Amici Novi (Chin'toka)

2398, Episode 2


“Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”

-Winston Churchill

Amici Novi

  • Stardate 239805.12 to 239807.17
    • The Chin’toka is assigned by Starfleet to travel to Oscion, where they meet with delegates of most local races to negotiate for territory in a nearby uninhabited system in exchange for trade goods and free access to the facilities that Starfleet will be constructing. However, plans go awry when a mysterious group attempts to sabotage the negotiations between Starfleet personnel and the other present races.


Notable Characters

  • High Lady Balei Jurnir: House Lanaxa Representative
  • Eizai: High Lady Jurnir's Aide
  • Captain Sheyl Dratana: House Larokon Representative, Captain of House Larokon warship, Telsara
  • Marchionessa Jasjeet Samra of Paxar: High Ambassador of House Tadere, House Tadere Representative
  • Captain Gaylen Dakios: Captain of Rettan Transit Titan (51-B)
  • High Lord Kass Vannel: House Rettan Representative

Mission Summary

Click sub-headings below to expand or collapse.

Act One

Captain Mei'konda calls the crew to the conference room and briefs them on a conversation he had with Admiral Reynolds regarding the construction of a larger Federation starbase in the Expanse. They will be meeting with representatives of the various houses to negotiate a location for the starbase. Department heads are instructed to compose a list of various technologies they can offer as part of the trade. Also, Lieutenant Commander Rosek is given the task of gathering as much information as possible on each house and working with Lieutenant Commander Raga and his department to analyze what technologies each House might ask for versus what the Chin'toka crew can offer.

When they arrive in orbit, they are contacted by the House Lanaxa representative High Lady Balei Jurnir, who serves in the role of their contact. They make arrangements with her to beam down.

However, sensors detect an unstable Rettan transport that is experiencing difficulties with navigation among other things. Lieutenant Commander Peters contacts Traffic Control to advise them, but they seem uninterested in helping. Despite the risk given House Larokon's strained relationship with House Rettan, the Chin'toka crew moves in to offer their assistance. They discover a plasma leak near the middle of the vessel and Captain Mei'konda orders Lieutenant Commander Rosek to lead a team consisting of Lieutenant Commander Raga, Lieutenant Commander Peters, Lieutenant Commander Logan, and Lieutenant Lephi to beam over to the Rettan vessel and assist with repairs and help any injured. The remaining senior staff take the runabout to Oscion for the negotiations with the Caraadian Houses.

Act Two

Commander Rosek's team beams over to the freighter and greets Captain Gaylen Dakios, dons EVA suits, then begins the investigation of the vessel's system troubles. While investigating outside, Lael discovers tool markings on the nearby door juncture box. They attempt to enter Engineering through the sealed doors and they manage to get it open. Lael, Lephi, and Cadfael engine room to assess the damage and put out the plasma fires. Lephi and Cadfael find a trapped, injured Rettan crewmember and Lael steps out of the engine room to call for additional medical supplies and backup.

Suddenly, the automatic mechanism that controls the door reactivates, putting more pressure on Toryn to keep it open. Concerned for Toryn's safety, Lael reacts on impulse and situates herself under the door to help him. It isn't long before the reinforcements arrive and Lael encourages Captain Dakios to find the team and lead them in. Commander Charmaine Ning, their newest science officer, arrives with the reinforcements. With the plasma fires put out and the medics treating the injured Rettan crewmember, Lephi and Cadfael leave Engineering to deal with the door situation.

After Lephi, Cadfael, and Ning disable the door, Lael is treated for injuries sustained from holding up the door. Once she is sufficiently healed, she joins Lephi and Charmaine in conducting a forensic investigation of the Engine room. At first, they don't find anything of interest. However, Lephi finds something near one of the conduits and the team converges to check it out. They discover weaponized biomatter nanites (biohybrids) mixed with the materials. Lael and her team gather samples and return to the Chin'toka to analyze and report their findings.

Notable SIMs

Mission Reports

After-Action Reports

Additional Notes

REV SD 240107.14