a distinct signature. If this plague is man-made, than it may be useful to try to find out its signature - if it indeed has one. SHAGAN [Tag]
((Bridge, USS-Discovery-C)) JAMES: I'm afraid that I'm no doctor, but I did read a paper on Genetic modification systems recently and it stated that most leave a distinct signature. If this plague is man-made, than it may be useful to try to find out its signature -if it indeed has one. SHAGAN: Obviously. ::Coldly:: Vulcan’s don't really study man-made diseases though, do they? JAMES: It is Vulcan nature to study everything, so that we may understand it. SHAGAN: ::shrugging:: I don't think there are many Vulcan medical officers on the fleet, that's all. JAMES: You would be quite surprised. Vulcan's take a great many positions, the study of medicine is no exception to this. SHAGAN: ::Annoyed:: I see. ::Turning to First Officer Blueheart:: I will have to go to the medical lab to conduct the research, Sir. I have to go through the infected medical files. oO And I have to calm down. Oo Permission to leave the bridge, Sir? BLUEHEART: [tag] SHAGAN: Thank you, Sir.
More Work!
((Bridge, USS Discovery-C)) BLUEHEART: ::nodding:: Granted. ::He sighed.:: SHAGAN: Thank you, Sir. ::She turned and left the Bridge.:: BLUEHEART: ::turning to the ensign at the Ops/Comm station and smiling uncomfortably:: So, James… Um.. stream the data to Sickbay so both Drs Aven and Shagan can analyse it. Alert me of any power fluctuations in the signal strength immediately, understood? JAMES: Certainly sir. I have already made the data available to Dr Aven and when you requested Dr Shagan to the bridge I started preparations to make it available to Dr Shagan. It should be completed... :: Looks down at screen. :: Now, Sir. BLUEHEART: James, tell me about this paper you read. Better still, if you could locate a copy, forward it to my PADD. JAMES: I think it should be with my things I'll send you a copy when I get... :: Blueheart held up a finger to James, presumably to silence him. :: BLUEHEART: Hold that thought a second. WESTERBRIDGE: Sir, Lt. Sharpe told me that Ensign Luciano was confined to his quarters for trying to assault Zero in the Sick Bay. BLUEHEART: ::surprised:: What?! ::annoyed:: How the hell is he going to bodyguard me if he's confined to quarters?! JAMES: I imagine that it would be most difficult. :: James said with the briefest of curves along the edge of his mouth. :: WESTERBRIDGE: [Tag] BLUEHEART: ::to Ensign Westerbridge:: Sorry, ensign, didn't mean to exhibit some agitation. It's just that… never mind. WESTERBRIDGE: [Tag] BLUEHEART: Thanks, ensign. ::smiling:: I appreciate your thoughtfulness. And thank you for informing me. 0o I hope that Telice isn't upset with me... 0o WESTERBRIDGE: [Tag] BLUEHEART: What's the situation in Sickbay? Is everything under control? 0o I mean, its her fault... I know she dislikes Vulcans but that's no reason to make quips like that... 0o WESTERBRIDGE: [Tag] BLUEHEART: You're doing a great job, Mr Westerbridge. Continue your surveillance. Let me know of any updates. 0o When I'm off duty I shall have to go apologise... 0o WESTERBRIDGE: response BLUEHEART: ::turning back to Ensign James:: Now, where were we? :: James snaps to attention. :: 0o My mind wasn't wandering, Sir... I heard every word of that! Really! 0o JAMES: I was just saying that I have a copy of the paper in my quarters 0o I hope... No, starfleet tends to be competent enough to actually deliver my stuff to the right place... unlike the ones at the Academy... 0o and as soon as I have a free moment, I shall send you a copy. Unless this takes priority, Sir? BLUEHEART: [Tag]
The Race
(OCC: Sorry, for any mistakes, I'm typing this on my phone.) ((Bridge, USS Discovery-C)) VARAS =/\=Varas to James=/\= JAMES =/\=James here sir=/\= VARAS =/\=PO 2nd Class D'ona Helron has died from complications from the plague. The symbiot is still alive. You need to find a Trill within the next few hours to be a host.=/\= JAMES =/\=Have you informed the captain, Sir?=/\= VARAS ::angrily and frustrated::NO! The CO does not know yet. She just died! I don't have time for Starfleet protocol. Tell the FO if you want. You need to do what ever they taught you at Starfleet Academy and use that fancy equipment of yours and get me a Trill here NOW!=/\= JAMES =/\=I shall have to inform Commander Blueheart first, Sir.=/\= VARAS =/\=I don't care. Just find a Trill that is hopefully trained to be joined. Varas Out.=/\= 0o Where am I going to find a Trill that's ready to join! Oo BLUEHEART: [Tag] JAMES: It was Ensign Varas, Sir. Mrs Helron has just died. ANYONE: [Tag] JAMES: I have been requested to find a new host for her symbiot. With your permission I would like to prioritize this task. :: Without waiting for a reply, James returns focus to his station. He was well aware of the the value of the Trill symbiots and was not willing to let even a single one expire :: :: After minutes of frantic searching, James finally found a suitable match... there was only one flaw... :: JAMES: Sir, I have found a replacement host... there is only one problem. ANYONE: [Tag] JAMES: She is 2 Hours away, if she travels within Federation limits. BLUEHEART: [Tag] JAMES: I have already taken the liberty of requesting Starfleet authorize full warp. I should be hearing back from them soon. I realise I should have gone through proper protocols, but as time was of the essence, I decided it was not logical to delay through them. I will accept any formal punishment as a result of my actions, Sir.
