StarBase 118

Revision as of 17:27, 21 February 2011 by Canreb (talk | contribs) (added notes)

StarBase 118 is a large spacedock complex located on the border between the Trinity Sector and the Serellan Sector at coordinates 20-08-10. This area is the crux of Federation, Klingon, and Romulan space. It acts as a diplomatic and commercial center for Federation citizens, and their allies the Klingons.

StarBase 118
Trojan-class SB118

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For the crew of StarBase 118, see StarBase 118 Ops.

The base does not orbit a planet, but instead is placed in a tactically advantageous location (see map). The nearest star system is approximately two light-years away.

Close by are the Federation member worlds of New Scotland. It is approximately 3 hours away at warp factor 5. This planet was settled by humans from the planet Earth shortly after the Federation was founded. It is a popular vacation spot for crew serveing on the station. It is fairly close to earth in temperature and climate. Many plants and animals from that world have been transported here and are now considered native.

Next is the planet Raskor which is approximately 4 and 1/3 hours from the station. It is just over 2 hours away from New Scotland at warp factor 5. The natives of this planet are avian in nature but their world is a tranquil paradise filled with tropical flowers, birds and all the facilities that anyone could need. It is an even more popular vacation spot for crew members to visit.

The other planet that is close by is in the other direction and is currently independant. Cart'hen III is approximately 5 hours away at warp factor 5. It use to be under the control of the Klingon Empire. While they still maintain a small garrison the world is a haven for thieves, pirates and smugglers. There are a number of independent city states, company controled holdings and left over native survivors trying to return to their original way of life. This world is mostly desert with harsh conditions making a large portion of it uninhabitable.

General Specifications

Spacedock schematics.
  • Name: StarBase 118
  • Class: Trojan-class II Spacedock
  • Motto: "The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become." ~ Charles DuBois


  • Overall Total: 181,500
    • Civilians: 62,500
  • StarFleet Total: 119,000
    • Officers: 18,400
    • Enlisted: 100,600
  • Maximum Capacity: 440,000

Crew distribution

The following percentages indicate how many of the bases enlisted officers are positioned in each area of work. Areas of work include a large range of jobs, and do not restrict officers posted in that area to their respective hubs. (For example, not all engineering officers work in main engineering on the base.)

  • Command: 2%
  • Engineering/Technical: 25%
    • Large due to maintenence required on the base's infrastructure, as well as the well-being of incoming ships.
  • Science/Research: 20%
  • Security/Tactical: 28%
    • Largest so as to cover the necessary security of the huge flowing population of the base.
  • Support (including Medical): 25%


  • Diameter: 8,781 m (widest point, docking bay)
  • Height (overall): 13,356 m
  • Height (main): 10,712 m (without "towers" or subspace antennas)
  • Number of Decks: 2765 (does not include "towers" or antennas)

Energy Production Systems

  • Primary: 4 fusion generators
  • Secondary: Solar collectors

Defensive Systems

  • StarBase 118 is equipped with a shield generators located throughout the StarBase, capable of generating a total combined output of 1,215,000 TeraJoules.


StarBase 118 is equipped with 120 Type XII phaser arrays strategically placed to cover all angles and areas of the base. In addition, it boasts 48 torpedo launchers capable of firing quantum or photon torpedoes, or launching probes. Below is a comparison of the base's firepower versus a Galaxy class ship: (GALAXY CLASS=1,000)

    • Beam Firepower: 97,100
    • Torpedo Firepower: 24,000
    • Weapon Range and Accuracy: 1,100
    • Shield Strength: 30,000
    • Hull Armour: 550
    • Speed: 0
    • Combat Maneuverability: 0
    • Overall Strength Index = 36,100

Impulse Engines

Consistant with Trojan Class StarBases, StarBase 118 is equipped with 92 individually operated IPS Stabilising Engines placed at key locations across the StarBase's main hull. Whilst these are incapable of creating any significant movement, these help to maintain the StarBase's stellar position against natural phenomena and gravemetric shifts in the local vicinity.

Computer Systems

StarBase 118 is equipped with nine seperate LCARS computer cores. Each one spans over thirty decks and contains more than 30,000,000 teraquads of information.

Base Section Breakdown

There are eight main sections to the base:

  1. Command Section: Also know as the "Towers," this is the highest module of the base and serves a wide range of purposes.
  2. Drydock: The massive docking bay inside the base.
  3. Administration Section: The administration section functions as the hub for all officers who work on the StarBase.
  4. Upper Habitat: One of two main living areas for civilians and StarFleet personnel.
  5. Commercial Sector/Habitat Dome: The center of commercial activity on the base, spanning approximately 15% of the length of the base, and supporting its own atmosphere, complete with clouds and a simulated sun.
  6. Engineering Section: Home to computer cores, fusion generators, cargo holds, flight bays for all of the fighter squadrons and tactical wings, and research centers.
  7. Lower Habitat: The second of two main living areas for civilians and StarFleet personnel.
  8. Subspace Array: Devoted almost entirely to communications processing and hardware for the subspace communications system.

Additional Notes

  • The horizontal layout of each deck can be described as "rings within rings". This is best explained by imagining one deck from the top view: the largest "ring" would be the rooms which border the external hull of the base. All of these rooms have windows. The next ring inside would be a corridor, allowing access to these rooms. The next ring in would likely be another set of rooms, with another corridor on the inside of that.
  • Room widths (the size from the outer wall to the inner wall) vary within a deck, or even within a ring. Because each ring is connected by corridors (so that you could walk from the outermost point on a deck to the innermost point) the rings are not necessarily unbroken. For example, if you were standing at the 12 o'clock position of the outermost corridor of a deck, you most likely could not walk clockwise around the hallway to reach the 11 o'clock position, at least without being diverted around some rooms.

See Also