2002 Address

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2002 State of the Federation Address

Stardate: 237901.21 (21 January 2002)

Hello Fellow SIMmers!

By now the Holiday rush has fully passed, and simming is picking up on all the vessels. As mandated by the UFOP constitution it is an appropriate time to reflect on what has occurred and plan for the future.

2378 was a year of steady rebuilding. Most importantly, UFOP gained a domain name, and access to a new site. Access to our previous site was lost when Admiral Marlin went on a year's leave. Though the site has had some technical glitches, Admiral Wolf is once again busy updating SB118.

Training also had a stellar year. Long administered by one to three overworked Captains, a Training Manual was created. This allowed officers of sufficient rank and standing to volunteer to act as trainers. In 2379 training will continue to build a pool of qualified officers, who can on rotation accept classes. Ideally no cadet will have to wait longer than a week to begin his or her class. Quicker response time to application equals more available cadets, with an end result of a greater number of ensigns entering the Fleet.

2378 did see the decommissioning of the USS Hammond, and DS72. However, 2378 saw the return of Capt. Wong-Aquiss (Nemesis) and Rear Admiral Kelly (Ranger-a) from leave. Midsummer, The USS Ronin re-launched under the Command of Captain Mike James and Captain Xan Hebron launched the USS Constitution. In December the Executive Committie authorized the launch of 3 vessels. Captain Keldor launched the USS Galileo, replacing DS72. The USS Freedom-a launched under the command of long time member Commander Falcon. Lastly, Captain Y'shirad returned from leave in November, and in the first days of 2379 launched the USS Walton. All the ships are doing well, and are representative of a fundamentally healthy organization. At present the Fleet of SB118 stands at 11 vessels. Congratulations to us all. With the re-launch of SB118 ops, we'll have the highest count of ships in the fleet we've ever had!

Additional high points include a successful awards ceremony involving most ships of the fleet. While the Reporter did not publish in 2378, SB118 Notes took its place as a medium for spreading news through the fleet.

Looking forward it is easy to see continued growth for UFOP. It must be remembered that UFOP does not aim to be the largest Star Trek site on the net, only the best in quality of command staff and simming. The key to continued growth is maintaining high quality ships, and stability. Each time a Captain leaves, or a ship decommissions the dislocation of crew costs UFOP members. It is stable long running ships that produce the command staff to lead the fleet. Any action UFOP take must be based on these principals.

Plans for 2379 are an extension of the foundation created in 2378.

The Web Site will be updated, and by February UFOP should be ready for membership drive. A fleet the size of UFOP is in a constant need of Ensigns. This means training will have to continue the careful preparation of Trainers for the task.

In May, UFOP will sponsor the annual award ceremony. It is being scheduled to occur before universities let out for the summer months.

Ideally the reporter will emerge again in 2379, and begin promoting our club activities from within, such as the UFOP message boards, which have become wildly popular in the past few months. (http://pub55.ezboard.com/bufopsb118)

The Captain's council will also be discussing ways to build inner fleet Connections.

Along the way EC will be continuing to address fleet concerns such as our grievance procedures, and Command Staff Testing. Of course more ships will launch with the pace of qualified officers taking their Command test increasing.

Come November of 2379 the Constitution will be 2 years old. Likely there will be a review of the document, and changes will be made in accordance with protocols laid down within the document itself.

In conclusion have fun, because ultimately that is why we are here.


The UFOP Staff


  • Ships of SB118 Fleet
    • USS Constitution: Cmdr. Jessa Anassasi
    • USS Freedom-A: Cmdr. Robert Falcon
    • USS Galileo: Cmdr. Alan Keldor
    • USS Isannah: Cmdr. Jesa Callen
    • USS Kodiak: Capt. Hollis Calley
    • USS Nemesis-A: Capt. Adler Wong-Aquiss
    • USS Ranger-A: RAdml. Brian Kelly
    • USS Ronin: Capt. Mike James
    • StarBase 118 Ops: Capt. Xan Hebron
    • USS StarWind: Adml. Ciara Randor
    • USS Wallace: Cmdr. Jay Ross
    • USS Walton: Capt. Y'Shirad
  • The Executive Council
    • Fleet Admiral Wolf
    • Rear Admiral Kelly
    • Fleet Captain Hollis

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