Comfortably Numb
((Bridge, USS Discovery-C)) :: James was double checking the route power takes to main deflector when he was interrupted by a loud exclamation from the science station :: VALDIVIA: =/\= Nickles did what? =/\= Ops! JAMES: Yes, sir. VALDIVIA: Get a lock on Nickles, in sickbay. That's Ensign Luciano. Have a transporter ready to beam him... to his quarters if needed. :: James looks down at the Ops console trying to find Nickles... The Com panel was slightly different than he was used to, but when he found it its location seemed to make more sense. :: JAMES: Transporter locked on. ::Blueheart intentionally eavesdropped on the conversation in stunned silence.:: VALDIVIA: =/\= Captain, we have a lock on Nickles. If needed we will beam him away from Zero. =/\= ::Blueheart waited patiently for the CSO to conclude his conversation with the CO, displaying a bewildered look upon his face when LtCmdr Valdivia turned to speak to him.:: VALDIVIA: They brought Zero to sickbay. Nickles was there being treated and... he just snapped and attacked him. BLUEHEART: ::groaning aloud and shaking his head disappointedly:: oO Why am I not surprised?! Oo Let Security handle the situation. ::shoulders drooping:: Thanks for informing me, John. 0o "Why am I not surprised"... What have I let myself in for... 0o VALDIVIA: Anyway... I also though we need a medical officer. If we are moving
((Bridge, USS Discovery-C)) BLUEHEART: ::glancing at his chronometer:: Well, why don't you tell me everything you know about this She then? JAMES: I was lucky to find a trained trill firstly. Secondly, her name is Fenna Fax and she is currently at the Deep Space 284. I am polling for her record now, but I have communicated with the Symbiosis Commission, who have agreed and recommended her. I have also requested her record from them... Once again, I apologise for not asking your permission, but it did not make logical sense. In the time it would have take to go through official channels, the symbiot may have died. BLUEHEART: ::weary:: I will ignore your unconventional methods for now, James. My brain is working beyond its physiological capacity so I can only process bits and pieces of information at a time. JAMES: Thank you, Sir. BLUEHEART: The ship that's bringing this Fenna Fax to rendezvous with us.. what is it? JAMES: I believe it's the USS :: looks down at screen :: Valiant. BLUEHEART: I see. What's their ETA now? JAMES: Their latest telemetry suggests 1 hour 40 minutes. BLUEHEART: What, can't they go any faster? JAMES: I believe their Chief Engineer is attempting that right now. BLUEHEART: ::wringing his hands:: It might not be soon enough. Inform Medical of our status regarding the arrival of Miss Fenna Fax and to be prepared for… potential emergencies.. Also, keep me posted regarding the status of the symbiont. Liaise with Medical. JAMES: Aye, Sir. ::A shadow fell across the floor of the Bridge. Blueheart turned around in his seat.:: BLUEHEART: ::glancing at his PADD:: ::He dropped the device onto his seat.:: GRELL: Warrant Officer Grell, here sir, I have been ordered to fill in at the helm. BLUEHEART: ::nodding respectfully and smiling diplomatically:: Welcome to the Bridge, Warrant Officer Grell. ::extending an arm gracefully to indicate the location of the station:: Take your station, Mr Grell. GRELL: Thank you sir ::turning to the FO when he reached the station:: Sir, on a personal note, may I say I have been looking forward to piloting one of these magnificent ships for a quite a while sir BLUEHEART: ::eyes bright, grinning:: Treat her right and she won't disappoint you… Define `quite a while', if you don't mind. GRELL: Sir, where is the Senior Helmsman? BLUEHEART: ::suddenly