Frontier Day Ribbon

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Hall of Honor-Sidebar.png

Frontier Day Ribbon
Frontier Day Ribbon.png
(direct image file)
Type: service ribbon

The Frontier Day Ribbon is a campaign service ribbon awarded to those who participated in the defense of Earth and the Federation during the Frontier Day crisis of 2401.

Bronze Stars for Multi-Phase Campaigns

All 3 phases

Characters can earn multiple bronze stars when participating in a multi-phase campaign. The Frontier Day blockbuster consisted of three phases:

Phase I: Prelude to Frontier Day

Phase II: Frontier Day celebration & fleet demonstration at Earth, Sector 001

Phase III: Outer Perimeter Defense of the Federation in the Alpha Isles and Marchlands

In addition to the participating vessels above, guest simmers from other ships across the fleet also participated in the Frontier Day blockbuster and are eligible to receive the Frontier Day Ribbon.

Service Ribbons

generalmilestonegallantry & heroismlifesavingcampaign
Ithassa Region Campaign Medal Quantum Reality Service Ribbon Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal Romulan Campaign Medal Tholian Campaign Ribbon
Gorn Campaign Ribbon Maquis Reborn Service Medal Orion Syndicate Service Medal Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal Gorn Invasion Ribbon
Grendellai Operations Ribbon Vaadwaur Invasion Campaign Ribbon Hobus Heroism Ribbon Bajoran Campaign Ribbon Klingon Invasion Ribbon
Gateway Ribbon Prometheus Ribbon War of Shadows Ribbon Warp XV Drive Pioneer Project Capstone Ribbon
Denali Invitational Ribbon Par'tha Expanse Colonization Ribbon Frontier Day Ribbon Changeling Campaign Ribbon Defense of The Isles

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