Joseph Morgan

Ensign Joseph Morgan is currently serving as a Science Officer aboard the USS Tiger-A

USS Tiger-A
Joseph Morgan
Joseph Morgan


  • Gender: Male
  • Position: Science Officer
  • Rank: Ensign
  • Race: Human

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  • Full name: Joseph Morgan
  • Age: 21 (2369)
  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Hair color: Brown
  • Eye color: Green
  • Height: 1.75 Meters


  • Parents: Dan Morgan (Father), Sally Morgan (Mother)
  • Siblings: None
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None


Growing up in a small colony in England wasn't difficult for Joe, his family was fairly well off, even with his father usually off on some engineering product or the other or his mother tending to the ill or wounded that occasionally emerged from the woods just beyond their house.

His first confrontation with real fear was when his parents were going through a lot of trouble in their marriage. Even at the age of 17 Joe could tell that something was wrong, this is when his instinct stirred in him and he sprung into action, eventually after a few years repairing the damage that had been done. He had almost lost his father through it, and even then the two were frosty with each other at best, but his mother knew what sacrifices he had made for them in social circles and even in education and it only strengthened their bond.

After this time it was then that Joe decided his path was one of science and logic and resolved to join Starfleet to begin what was to become a life long love and obsession. His altercations with his mother and father pushed him into a career of Scientific discovery, his mother had always been more medical but pushed him to look less for remedies and more for figures, facts and the thrill of finding something new.

NPC Listing     ·     Tiger-A Staff Roster     ·     Crew History
CO: Flt Cpt Sidney Riley   ·   XO: Lt Cmdr Darius Clack
   MSp: Lt Cmdr Ian Lane West
CE:Lt Cmdr Alex Blair  ·  EO: Ens Francis Logan  
EO: Ens Rocko Stevens  
CTO: Lt Brayden Jorey  ·  TO: Ens Samuel Braddock   
CoS: Lt Brayden Jorey   ·   ACoS: Lt JG Chloe Mannin   
Sec: Lt Francis DeMarc
CSO: Lt T'Mihn Ah'mygahn  ·  Sci: Ens Bowrapiquis Jetseen   MO: LtCmdr T'Pen  ·  MO: Lt JG Gabriel Warwick   
Coun: Lt JG Zinna  
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