somber:: He's unwell. GRELL: Oh the Plague... Understood sir SHAGAN: =/\= Doctor Shagan to the bridge. =/\= BLUEHEART: ::tapping his commbadge swiftly:: =/\= Blueheart here. Go ahead, Dr Shagan. =/\= oO I pray it's not news of more deaths! Oo SHAGAN: =/\= I am on my way to operate Petty Off- to rescue the symbiont while we can. Have you found a host? =/\= JAMES: =/\= We have indeed, she should be here within a maximum of 2 hours. =/\= SHAGAN: =/\= Two hours?! That's too long! =/\= JAMES: =/\= We are trying to get her here sooner, but I can't guarantee anything. =/\= SHAGAN: =/\= I understand, but I can't work miracles. Please direct this Fenna Fax to me as soon as she arrives. =/\= BLUEHEART: =/\= My orders exactly. Oh, Dr Shagan. I appreciate all that you're doing, with the plague and now with the symbiont. I'm glad we have you on board, doctor. =/\= SHAGAN: =/\= Thank you. Shagan out. =/\= BLUEHEART: ::to Ensign James:: Ensure adequate power on standby for the Medical team when the time comes to sustaining the symbiont long enough for the joining. I'm not exactly certain what's the longest time a symbiont has lived after its host has died. Anything regarding this from your vast reading? JAMES: Transferring power now Sir... ::Pushes a few buttons on his panel :: I'm afraid I don't know much more about the Trill than is common knowledge, but the Dax symbiont was outside the body for several hours after the Death of its host on Deep Space 9. BLUEHEART: Anything in the Vulcan archives regarding symbionts in emergency situations,.. ::cynical:: like the host dying from an incurable plague, for instance… JAMES: Actually, yes. Not so much plagues, but in regards to incurable diseases, in 235...
((Bridge, USS Discovery-C)) ::Blueheart's commbadge chirped.:: TIAN: =/\=Tian to FO=/\= BLUEHEART: Excuse me, Tom. ::tapping his commbadge:: =/\= Blueheart here. Go ahead, Meng. =/\= TIAN: =/\=Raj, I know you are busy but I need your superb , galaxy renowned, just perfectly the best Counsellor skills as Counsellor right now.=/\= BLUEHEART: ::stifling a chuckle:: =/\= What's the catch? =/\= ::Tian briefed the counsellor on all of the details:: TIAN: =/\=Raj, I am not saying he is going to destroy the ship, though I seriously would not put it past him. But he has plans for after he deals with Hawke that he is not telling us. Any thoughts on how I or we should proceed? My gut says he is still a danger.=/\= BLUEHEART: =/\=So does mine. But this algorithm of yours.. what is----=/\= ::He was cut short.:: TIAN: =/\=OK Raj. Can you please brief SCPO Risette on what you just told me. She was out of earshot for a bit and I need to be in Security. She knows where I am if she needs to reach me.=/\= BLUEHEART: oO Sheesh! Oo =/\= Okay. =/\= RISETTE: =/\= response =/\= BLUEHEART: =/\= This is he. Go ahead. =/\= RISETTE: =/\= response =/\= BLUEHEART: ::sighing:: =/\= Just between you and me, SCPO Risette, I didn't understand this so-called algorithm of Meng's. Run it by me again? Without all the mathematical equations and jargon this time? =/\= RISETTE: =/\= response =/\= 0o Well, for once I'll be the one interrupting a conversation... 0o JAMES: Sir, pardon my interruption but the USS Valiant has arrived. It appearers that they managed to get Warp 8, making the journey much faster, 24.972973 minutes, if my calculations are correct. ((OOC I actually calculated that from !)) BLUEHEART: [Tag] JAMES: Aye, Sir. JAMES: =/\= ((OOC Would I use these for a inter-ship communication??)) USS Discovery to USS Valiant. USS Valiant please transport Miss Fax directly to sickbay. =/\= JAMES: =/\= James to sickbay, Miss Shagan, Miss Fax has arrived. Please stand by for her arrival. =/\=
The end...
