Doyle-A Crew History/Command Division

The Doyle-A Crew History tracks all the officers, and civilians who served aboard the USS Doyle-A prior to her renaming in 2400.

All sections are arranged by date of service, with the most recent additions to the crew at the top of each list. Links to profiles have been added where possible.

Please note that this particular crew history is the crew history of the vessel's time as the USS Doyle-A ONLY. For the vessel's crew history since the 2400 relaunch as the USS Artemis-A, see Artemis Crew History.

Doyle-A Crew History
Command Division Operations Division Sciences Division Medical Division Marine Regiment Intel Division Civilian Contingent
Complete Crew History
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Dates Notes
Command Staff
Commanding Officer
DS9style-cpt red.png
Selene Faranfey.png
Selene Faranfey 239208.31 - 239307.13
PC since 239208.31.
Assumed command of the USS Athena.
DS9style-cpt red.png
Shelther Faranster 239204.02 - 239208.31
From Launch.
Promoted to Captain: 239204.04. Former PC of Selene Faranfey
Executive Officer
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Lt. Commander
Talia Kaji 239305.01 - 239307.05
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David Cody 239302.15 - 239305.01
Transfer from the USS Apollo-A
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Lt. Commander
Joan Hart 239211.16 - 239301.26
New primary of Makayla Riordan. LOA 239301.26
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Lt. Commander
Sabrina Holly 239207.08 - 239211.16
Transferred from Tactical as Sassi Kax.
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Lt. Commander
Udas 239204.02 - 2392007.08
From Launch. Transferred to StarBase 118 Ops
Second Officer
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Tal Tel-ar 239204.29 - 239204.04
Appointed 2O 239204.29.
Concurrently held CSO position.
Stepped down to just CSO.
Helm / Com / Operations Officer
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Lieutenant JG
Bryan MacRae 239303.27 - 239306.12
New primary of Cerissa Tyren.
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Chief Petty Officer
Kai Rixx 239301.27 - Present
New primary of Cerissa Tyren. Swapped characters.
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Lt. Commander
Sabrina Holly 239211.16 - 239211.28
Transferred from XO. Went on LOA.
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Lt. Commander
Ceciri Ariadust 239204.02 - 239211.19
From Launch.
Name changed from Ceciri Ariadust 239206.22.
Promoted to Chief 239207.13
Switched to PNPC.

This page incorporates information from character ID subpages. More information about how to use them is available here.