Kalil is a 22-year-old Kriosian empathic metamorph.

As a student at the Royal School for Metamorphs on Krios Prime, Kalil was identified as an empathic metamorph while a young child and sent to the school while his family was rewarded with an elevated status in society. Among the teachers at his school were Jatann.

In 2397, Kalil's class with Jatann was interrupted when Nadira, a former student, confronted Jatann angrily. Jatann quickly dismissed the class.[1]

Three years later, Kalil was sent by the school's headmaster Sana to learn and work under Nadira, aka Captain Roshanara Rahman, on her ship, the USS Kitty Hawk in the Delta Quadrant as part of a larger effort by Sana to expand the opportunities for metamorphs and what they would ultimately achieve in their lives beyond just serving as companions to others.

In 2400, Kalil was still in the aneha'ral, the second stage of Kriosian empathic metamorphic development, where his metamorphic abilities had emerged.