((Bridge, USS Discovery-C)) :: The helmsman turns to face James :: GRELL: Ensign James, is it? JAMES: Yes, it is indeed. What is your name? GRELL: Warrant Officer Grell, been in Starfleet 14 years JAMES: 14 years... 0o That's a long time! 0o I've only just joined this ship from the academy. Are you the ship's helmsman? GRELL: No, I am just filling in for Ensign... Cogud I think. JAMES: Ah. GRELL: Good new about the plague don't you think? :: James was overjoyed by the news. James was hard pressed to find a time where he felt more jocular! He was absolutely ecstatic, exuberant in his thoughts and generally quite happy. He longed to jump and shout, he was part of a crew responsible for saving millions of lives potentially! :: JAMES: :: In a exceptionally flat voice :: Yes, quite.
Hello, Goodbye
((Bridge, USS Discovery-C)) COGUD: Captain, permission to return to duty? WALTAS: RESPONSE COGUD: Thank you sir ::Cogud approached the helm, sitting in his seat was a Bolian, as Cogud got closer, the Bolian stood up:: COGUD: Excuse me, have we met? GRELL: No, I am Warrant Officer Grell, 14 years of service to starfleet, you must be Ensign... COGUD: Cogud, Ensign Jorus Cogud GRELL: Thats it, I just kept your seat warm for you ::Smiling:: COGUD: Well then Mr. Grell, I relieve you of your duties ::Grinning:: GRELL: Thank you... Sir COGUD: Perhaps a drink is in order when I am off duty? GRELL: Perhaps James: Goodbye, Mr. Grell. COGUD: Hello, I do not believe we have met ::Extending his hand to the Vulcan:: :: James takes the hand in a firm handshake. :: JAMES: Ah, you must be the regular Helmsman... It is... nice to meet you. My name is James. COGUD: Nice to meet you Mr. James, I am Ensign Jorus Cogud, but you can call me Jorus, or Cogud, or Mr. Cogud, or anything else you deem fit ::Smiling:: JAMES: Certainly, Mr. Cogud. I look foward to working with you.
Red Alert
((Bridge, USS Discovery-C)) ::Moments after the Captain had returned to the Bridge, the tactical console let out an incessant spine-tingling warning sound.:: WALTAS: They can't be serious. BLUEHEART: Orders, Sir? WALTAS: Battlestations. :: James rushed to bring up as much information as he could on his screen. He needed to view everything from the shields power levels, to the communication channels around the ship, yesterday. BLUEHEART: Aye, Sir! BLUEHEART: ::standing up:: Commander Mitchell! You're well! Boy, am I glad to see you! MITCHELL: Someone slap the big red button! BLUEHEART: ::perplexed:: But why, Sir? MITCHELL: Cause we're about ten seconds from having torpedoes flying at us! BLUEHEART: ::hastily:: Understood, Sir. ::After the Captain initiated red alert, Blueheart opened a ship wide hail.:: BLUEHEART: =/\= Attention all hands! This is First Officer Blueheart. Man your battlestations! =/\= WALTAS: Mitchell lock our weapons on the Valiant and prepare to fire. MITCHELL: response WALTAS: Mr. James, signal the Valiant. Let's see if they're willing to talk. JAMES: Broadcasting on all available frequency... now, sir. WALTAS: ::leaning forward:: They're trying to drop our shields. Too bad I don't have the command codes. 0o What now... Who the *** does!! 0o JAMES: :: In a surprised voice :: Say what! .... :: Returning to his flat, normal voice :: Sir. WALTAS: A precaution I took before we started the mission, Ensign. Are they responding? JAMES: Still, nothing... I'll try to umm... *encourage* them to answer. 0o I seem to remember there is a way to force them to respond... 0o WALTAS: ::turning to Helm:: Mr. Cogud, welcome back to the bridge. COGUD: response WALTAS: No. This ship does not move regardless of what the Valiant attempts to do. Mr. James, reinforce our shields. Place the remaining power at Commander Valdivia's discretion. I won't surrender the Achilles no matter what they try to do. :: James suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. As soon as the alert sounded, he had transferred the energy reserve to defensive systems and weapons. :: JAMES: Shields at 100%, sir. WALTAS: Mitchell, target their weapons and shields. MITCHELL: response BLUEHEART: oO How the hell did we end up in this situation?! Oo :: Suddenly, our hails where answered. A image of the ships deck flickered onto the screen. James lent back down to his panel, attempting to improve the image. :: WALTAS: ::nodding to Mitchell to disarm Discovery's weapons, he turned to Ensign James:: Prepare for transport. Send him to the security area just outside the brig. I think Mr. Hawke will be rather surprised to see him. Have Commander Ghyurn meet him there. JAMES: Aye, Sir. WALTAS: