2008 Address

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2008 State of the Federation Address

Stardate: 238502.10 (10 February 2008)

Ladies, Gentlemen and various Trans-gendered species of the UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek PBeM Role Playing organization,

The year 2384 has been one of continued changes which our community has risen to meet.

Some exciting developments in 2384 saw not only the continuation of our new News Article Service on the main website (replacing "the Reporter" with more regular bulletins provided by the News Team) but also the launch of the first SB118 Podcasts. These exciting new media provide interviews with members of the fleet; simming advice and lots of interesting information from around our group.

Those who sought more information after hearing the podcasts will not have been disappointed in 2384. Our new look modern website has now been fully launched, with many exciting new features including the Wiki facility. Since its creation, members of our community have worked hard together and continued to fill our Wiki pages with lots of exciting info. This resource recently moved to http://www.wiki.starbase118.net and has now grown to house well over 2,500+ individual articles. The beauty of our Wiki is that everyone from all corners of the group is free to create, add to or edit any page on the Wiki. Nobody needs anyone else's permission as long as their contributions are positive and constructive and, as we look to 2385, we hope more officers will get active and store information on new Wiki pages. The way players from different vessels in the fleet come together to collaborate on the Wiki continues the camaraderie that we have long had here with our online forums, teams and committees, tutoring at the academy and easily available transfer system.

To protect the hard work and creativity of everybody in our group, the Executive Council voted at the end of the year to pass a Terms of Service document. This is an important step that protects us all under the creative commons act. (Posted <a href="http://www.starbase118.net/members/constitution/tos/">on our site</a>.)

Despite all these exciting new developments, there have been a number of significant changes in the vessels that make up our fleet. At the end of 2383 and early on in 2384, the USS Steadfast-A under Fleet Captain Christopher Hutton; StarBase 118/USS Columbia under Captain Mal Avatar; and the USS Victory under Captain Robin Phoenix were all decommissioned. This was then followed with the decommissioning of the Captain Rhys Bejain's USS Triumphant later in the year. In each instance the end of one's ship story was a sad occasion, but from these changes came the chance for new stories and the vessel's crews were reassigned to breathe some much needed new life throughout the Fleet.

Consequently, this has also allowed 2384 to see the launch of two newly promoted Captains: Idril Mar on the USS Ronin and Daydan Taboo on the USS Constitution. In both cases these new commanding officers have been leading some very exciting missions on resurrected old vessels from the StarBase 118 dry-dock. Meanwhile, Rear Admiral Jessa Anassasi and her crew commissioned the new Prometheus class USS Independence-A whilst Captain Rocar Drawoh moved across to continue the legacy of sims on StarBase 118 Ops where our Yahoo! Group proudly archives sims back to 2375 (1998)! This is just one example of this group's legacy, where creative writing has been allowed to continue flourishing due to our community's ability to adapt with change over the years.

Whilst the changes mean we are now operating at our lowest number of vessels within the Fleet of recent years, we have, however, seen a universal increase in the quality and quantity of those SIMS being posted to every vessel in the UFoP as new crews grow in many varied and exciting directions. 2384 has, thus, also been a time for sowing the seeds of new hope. We now have a significant number of strong and active commanders and senior lieutenant commanders ready to take the next step on the command ladder, creating prospects of us eventually launching new crews on ships. Meanwhile, a number of former "new Captains" now have over a year's experience and senior members of the fleet will be looking at ways to step aside and allow the next generation of leaders their chance to flourish.

For these future plans to take root, however, our priority in 2385 must look towards advertising and recruitment. Experience teaches that this is one of the areas of OOC work that is most difficult and least attractive to us. And yet, the fact remains that without a wave of new officers coming through the academy our development is restricted. As you rise through the ranks you will need to help ensure that there are enough people under you for you to take the step towards leadership within this group and so we would urge all of you with extra free time and energy to join our publicity team and help spread the word. This may seem like a chore at first but it is often a great way to meet players from other vessels and make friends throughout the fleet as you work together on a common project.

The seeds of hope for 2385 have been carefully sown in 2384, now lets all work together to ensure they grow in the New Year.

Best Wishes,

The UFOP: StarBase 118 Executive Council


  • The Fleet presently consists of:
    • USS Challenger, Akira Class: Captain T'Pen
    • USS Discovery-B, Ronin Class: Captain Waltas
    • USS Eagle, Intrepid Class: Captain Taboo
    • USS Independence-A, Prometheus Class: Rear Admiral Anassasi
    • USS Ronin, Akira Class: Captain Mar
    • StarBase 118 Ops, Trojan Class Space Station: Fleet Captain Drawoh
    • USS Ursa Major, Sovereign Class: Vice Admiral Hollis
  • EC Members:
    • Fleet Admiral Tristan Wolf (Magistrate)
    • Rear Admiral Jessa Anassasi
    • Fleet Captain Rocar Drawoh
    • Captain T'Pen (Captain At Large)
  • CC Voting Members:
    • Vice Admiral Hollis Calley
    • Rear Admiral Jessa Anassasi
    • Fleet Captain Rocar Drawoh
    • Captain Rhys Bejain (Magistrate)
    • Captain T'Pen
    • Captain Tyr Waltas
    • Captain Idril Mar
    • Captain Daydan Taboo
    • Captain Steve McCall (Retired CO)
    • Captain Robin Phoenix (Retired CO)
  • CC Observing Members:
    • Cmdr. Samal Ezra Frazier
    • Cmdr. Francis deMarc
    • Cmdr. Cura A. Stone
    • Cmdr. Sidney Riley
    • Cmdr. Varaan (Retired CO)
    • LtCmdr. Benjamin J. Walker
    • LtCmdr. Victoria Yladro
    • LtCmdr. Eskyys

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