Rocar's Office

Revision as of 11:55, 22 September 2007 by Rocar (talk | contribs) (New page: {{Rocar}} =='''Rocar's Office / Quarters'''== During his assignment to the Federation Embassy to Duronis II Rocar had a large luxurious office overlooking the gardens. '''See: '''[[Amba...)
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Crew of the USS Victory
Rocar Drawoh


Professional   ·   Personal  ·   Medical
Notable Relationships
Walter Brunsig   ·   Gwen Hilzarie.   ·   Cyrus Webb

  • Gender: Male
  • Position: Commanding Officer
  • Rank: Rear Admiral
  • Race: Ktarian
  • Spouse: None (separated)
  • Family:
    • Hilzarie, Cheliz (daughter)
    • Hilzarie, Xan (son)

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Rocar's Office / Quarters

During his assignment to the Federation Embassy to Duronis II Rocar had a large luxurious office overlooking the gardens. 'See: Ambassador's Office'

Following his reassingment to the USS Constitution , Rocar now occupies the smaller Ready Room on Deck 1. With its convenient location next to the Bridge the Ready room has slowly been personalised by the Ktarian.

'See: Rocar's Office'