Commander Blueheart, you have the bridge. Work with the Valiant's crew to assist in rescuing the Achilles. I want her back in orbit so we can begin administering the cure. BLUEHEART: ::standing up, at attention:: Yes, Sir! ::Blueheart turned to the Bridge crew after the Captain exited the Bridge.:: BLUEHEART: What's the status of the Achilles? James: She is still on the planet. BLUEHEART: How long before she's in orbit? ANYONE: response BLUEHEART: ::shaking his head and frowning:: Not good enough. We have to get her up in half that time. ANYONE: response BLUEHEART: ::to James:: Hail the Valiant. ::pause, softly:: Then get me Engineering and Science. JAMES: Aye, Sir. BLUEHEART: Hello, I'm Raj Blueheart, First Officer of the Discovery. Let's work together to bring the Achilles back into orbit. She has many ill and dying and we have to cure them as soon as possible. I'm thinking combined tractor beams? VALIANT: response James: Umm, Sir the two would work against each other. It would have the net result of no beams...
Physics Lesson
((Bridge, USS Discovery-C)) James: Umm, Sir the two would work against each other. It would have the net result of no beams... COGUD: Reminds me of rule 208, sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question is an answer, James what would happen if we put a third tractor beam into the mix, would that counteract the counteraction? JAMES: I don't actually know... As far as I'm aware its never been tested... But it shouldn't work according to know physics. The two beams don't work as they are each operating at different frequencys, so the two cancel. A third should do the same, unfortunately the beams can't be the same frequency due to the Uncertainty Principal, and a Hesinberg compensator would also negate the effect of the tractor beam. COGUD: ::Turning to the Vulcan at ops:: James, remind me of rule 111 if we do get the Achilles out of orbit ::Smiling:: JAMES: Frengi? I still haven't got around to reading those.... COGUD: Treat people in your debt like family... exploit them ::grinning:: JAMES: ... Fascinating. ((OCC Note, the above physics lecture is actually true, there is experimental work on attraction beams, and there are already repulsion beams that work by energizing electrons with exact quantum frequencys!))
((Bridge, USS Discovery-C)) VALDIVIA: What's the situation? BLUEHEART/ANYONE: response VALDIVIA: Then why the red alert? BLUEHEART: response VALDIVIA: They what? Wow... are they willing to help now? BLUEHEART: response VALDIVIA: Alright... less than 2 hours then. Ideas? ANYONE: response VALDIVIA: Ok... I see three phases. One is getting them out of the surface. I don't think their engines will help here, because they are stuck. I think we could use the tractor beams of the probes. If each one pulls the Achilles in its direction, the total resulting force (after certain calculations) will be upwards. ANYONE: response VALDIVIA: Second phase, transit. This will need a fair effort from their engines, and probably help from our Bussard Collectors, as Rogg has done before. They'll have to use their own deflector dish to keep the storm at bay. I think this is the most delicate part. ANYONE: response VALDIVIA: Finally, once in the outer atmosphere, we will tow her out with our tractor beams. Hopefully she will already be past the storm. Doubts? JAMES: Wouldn't using multiple tractor beams violate the Uncertainty principal? VALDIVIA: Although that's technically true when using a tractor beam in a small object, particularly at an atomic level, on big ships we can aim them at different parts of the ship. But you are right, if we aimed at the same section, the effects will probably compensate. However, if we pull from the dish, and they pull from the nacelles, we won't have this problem. It will put some strain in their hull, but we are talking about a Galaxy. Their integrity field will hold. JAMES: But the integrity field is a singular wave. It would still violate... 0o Wait... would that work... 0o JAMES: :: In a rather excited tone. :: Hesinberg Compensators! ANYONE: JAMES: :: Endeavoring to keep his voice flat, but rather failing. :: If we where to re-route they're main shields power through the Transporter controls, then the Hesinberg Compensators, should turn them into particles, due to they're secondary Duality effect which should be most prominent in the transporters as that's thire primary use. By creating a particle shield as opposed to a wave, we can latch onto the shield and lift it up, without violating the Uncertainty principal. If we where to use Multiphasic beams we should also be able to pull it up a lot more easily.... ((OOC: Will backsim any more discussion.)) VALDIVIA: Ok, I already simulated the first part. Although your idea about the multiphasic beams could enhance the effect. 