Aigle Phos

Joined 18 June 2012
Revision as of 21:17, 11 June 2015 by Aigle Phos (talk | contribs) (Adding sandbox page to use as an area for my re-write of

Hello! My name is James Bolton and I currently write for Aigle Phos of the USS Doyle-A (who used to be my secondary on the USS Discovery-C). Previously, I played Seff of the USS Constitution-B who is now a PNPC aboard the USS Doyle-A and James who was my PC on the USS Constitution-B, USS Excalibur-A, USS Darwin-A, Starbase 118, USS Drake, and USS Discovery-C and is now a PNPC on the USS Doyle-A. In real life I'm from the UK (Specifically South Wales, although I now live in the mid) and am currently in University studying Medieval and Early Modern History.

Twitter.png: James on Twitter Gpluslogo.png: +JamesBolton42 Gmaillogo.jpg: Yahoomessenger.png: neo_james_bolton AOL.png: Skype logo.png: File:XmppLogo.png:

"As the dust settled, revealing the true extent of the devastation that James had wrought, he saw the fate that awaited him - Pandora, wearing a look of irritation and holding out a mop and bucket." - Pandora

"Lt James: catches falling Romulans, Counsels ensigns in need, fixes warp cores... hardest working Vulcan in Starfleet!" - Sal Taybrim


  • Name: James
  • Date of Birth: April 30th
  • Gender: Male
  • Country of Residence: Wales, UK
  • Date Joined UFOP: June 18th, 2012
Main Character/s
Insignia Rank Character Name Vessel Current Post Status
Lieutenant JG Phos USS Doyle-A Science Officer Active
Insignia Rank Character Name Vessel Current Post Status
Lieutenant Commander Seff USS Doyle-A Tactical Officer Active
Lieutenant Beckett USS Constitution-B Operations Officer Inactive
Lieutenant Dessvilles Deep Space 6 Tactical Officer Inactive
Ensign Fax DSX - LoA Tactical Officer Inactive
Civilian Hardy Starbase 118 Ops Diplomat Inactive
Civilian Hardar "Howler" E'G'G Starbase 118 Ops Civilian Inactive
Academy Character/s
Insignia Rank Character Name Vessel Current Post Status
Lieutenant Commander James USS Centris-A Command Active
Cadet Khan USS Centris-A Cadet Active
NPC Vessels
Icon Vessel Type Status
  Haidora Maru Schooner-class Active
  USS Tell Antares-class Active


Event Involvement Date
Podcast Episode 2389-1 Book Review segment 30/07/2012
Podcast Episode 2389-2 Book Review segment 05/09/2012
Podcast Episode 2390-4 Interviewed by Major Handley-Page 01/08/2013
Fleet Chat event - Starbase 118 Focus Researched facts on Starbase 118 Ops and gathered list of former COs, including contact details. 10/11/2013
Podcast Episode 2391-1 Book Review segment 17/02/2014

Teams, Committees, et al


  • Member of the Training Team

Awards & Service Ribbons

Awards & Commendations
Award/Ribbon Name Character Stardate Posting
  Bio contest 'Featured Nominee' James 238908.01 USS Discovery-C
Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon 239006.21 USS Drake
  Bio contest 'Featured Bio' 239012.01 Starbase 118
The Neelix Award 239101.06
The Order of Starfleet Merit and Achievement First Class (TOSMA)
Good Conduct Ribbon 239102.17 USS Darwin-A
Lifesaving Ribbon
Purple Heart
Diplomacy Ribbon 2391006.15
Excellence in Training Ribbon 239107 USS Excalibur-A


Useful Links
