Nolen Hobart

Revision as of 05:19, 25 January 2023 by Nolen Hobart (talk | contribs) (Deleted parentheses in opening blurb)

Ensign Nolen Hobart is currently serving as an Engineering Officer aboard the USS Arrow.

USS Arrow
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Nolen Hobart
Position Engineering Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Human/Betazoid Hybrid
Gender Male
DOB 237509.13
Age 26
Birthplace Relva VIII
Writer ID A240001NH3


  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: 160 lbs.
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Black
  • Build: Slim




Chief Petty Officer Omar Hobart

Omar Hobart serves at the Starfleet mining facility on Relva VIII. A deeply empathic human from Earth, Chief Hobart successfully instilled in his son an aspiration for the stars, and less successfully taught his son to appreciate the feelings of others as they are. Nolen and Omar retain a good relationship, and communicate regularly.


Mara Tarn

Mara Tarn lived her entire life on Betazed, through the Dominion Occupation, until leaving upon its liberation. After losing most of her family and friends in the occupation, and traumatized by what she witnessed and endured, she fled Betazed with Omar Hobart, whom she met amidst Federation relief efforts. Settling on Relva VIII, Tarn lived a life of seclusion, the only telepath on the station besides her son.

Mara and Nolen do not have a good relationship, and rarely speak directly, each preferring to communicate via messages relayed by Omar Hobart.



Commander Hael Tarran
Commanding Officer, Relva VIII Mining Station

Commander Hael Tarran serves as the station chief for the Relva VIII mining post. He took a shine to Nolen at a young age, and served as mentor. In spite of the figurative headaches the young Hobart often created. In Nolen, Hael saw similarities to his own experience as a child survivor of the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. Commander Hael gave a glowing recommendation for his application to Starfleet Academy, and provided additional context for Nolen's juvenile record, the details of which remain under seal.


Nolen is at his best when he is solving a technical problem, devising gadgets, breaking equipment down, and building it back up. He is far from his best when he is engaged in conversation with other sentient beings, be they telepathic or not. When not fully engaged in a task, Hobart can be distant and distracted, his mind apt to wander to the things he's good at. Accordingly he is more likely to lock himself in a maintenance closet than take advantage of shore leave. To the extent that he makes active use of his empathic abilities, Nolen applies them as a survival instinct: a sort of "early warning" system for social interactions he'd rather avoid.

In spite of these "flaws," Hobart is a dedicated officer, and a serviceable friend.


Nolen Hobart was born on Relva VIII in late 2375 as the Alpha and Beta quadrants recovered from the Dominion War. His mother, Mara Tarn, was a Betazoid refugee who had come to Relva VIII with Nolen's father. There they raised an infant Nolen under the protective pressurized domes of the Federation mining facility.

An only child, Nolen proved precocious at an early age, demonstrating advanced empathic abilities which, as a young boy, made him particularly prone to manipulation. Due to the emotional and physical trauma she suffered at the hands of the Jem'Hadar, Mara was somewhat absent, and Nolen did not receive the traditional reader training afforded to Betazoid children. The task fell to Nolen's human father, and to a lesser degree, other station personnel, to teach communal and interpersonal boundaries. The fact that Nolen's telepathic abilities were virtually nonexistent made this a feasible endeavor.

As a young teenager, Nolen began to resent his empathic abilities. Describing a "haze" of emotion that only he (and his mother) experienced, he struggled with a sense of isolation brought on by being surrounded by others. Pain, anguish, joy, hate, love, loss, and lust were equally oppressive to his mind. The emotional trauma suffered by his mother (and broadcast to his mind alone) was especially offensive to young Nolen. Through the help of the station's counselors, Nolen managed to get through depression and rage, but never quite escaped his resentment, or fully accepted his powers.

It was at this time that he began to focus on machines. Tinkering became a pastime and consumed his every waking hour outside of his schooling. This eventually got him into some amount of trouble, and earned him a juvenile criminal record. Despite this, it also provided a path forward, as Omar encouraged Nolen to focus on this budding talent as a path to a career in Starfleet. With the help of his father and Commander Hael, that is what he did.

Service History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 2396-2400 Starfleet Academy Cadet
Ensign SD 240001.24 - Present USS Arrow! style="background:darkgoldenrod;" rowspan="1"|Engineering Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
  • (We've gone ahead and filled in your first service ribbon: the Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon. As you complete missions and continue to serve with the fleet, you'll earn additional awards and service ribbons that you can post here, with the date you got them! For full instructions on how to add more awards and service ribbons, check out Template:Ribbons Display.)
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Year or Stardate
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

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Andastre Ruane
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Gogigobo Fairhug
Chief of Security
Khatri Darshana
Security Officer
Daniel Cain
Security Officer
Wallace Williams
Tactical Officer
Conrad Adler
Engineering Officer
Wiar Sh'zatrahr
Chief Science Officer
Davine D'fini
Science Officer
Dar Toral
Medical Officer
Sakira P'au
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