0o My 3rd year project might be useful here... 0o JAMES: I should have a model of them from my Academy days... I'll have a go at running the data through them as well.... VALDIVIA: Vedra, could you run a simmulation on the second part? Use the readings from Rogg's ascension for the effect of the Bussard Collectors. VEDRA: response VALDIVIA: Finally, for the last part, we better contact the Valiant and tell them. Commander? BLUEHEART: response :: That being said, he was returning to the science station, when the turbolift opened and the doctor from before appeared. She looked surprised for a moment, and then asked. :: SHAGAN: ::awkwardly:: ... I take it you don't need a medical officer on the bridge? VALDIVIA: Actually, you arrive at the most perfect time. We are getting the Achilles out of there. Two hours tops... :: he looked at the sensors with a dark expression. :: Actually, they don't have two hours. And hour and a half. Once there, they will be needing the cure. Could you make sure everything is ready?</nowki> ==Plan== <nowki>((Bridge, USS Discovery-C)) BLUEHEART: I'm sure it is… So what's the plan? Do we need to run a simulation ? COGUD: Sounds like we should, it seems like a lot could go wrong JAMES: Simulations are always logical. BLUEHEART: We need to run this hypothesis by the Valiant. Are we working with Science and Engineering on the Valiant as well? We should. COGUD: Sir I have a bad feeling about the Valiant, this whole situation seems odd, I can't explain it, I have a gut feeling VEDRA: I hate to intrude, Sir, James, Cogud. But sensors are picking up an increase in ionic activity in the planet's upper atmosphere. BLUEHEART: ::murmuring:: Great! ::to Vedra:: Source? VEDRA: A natural plasma storm, Sir. ::pause:: But it's a big one. And it's picking up, Sir. BLUEHEART: Right. Okay, people. That's our cue. We better get the Achilles up before the storm activity reaches a level where it'll be impossible to compensate for the ionic flux without blowing out a nacelle. And that's not even considering what that amount of radiation will do to the crews of both ships. ::turning to Vedra again:: Can you extrapolate when the storm will reach critical activity? VEDRA: I can. We have approximately 1 hours and 56 minutes to get both ourselves and the Achilles to a safe distance so as not to be affected by it. BLUEHEART: =/\= Bridge to LtCmdr Valdivia and Lt Rogg. =/\= VALDIVIA/ROGG/FRYE: =/\= responses =/\= BLUEHEART: =/\= We need your help on the Bridge urgently. Blueheart out. =/\= ::turning to face the Bridge crew with a grim face:: You heard Mr Vedra. We have less than two hours to get the Achilles into orbit. We can do this, people! JAMES/ANYONE: response COGUD: Sir, if you don't mind I'll get Mr. Grell up hear, he said he has been in Starfleet for 14 years, he may have some ideas if he is so... Experienced. ::Blueheart nodded in agreement.:: COGUD: Thank you sir. =/\= Cogud to Grell, report to the bridge =/\= GRELL: =/\= I am on my way ... sir =/\= COGUD: =/\= Good to hear, Cogud out =/\=, Sir I recommend we send the Achilles the cure now. ::Blueheart frowned in disbelief and arched a skeptical eyebrow.:: MITCHELL: Raj, it would help if they had as many hands as they could. But I don't think Commander Cook will just accept that we came up with a cure. She'd have to hear it from someone she trusts. Someone like say me. She knows I had the plague, and now she'll be able to see I'm cured. BLUEHEART: I'm inclined to agree with you, Sir. ::He shot Ensign Cogud a fleeting, inconspicuous, sideways glance.:: But the atmosphere... the interference... do we have time? ... ::He scratched his chin again.:: MITCHELL: Well Lt Rogg and I have the most experience in dealing with the atmosphere. And I'd say we've really got about half the time your thinking. BLUEHEART: ::furrows in his brow deepening:: Your suggestion, Sir? MITCHELL: The Achilles' crew was working diligently on repairs as they could. If we flood the atmosphere using our ram scoops as they launch, like John did for Rogg and I's ascent, it would reduce the pressure on her. Then once she got high enough, we could try the dual tractor beam idea. Physically yank her the rest of the way out. BLUEHEART: ::pensive:: It could work. It could actually work. There's no time for a simulation so we'd just have to jump