Independence-A Brig

Revision as of 13:12, 30 March 2008 by Salak (talk | contribs)

Located on Deck 7, the Brig is a restricted access area whose only entrance is from within the Security department. Protected by reinforced walls and bulkheads as well as double reinforced door. The Promethus class vessel has 10 double occupancy cells and 5 single occupancy cells. The Promethus class vessel also has holo emitters fitted all over the ship as part of the EMH programme, this includes the Brig, the emitters can be used as a deterrent against large prisoners by adding extra holographic security personnel to the Brig, also if the Brig needs to be sealed the EMH can still enter and treat the injured.


The Double occupancy cells contain 2 beds, a retractable table and chairs, a water dispenser, and a toilet. The 10 double occupancy cells are secured with a level 10-forcefield emitter built into each doorway.

However as the Promethus class is a Long Range Tactical Cruiser, the USS Independence-A has been fitted with 5 single occupancy cells with multi-phasic shielding fitted into each doorway. This allows Borg to be safely contained therein, if ever necessary. These cells contain a bed, a retractable table and chair, a water dispenser, and a toilet.