OEB Marine Detachment

Revision as of 21:14, 31 January 2024 by Lhandon Nilsen (talk | contribs) (Added deck 12 floor plan)

The USS Octavia E Butler has a detachment of Starfleet Marines permanently assigned to the crew complement of the ship.

On order, the Marine Detachment, USS Octavia E Butler will . . .

1. Augment Tactical departments
2. Support Security in repelling borders
3. Seize control of adversary space craft through boarding action
4. Train allies and proxy forces in the conduct of armed conflict
5. Deny adversary space craft freedom of maneuver in vicinity critical infrastructure and assets
6. Secure critical infrastructure and assets against adversary ground attack

. . . in order to preserve freedom of operations of the USS Octavia E Butler and prevent undue loss of life and equipment.

Table of Organization

Marine Detachment, U.S.S. Thor

The USS Octavia E Butler has an assigned detachment of 59 Starfleet Marines. The actual strength on hand varies from time to time due to leave, injuries, and vacancies. The detachment consists of two platoons and a small craft detachment overseen by a headquarters element.

First platoon consists of two infantry squads. Each squad consists of three team of four Marines led by a Marine Sergeant. The Marines are skilled in

1. Close combat
2. Visit board search and seize (VBSS)
3. Other related combat tasks

Second platoon consists of the detachment's specialists. A senior Combat Medic and a senior Combat Engineer provide the detachment with subject matter expertise on their respective fields while a squad of heavy weapons specialists operate ground based anti-space weapons.

1. The Combat Medic provides training and support to the USS Octavia E Butler on battlefield medicine and expeditionary trauma care.
2. The Combat Engineer provides the USS Octavia E Butler engineering staff with expertise on expeditionary fabrication, mobility operations, and counter-mobility operations.
3. The squad of heavy weapons specialists operate 3 ground based quantum torpedo launchers and a ground based shield battery.

A spacecraft detachment provides the USS Octavia E Butler with the craft and crew to man and repair up to four small craft at a time. The detachment consists of four flight crews and a maintenance detachment. The space craft detachment additionally augments the USS Thor's auxiliary craft complement with four Valkyrie class fighters and two Argo Class shuttles.

1. The flight crews provide the USS Octavia E Butler with pilots highly trained in anti-fighter operations, atmospheric operations, anti-ship operations, close air support, and combat transport.

2. The maintenance detachment provides Valkyrie and Argo maintenance experts as well as augments USS Octavia E Butler engineering to reduce the burden of the additional man-hours required to maintain the additional small craft.

Table of Equipment

A view of the Gator Deck (Deck 12)

The Marine Detachment provides it's own organic equipment to enable independent operations without requiring support from the USS Octavia E Butler standard equipment. Specifically the detachment carries enough equipment to arm all Marines for combat operations, establish a ground based anti-ship position, and operate and maintain small craft from the USS Octavia E Butler. Most Marine equipment is stored on the "Gator Deck" on deck 13

Marine Detachment Equipment Density List TBD

Detachment History and Achievements

The Marine Detachment of the USS Octavia E Butler was assembled from the 4th Battalion, 73rd Marine Regiment formerly assigned to the Federation Embassy of Duronis II and formally USS Oumuamua. 4/73 has a storied history of defending Duronis II against multiple hostile incursions of both the Romulans and Klingons. After the Laudean government was formerly accepted into the Federation, the Embassy's mission was deemed complete and the USS Thor, formerly an auxiliary ship of the Embassy, was re-tasked to a new mission. These Marines formed the Marine Detachment aboard the Thor until her near destruction in 2399. The surviving Marines from the incident were reassigned to the USS Oumuamua and later, the USS Octavia E Butler