right in and keep our fingers crossed. MITCHELL: It's going to depend if she has enough power to break free of the surface. BLUEHEART: In case she doesn't, is there any way we can help her with that? Augment her power somehow? MITCHELL/ANYONE: response ::The CSO stepped onto the Bridge.:: VALDIVIA: What's the situation? BLUEHEART: We need to get the Achilles into orbit like, yesterday. VALDIVIA: Then why the red alert? BLUEHEART: The Valiant tried to disable our defenses. VALDIVIA: They what? Wow... are they willing to help now? BLUEHEART: Yes. VALDIVIA: Alright... less than 2 hours then. Ideas? ::Blueheart related to him Cmdr Mitchell's idea.:: VALDIVIA: Ok... I see three phases. One is getting them out of the surface. I don't think their engines will help here, because they are stuck. I think we could use the tractor beams of the probes. If each one pulls the Achilles in its direction, the total resulting force (after certain calculations) will be upwards. ANYONE: response VALDIVIA: Second phase, transit. This will need a fair effort from their engines, and probably help from our Bussard Collectors, as Rogg has done before. They'll have to use their own deflector dish to keep the storm at bay. I think this is the most delicate part. ANYONE: response VALDIVIA: Finally, once in the outer atmosphere, we will tow her out with our tractor beams. Hopefully she will already be past the storm. Doubts? JAMES: Wouldn't using multiple tractor beams violate the Uncertainty principal? VALDIVIA: Although that's technically true when using a tractor beam in a small object, particularly at an atomic level, on big ships we can aim them at different parts of the ship. But you are right, if we aimed at the same section, the effects will probably compensate. However, if we pull from the dish, and they pull from the nacelles, we won't have this problem. It will put some strain in their hull, but we are talking about a Galaxy. Their integrity field will hold. JAMES: But the integrity field is a singular wave. It would still violate... Hesinberg Compensators! ANYONE: response JAMES: If we where to re-route they're main shields power through the Transporter controls, then the Hesinberg Compensators, should turn them into particles, due to they're secondary Duality effect which should be most prominent in the transporters as that's thire primary use. By creating a particle shield as opposed to a wave, we can latch onto the shield and lift it up, without violating the Uncertainty principal. If we where to use Multiphasic beams we should also be able to pull it up a lot more easily.... VALDIVIA: Ok, I already simulated the first part. Although your idea about the multiphasic beams could enhance the effect. JAMES: I should have a model of them from my Academy days... I'll have a go at running the data through them as well.... VALDIVIA: Vedra, could you run a simulation on the second part? Use the readings from Rogg's ascension for the effect of the Bussard Collectors. VEDRA: Aye, Sir. ::He immediately got to work.:: VALDIVIA: Finally, for the last part, we better contact the Valiant and tell them. Commander? BLUEHEART: On it. ::He hailed the Valiant and briefed the Bridge crew on the CSO's plans.:: ::The turbolift doors hissed open once again.:: SHAGAN: ::awkwardly:: ... I take it you don't need a medical officer on the bridge? VALDIVIA: Actually, you arrive at the most perfect time. We are getting the Achilles out of there. Two hours tops... :: he looked at the sensors with a dark expression. :: Actually, they don't have two hours. And hour and a half. Once there, they will be needing the cure. Could you make sure everything is ready? ::Words were flying around, a few Telice understood but most of it was beyond her. The crew was working on getting that other ship back in orbit. Unwilling to be in the way, she was about to turn around and leave when someone actually answered her question.:: VALDIVIA: Actually, you arrive at the most perfect time. We are getting the Achilles out of there. Two hours tops... ::he looked somber:: Actually, they don't have two hours. And hour and a half. Once there, they will be needing the cure. Could you make sure everything is ready? SHAGAN: ::recognizing the CSO she had met on her first day:: Of course, Sir. Will we be beaming the supplies on board the Achilles? With your permission Sir, I don't know how much of their crew is infected, but I would like to mount a medical party to beam with the supplies. I'm sure they could use all the extra hands. VALDIVIA/BLUEHEART: [tag] SHAGAN: Very well, Sir.