Mission Possibles
The Mission Possible Challenge is an ongoing task-oriented game conducted by the Publicity Team. Members are encouraged to complete each task, usually requiring 5-15 minutes, and report back to the group. Some assignments are eligible for points while others are not, and some assignments may be allow for multiple points if the assignment is completed repeatedly. As a reward, the member with the highest number of points at the end of the year will be honored at the yearly awards ceremony.
- Mission Possible #1: Get out the vote
- Mission Possible #2: Find and post to a Star Trek forum
- Mission Possible Extra: Testimonial for new members
- Mission Possible #3: Find website/group awards
- Mission Possible #4: Rate SB118 and Post a Review
- Mission Possible Tag Team: Join Hailing Frequency's forum and post
- Mission Possible Solid Tactics: Read Solid Tactics and discuss
- Mission Possible Online Classifieds: Find free online classifieds