Carter Greyson/Professional History
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Crew of the USS Astraeus | |||||||||||||||||||||
Lt Commander Carter Greyson | |||||||||||||||||||||
Career Overview
Starfleet Service Record
Current Assignment: Starbase 118 Ops
- Rank: Ensign
- Duty Posts: Engineer, Engineering Student
- Commanding Officer: Commander Sal Taybrim
- Stardates: 239211.12 - Present
- 239211.12:
- Transferred to Starbase 118 Ops for Distance Learning -- Engineering
- Provisional Lieutenant Junior Grade status revoked: reverted to Ensign
- 239303.20:
- Graduated Starfleet's Distance Learning Program with an Engineering major.
- Reunited with Sal Taybrim from the USS Excalibur-A.
Mission Logs
Coming Soon
Previous Assignments
Before & During Starfleet Academy
- Rank: Cadet
- Major: Tactical
- Minor: Helm, Communications & Operations
- Stardates: 238707.06 - 239104.01
- 236907.06: Born in Sacramento, California on Earth.
- 236907.14: Gwendolyn Harris Greyson (mother) dies.
- 237907.15: Carter develops an interest in Starfleet.
- 238707.06: Carter enters Starfleet Academy.
- 238707.29: James Allen Greyson (father) dies.
- 239104.01:
- Graduated Starfleet Academy.
- Received Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon.
- Posted to USS Excalibur-A.
Service Jacket: USS Excalibur-A
- Rank: Ensign
- Duty Posts: Tactical Officer
- Commanding Officer: Kali Nicholotti
- Stardates: 239104.01 - 239106.14
Coming Soon